Question concerning "Calorie in, calorie out."



  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    I'm almost 100 % sure that we are both saying the same thing.

    :smile: :wink:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    .If one consumes too much fat on a consistent basis, wouldn't that perhaps stop weight loss even if calories are not over consumed?

    I have only seen mentioning of that too high sodium levels might make them retain water weight, never anyone mentioning the too high fat consumption? It must have some affect?

    No, not at all. It is calorie in/calorie out. In fact, the Keto and Atkins diets are high fat/low carb and people have reported weight loss success on that.

    Sodium makes me retain water like crazy, but my diet is 30% fat. and I've done fine.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    If you're eating at a calorie restriction you'll lose weight. Depending on HOW you restrict your calories and your level of activity will affect your outcome. Meaning, do you lose more muscle and become skinny-fat, or do you maintain a larger percentage of muscle mass and look healthy?

    You don't want to restrict fat calories too much, as they are important in various aspects of hormone support and regulation. I believe the minimum recommendation is 20%. For the men out there, but in this day of low-T issues we especially need to watch our fat intake and make sure we are eating in that 20% to 30% range.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Just to be clear, losing weight DOES have decent health benefits.
    Eating the same food you have done previously, but being at a lower weight quite possibly offers more health benefits than eating so called 'healthy' food buy staying at a higher weight.
    Well enjoy that manly-er heart attack.
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Who said fat makes you fat? Dude I live a lifestyle of a HIGH FAT diet, lol.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Very true. Doctor Mauro Di Pasquale noted in one of his books (Metabolic Diet - ?) that he observed triglycerides actually increased in higher carbohydrate / low fat diets than in higher fat / low carb diets. Heck, cholesterol itself is a pre-cursor to testosterone production. Am I advocating keto diets, no I'm not. The point is that macro-nutrients play an important role in how your body functions and some care should be taken when on a calorie restriction.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Who said fat makes you fat? Dude I live a lifestyle of a HIGH FAT diet, lol.
    Well, the OP said he enjoys manlier foods such as pizza and cheese, which are high in fat, and you told him to enjoy that heart attack.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Who said fat makes you fat? Dude I live a lifestyle of a HIGH FAT diet, lol.
    Well, the OP said he enjoys manlier foods such as pizza and cheese, which are high in fat, and you told him to enjoy that heart attack.

    LOL, pizza is high in every macro-nutrient that's why it's such a high-calorie food. Obviously, a pizza diet is not ideal for one's health but if he needs to eat 2K cal or less a day to lose weight and he doesn't eat past that, then he'll likely lose weight. His overall health and well-being will probably suck. Good chance his bad cholesterol and possibly blood pressure will be high because of his poor food choices. His body composition will not be good, that is guaranteed.
  • enoliaa
    enoliaa Posts: 28 Member
    I have bread, cheese and pasta everyday but mixed up with fruit, veggies, meat. Try to learn to balance your meals a bit more without depriving yourself from what you love eating.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Where's the protein its all carbs?

    here's what I typically eat: (1600 calories): about 130g protein, 57g fat, 170 g carb macros 40/30/30

    Breakfast: peanut butter oatmeal, 5 egg white omelet, 1 cup almond breeze vanilla iced coffee
    Lunch: salad with 6 oz chicken, nuts, feta cheese, 1 tbsp. ranch dressing and 1 piece of fruit
    Dinner: 3/4 cup rice, 6 oz chicken and 2 cups of veggies
    Snack: 200 calories whatever I want (usually icecream or popcorn)

    I've tried eating like that but I can't do it. I get sick after eating that for awhile. Plus I can't stick to it.

    I like my pasta, my beer, cheese.

    I lost about 47 pounds a few summers ago eating and maintaining a 900 calorie a day diet and doing heavy daily cardio. But I've gained about 20 of it back since then.

    Eating nothing but fruits, veggies and chicken all day every day is not a realistic thing for me. It's just not and it never will. I'm too accustomed to processed foods.
    the menu above is not just fruits veggies and chicken and honestly sounds tastier than pizza rolls (yuck). Working in retail isn't really working out.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Who said fat makes you fat? Dude I live a lifestyle of a HIGH FAT diet, lol.
    Well, the OP said he enjoys manlier foods such as pizza and cheese, which are high in fat, and you told him to enjoy that heart attack.

