How do you beat/satisfy those late night munchies?!



  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Great suggestion!
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    I always end drink a casein protein shake before bed and I do it for a few reasons:

    1. It curbs my sweet tooth because I make it in the blender with ice and almond milk and it comes out thick and creamy like a milkshake
    2. The quantity fills me up between the powder, ice, and almond milk even though it’s only around 150 calories.
    3. Finally I make it the last meal of the day because casein is a slow digesting protein, it takes your body roughly 8 hours to break it down and process; so not only do I not go to bed hungry, I don't wake up ready to chew my own arm off.

    *Some casein powder can taste a little funny I have had the best success with Optimum Nutrition’s Cookie Dough flavor and Cyto Sport’s Cookies N’ Cream
    Great suggestion!
  • jenniferpark01
    jenniferpark01 Posts: 34 Member
    I make a protein shake with water and ice. It makes a nice treat and its very filling to me. Other times I think about the races I've signed up and that keeps eating healthy.
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I try to have cut up fruit in a container for those bad times. I also love little ice cream treats, like Yasso Greek yogurt mint chocolate chip or WW's toffee ice cream bar. If I have the calories, I love having one of my berry and protein smoothies, made with whey protein, unsweetened almond milk and berries, with a little stevia extract to taste. I add lots of ice and blend it to make it almost like an ice cream shake.
    I also love roasted chick peas. I make them in huge batches and add lots of ground chipolte pepper, garlic, and soak in lime juice. 134 calories per 1/2 cup, which I portion out at the beginning of the day. They are very satisfying and filling.
  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    omg, HLindsayA, I've thought of doing something similar (pics of what I want to look like) & tried but it didn't work...when I want something, I just want it and it tends to happen at night. I think what would help me is checking in with someone (or group of people?!) who has the same problem (like DON'T DO IT!!! :noway: ) and we could celebrate each successful avoidance!

    While I like a lot of tips people have offered on this thread, I don't do any calorie counting and don't deprive myself of anything so I can honestly say I crave munching at night cause I'm bored and it's a bad habit I just haven't broken.

    Sooo...if you or anyone wants an accountability buddy (preferably in the same time zone - PST - so we can check in) I'm all about it! If I can stop this night snacking thing for 3 weeks straight (that's how long to break a habit right?), I will finally reach my goal weight! :wink:
  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I've recently started budgeting some calories for a sweet tea with milk before bed. It's just a good way to destress for me. Is there something warm/cold and savoury/sweet that you particularly enjoy? It might be a good way to wind down.

    Have a cut off time for eating, if it helps. If you aren't going to eat after eight, for example, then you can be more creative with a drink. Just try to get it into your head somehow that there's no food allowed late at night. It sounds a bit bonkers but it works (and I say that as someone who can gnaw the night away)
  • jr235
    jr235 Posts: 201 Member
    Either plan ahead or just go to sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? I find I make horrible food choices when I'm tired or not sleeping enough.

    My favorite before bedtime snack lately has been peaches heated in the microwave with some milk, honey, and shredded coconut. Nomnomnom. I eat it with a tea spoon so it lasts longer. ;)
  • Evan808
    Evan808 Posts: 12
    Adjust your macros to fit it in
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    No reason to fight your late nigh munchies, you are just going to make yourself miserable and that will make you much more likely to fall off the wagon so to speak. Each person goes into their day knowing what meals they need to spread their calories out over (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack or whatever they have a habit of eating) so it just sounds like you need to plan this one into your day. If you are getting too close to your limit for the day, maybe cut back a bit on dinner so you will have enough left for snack later. That could be as simple as eating your salad without the dressing on it or eating an open faced sandwich to save the calories from the second slice of bread. 100 to 150 seems like it should be more than enough but budget what you think you will need. I don't think we will ever be successful if we deprive ourselves of the things we want so make sure you have room to have them. I know I wouldn't have a chance anyway.
  • myfrogs11
    myfrogs11 Posts: 53 Member
    I don't love breakfast but I LOVE dinner. I have coffee and maybe some cottage cheese in the AM, lots of water. Light lunch around 2, then work out for some extra calories and then basically get to eat whatever for dinner/late night eating. Love I have 1000 cals for dinner to use as I please and still keep an eye on total cals.

    You really need to eat more for breakfast....... even if that means sacrificing 1000 dinner calories...... that's probably too much anyway if you're just gonna be laying around the house after you eat. If you eat better in the morning, then you crave less at night. Cottage cheese is good because its high in protein but I would try to add a carb to that as well like some grits or some oatmeal or whole wheat toast. Coffee in the morning for me always makes my cravings so bad at night,,,,,, so I started drinking coffee in the late afternoon and even after dinner and I don't have night cravings anymore.

    I'm not very hungry in the mornings, til about 10. Lunch time at work is 1130. I don't need to eat again 1.5 hrs later. If I do, I'm wanting something again at 3. So I'll eat something small at around 10, something bigger around 2. Then I can eat whatever for dinner. It's more timing my calories for when I'm hungry rather than saying oh if I only eat this then later I can have 1000 cals later. I had a nice regular sized dinner (the wine was stress relief) and had a snack later when I wanted something else. It's kind of IF type eating. Plus I've always eaten more at night so this style allows me to do that and not feel bad about it.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
  • TIUClare
    TIUClare Posts: 62 Member
    Ah the night time munchies are a pain and definitely something that I struggle with. One thing I like to do is to avoid the situations where I'm likely to start craving snacks - sitting in front of the computer / tv for a long time is one of them! I try to exercise or do anything that wears me out and means I can't snack. Last night I was so hungry but I went to bed - the sooner I went to sleep, the sooner I could legitimately eat my breakfast :) it worked.
    I also go out for walks, get out of the house, but make sure I don't take money with me so I can't buy things whilst I'm out.
    It is hard but maybe think about your goals - write them out and make them into a list that you can see. Remember why you started this in the first place.
    Hope these helped! Snacking is a nightmare but I think with consistently avoiding it, it is a habit we can all break.
    Good luck!
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    My personal trainer suggested a cup of low fat cottage cheese at bedtime. Says it helps with snackos as well as keeps you from being starved in the AM. Seems to work.
  • moondazed
    moondazed Posts: 73 Member
    I simply try to eat a small snack that is filling! (or diet coke ;)
    I find a hard boiled egg+1tsp of mayo works well for me. However if you are really hungry there's no reason to deprive yourself of food. Eat a small meal/snack filled with lots of healthy goodies that will fill you up and leave you satisfied!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    A cup of hot tea usually does it for me.