Remember the day you said enough is enough?????



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Jan. 12, 2010 for me. I had been thinking about it for nearly 2 years prior to that, but I had not yet made the commitment to suck it up and do the work. Somehow I always managed to talk myself out of it. But that day, 2 weeks after my dad's 55th birthday party, it hit me that my dad's mom was 55 when she died of a heart attack ... my dad was my age when his mother died of a preventable disease. It was surreal. But that's when I finally decided I was tired of being fat and that I wasn't going to accept no for an answer anymore.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    1/4/2004 Hubby and I had decided that driving a truck longhaul was killing us. I weighed in that day at 306lb. I could barely climb the steps to get in my home. I made the choice that day to change. It has been slow with some setbacks but I can climb my steps now.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Wow I love this thread it gor 1800+ views and 83 comments. Here is my pay it forward deed. Check out my holy grail the arc. It helped me lose over 85 pounds
  • gypsyrosedog
    Have a chronic condition for which low fat diet is a child I clearly remember my Dr. at the local Pediatric hospital stating "You'll never be fat". I couldn't eat chocolate, fats etc. without an episode of my ailment. I also have a grandparent who is obsessed with weight to this day in her 90's won't eat if she's up a lb.
    Round 1 Wake-up:
    January 2005 I was a awarded a trip through work through peer nomination for work I had done. Although I was proud I was terrified of being seen in shorts & swim suits. I ended up joining a weight loss program at 241 lbs. and was down about 20 lbs by trip time and stayed on it two years losing about 80 lbs.
    Round 2 Change:
    When I was pregnant late 2009 my chronic illness got me good. I was hospitalised twice and sick quite a bit since then. Facing the specialist recomendation for treatment I realized my health was totally dependent pretty much on what I ate and I could prevent most of my attacks with why was I killing myself. With a weight of around 200 lbs. and a happy healthy 6 month old staring at me I realized my food issues are pretty selfish and I better do something quick.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm going to mark today as that day.

    I've struggled on and off and on and off again for YEARS. Should I eat this or that, what should I do, how should I exercise, etc.

    I've come to a realization I will not be 100% clean, 100% carb free, 100% vegan. What I will do is eat what I need to, and stop when I am full.

    Some days, I want a piece of cake. Other days, I want a salad. It's just the way I feel. Everything in moderation. I am so lucky that I have a love for cooking, and a hate for fast processed food.

    So today I make a vow, to fill my body not only with healthy nutritional foods, but not worry when I do eat that piece of cake, or pound of chicken wings. I don't do it every day, and I know what foods work best for me :)

  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    January 23rd 2010: My birthday. My brother in law took this picture of me that was HORRIBLE. He posted it on Facebook, and I was MORTIFIED. I was weighing in at 230 on my 24th birthday. I started to try to eat healthier, got a gym member ship in march and began the journey. It all clicked into place finally about july. Then I started losing about 1 pound a week. I am down 35 pounds, and weigh in at 195. For 2011, i plan on continueing the marathon, 5 pounds at a time. (That is the goal i set on my Wii Fit each month) I pound hopped through the Holidays (gain 2 pounds drop 2 one point I was down to 192....then right back up to 195)

    So here I am, first of the year with two goal in mind: Drop 40-50 more pounds by Christmas 2011, Pay off 1/2 of our financial debt: Because in 2 years, I want to be a cute skinny pregnant lady who has one of those cute basket ball stomachs, not just the chubby lady who looks like she is getting chubbier until the 9th month when everyone realizes "oh she was pregnant, and is out on maternity leave"
  • revphillips
    revphillips Posts: 19 Member
    I can't say that I remember the day, but I know it was when my BMI said I was obese. I've always seen reports about how obese the USA is, how our children are obese and I just never considered myself obese. I knew I was overweight, and I was OK with that, but I never thought of myself as obese.

    I downloaded an app on my phone about two years ago that was similar to MFP (It was pre-iphone) and remember inputting my information only to find out that I was OBESE.

    I seriously told myself (and believed it!) that this App was wrong, there's no way I was OBESE, I was still just overweight. I stopped looking at my BMI after that. I went on a "diet" then, but lost 4 pounds and then stopped caring about losing weight. I still stopped looking at my BMI.