    LOL, pizza is high in every macro-nutrient that's why it's such a high-calorie food. Obviously, a pizza diet is not ideal for one's health but if he needs to eat 2K cal or less a day to lose weight and he doesn't eat past that, then he'll likely lose weight. His overall health and well-being will probably suck. Good chance his bad cholesterol and possibly blood pressure will be high because of his poor food choices. His body composition will not be good, that is guaranteed.
    Oh, I have nothing against pizza, which may be macro nutrient, but it is also high in fat. I quoted because I understand why the poster asked for citations on the "heart attack" comment. I don't understand the heart attack comment either.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    As long as im taking in less calories than I'm burning per day I'll lose weight right?

    My daily diet looks something like this:

    Breatkfast = cinnamon oatmeal + coke zero (no calories)

    lunch = salad or sometimes ill get a turkey and cheese sandwhich with some chips and a water

    dinner = like 10 pizza rolls and a coke

    With all of this combined I still have about 20 calories left over. Mind you, this is with "Lightly Active" highlighted as well, and I work in a fast paced retail envrionment getting cardio so i don't need to go to the gym really. And I don't always eat like that either, my breakfast is always oatmeal and water or some 0 calorie drink. Lunch is often healthy too, usually a salad or something nutritious, but my dinner is always something that satisfies any cravings i might have which helps me stay on track.


    Seriously, to hell with the bizarre nutrition elitists. Eat whatever you want, just less of it, and you'll lose weight. Whatever works for you. The self righteous judgements can take a hike.

    Eventually, if your goals transition away from pure weight loss to overall healthful nutrition, the nutrition info will be more relevant to you.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Who said fat makes you fat? Dude I live a lifestyle of a HIGH FAT diet, lol.
    Well, the OP said he enjoys manlier foods such as pizza and cheese, which are high in fat, and you told him to enjoy that heart attack.

    Pizza is not a solely high fat diet. It's a high fat/high carbohydrate food.

    My "heart attack" comment was in relation to someone eating an overall horrendous, processed diet that's high in sodium, high in carbohydrate, and high in oils that are counter productive to heart health. It's his overall horrendous diet that has a higher risk for cardiovascular issues, not a safe, healthy high fat diet.

    "Fat" didn't even cross my mind when I created that post. I was talking about the overall poor nutritional profile of this person's diet.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Who said fat makes you fat? Dude I live a lifestyle of a HIGH FAT diet, lol.
    Well, the OP said he enjoys manlier foods such as pizza and cheese, which are high in fat, and you told him to enjoy that heart attack.

    Pizza is not a solely high fat diet. It's a high fat/high carbohydrate food.

    My "heart attack" comment was in relation to someone eating an overall horrendous, processed diet that's high in sodium, high in carbohydrate, and high in oils that are counter productive to heart health. It's his overall horrendous diet that has a higher risk for cardiovascular issues, not high fat.

    "Fat" didn't even cross my mind when I created that post.
    Thanks for the clarification.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    You're welcome.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Reevaluate your goals. Eating like that might allow you to n lose weight but that doesn't make it a good idea. You have no fruits, no vegetables and you obviously don't put thought into macronutrients. 10 pizza rolls and coke is not a dinner. You are not 5 years old and it's time to start eating like an adult.

    I may not eat like an adult but atleast I act like one.

    You should try it sometime. It's nice.

    Hate people like you.

    You are called an askhole.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    As long as im taking in less calories than I'm burning per day I'll lose weight right?

    My daily diet looks something like this:

    Breatkfast = cinnamon oatmeal + coke zero (no calories)

    lunch = salad or sometimes ill get a turkey and cheese sandwhich with some chips and a water

    dinner = like 10 pizza rolls and a coke

    With all of this combined I still have about 20 calories left over. Mind you, this is with "Lightly Active" highlighted as well, and I work in a fast paced retail envrionment getting cardio so i don't need to go to the gym really. And I don't always eat like that either, my breakfast is always oatmeal and water or some 0 calorie drink. Lunch is often healthy too, usually a salad or something nutritious, but my dinner is always something that satisfies any cravings i might have which helps me stay on track.


    Seriously, to hell with the bizarre nutrition elitists. Eat whatever you want, just less of it, and you'll lose weight. Whatever works for you. The self righteous judgements can take a hike.

    Eventually, if your goals transition away from pure weight loss to overall healthful nutrition, the nutrition info will be more relevant to you.

    Telling someone who flat out said they get "sick" when eating nutritious foods, and considered processed junk "manly-er", that they could run into serious health issues eating a diet where boxed pizza rolls are the main event is not being a "bizarre nutrition elitist".

    It's called being a concerned human being.

    What if somebody came on here and said they "hate" most foods and were planning to eat a diet comprised of nothing but Snickers bars and coke. Would yo be a "bizarre nutrition elitist" for suggesting that while they can lose weight, that might not be the best idea for their health?
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Citation please.

    As others have suggested - fat doesn't make you fat, calories do.

    Who said fat makes you fat? Dude I live a lifestyle of a HIGH FAT diet, lol.
    Well, the OP said he enjoys manlier foods such as pizza and cheese, which are high in fat, and you told him to enjoy that heart attack.

    LOL, pizza is high in every macro-nutrient that's why it's such a high-calorie food. Obviously, a pizza diet is not ideal for one's health but if he needs to eat 2K cal or less a day to lose weight and he doesn't eat past that, then he'll likely lose weight. His overall health and well-being will probably suck. Good chance his bad cholesterol and possibly blood pressure will be high because of his poor food choices. His body composition will not be good, that is guaranteed.
    Oh, I have nothing against pizza, which may be macro nutrient, but it is also high in fat. I quoted because I understand why the poster asked for citations on the "heart attack" comment. I don't understand the heart attack comment either.

    I guess one can argue that the % of saturated fats in pizza (topping dependent) would be greater and likely to have greater negative effect on one's bad cholesterol. Not sure... not going to take the time to look that one up. Any sensible person can determine for health's-sake that there are some things you should eat more regularly and some things should be eaten less frequently.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    As long as im taking in less calories than I'm burning per day I'll lose weight right?

    My daily diet looks something like this:

    Breatkfast = cinnamon oatmeal + coke zero (no calories)

    lunch = salad or sometimes ill get a turkey and cheese sandwhich with some chips and a water

    dinner = like 10 pizza rolls and a coke

    With all of this combined I still have about 20 calories left over. Mind you, this is with "Lightly Active" highlighted as well, and I work in a fast paced retail envrionment getting cardio so i don't need to go to the gym really. And I don't always eat like that either, my breakfast is always oatmeal and water or some 0 calorie drink. Lunch is often healthy too, usually a salad or something nutritious, but my dinner is always something that satisfies any cravings i might have which helps me stay on track.


    Seriously, to hell with the bizarre nutrition elitists. Eat whatever you want, just less of it, and you'll lose weight. Whatever works for you. The self righteous judgements can take a hike.

    Eventually, if your goals transition away from pure weight loss to overall healthful nutrition, the nutrition info will be more relevant to you.

    Telling someone who flat out said they get "sick" when eating nutritious foods, and considered processed junk "manly-er", that they could run into serious health issues eating a diet where boxed pizza rolls are the main event is not being a "bizarre nutrition elitist".

    It's called being a concerned human being.

    What if somebody came on here and said they "hate" most foods and were planning to eat a diet comprised of nothing but Snickers bars and coke. Would yo be a "bizarre nutrition elitist" for suggesting that while they can lose weight, that might not be the best idea for their health?

    It was specifically a CICO weight loss question. Not a nutritional question.

    This place is dogmatic, and I can see how it would be frustrating to get an answer about B when asking a question about A.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    His overall health and well-being will probably suck.
    If he was eating the same foods but more of them, his overall health will probably improve.

    As also seen by the McDonalds/twinkie guys - you can make your diet have 'worse' foods, but lose weight and still improve health.
    In this case I believe he's just reducing the amount of the same foods.
    Of course, it'd be better if he made loads of life changes at once, also solved the world's energy problems and stopped all cruelty to women and children.
    BUT... a lot of people fail when they set goals they won't reasonably be able to meet, so small steps are often a better bet to long term success.