    I want to be in shape when I'm 30. I already struggle with the fact that I'm single, never-been-married and have no children at my age while all my friends are doing the marriage/baby thing - so this is for ME. I want to be fit, in shape, and FABULOUS when I hit 30. If I'm not "together" with anyone when I'm 30, I at least want people to ask, "I wonder why this catch is still single?" - and NOT "It's always hard to date when you're overweight."

    Honestly though - I need EVERY DAY to be my "enough is enough" day - it keeps me motivated to keep going - all 24 hours of that day - even when I'm tired and have so many things to do - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH - and you must keep going!
  • kirra_80
    Beginning of 2003 I realized how unhappy I was and how I had gained a ton of weight while with my now ex-fiance. I was 5' 2 1/2" and 180 lbs. I wasn't working, lived somewhere I didn't have any friends, and was just generally housebound because I didn't like the way I looked. I was uncomfortable with who I had become. So I bought an exercise bike that my ex said I wasn't ever going to use. And I did use it and I still use it almost everyday. That bike paved the way. I started losing weight and feeling better about myself. A year later I got a job, 50 lbs lighter and left my fiance. I lost 10 more lbs for a total of 60 lbs. I have gained back about 7 lbs but I'm still at a healthy weight, exercise almost every day and try my hardest to eat well but at the same time not deprive myself. Everyday is a choice, whether to exercise or to eat something good or bad. Sometimes I make good choices, sometimes I don't. But I think everyone that has reached that point in their life when they want to change for the better, you'll remember it always and every time you start to slip, you'll think back and it'll give you motivation to keep trying.
  • mumofflea
    mumofflea Posts: 59 Member
    September 2010
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Today is that day. I'm sick and tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. I'm getting married in March 2012 and for once in my adult life, I want to look good and confident in pictures instead of thinking of ways to hide my fat. I love myself and I know my body deserves better than the junk I keep consuming and the lack of exercise I do. Enough is enough. I don't want to hide, I don't want to make excuses and I don't want to avoid mirrors anymore.

    I'm losing weight and gaining my life back.
  • IceFaith
    Mine was in May 2010. I had went to the dr for a routine visit and weighed 250 lbs. I had to work to stay focused during the rest of the visit because I was blown away by that number. I had been feeling terrible. I didn't have any energy. I felt ill most of the time. I had a new bf that is quite active and I couldn't keep up w/ him. I kept telling myself, I'm not this Old. I'm 37. I decided to start loosing weight.

    I lost 15 lbs pretty quickly and then stalled for about a month. I started cutting carbs and that boosted the weight loss again. I've lost about 5-6 lbs on average per month. I started exercising and have done pretty least pretty well for me..LOL

    I loved reading all the stories here. :)
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Mine is kind of silly, even my husband doesn't know the full reason for it.. it's kind of embarressing.

    I have always been a great fan of concerts and music and in May 2010 I went to a concert. The band Bullet for My Valentine was playing and I fell in love with them. I vowed then and there to loose weight for 2 reasons.. so that one day I could meet Matt Tuck (the man in my pictures.. I got my wish in Oct.) without being embarressed about how I looked.. I didn't want to be made fun of by my idol and 2. so I could jump up and down and actually enjoy concerts more now... but it was mainly for the first reason.

    I lost alot by Oct when I meet him and since I kept up with my goal for many reasons.. I want to look good and this coming summer I want to go to a theme park and enjoy myself w/o being to fat to fit into the rides.. and I also hope to go to more concerts and enjoy myself.. I got a good taste in November of a hardcore concert where I stood for 10 HOURS and didn't really tire out! It was an amazing feeling.

    I also want to one day be able to wear a bikini.. I never have been able to.. I was to embarressed but who knows what will happen this summer or next?
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    I've known this day was coming for a long time. I've always struggled with my weight and for a long time I would battle back and forth with the scale. However last year ('09-'10), during my second pregnancy, I was diagnosed with gestaional diabetes. I feel like I spent 9 months watching everything I ate. My son was born in April and I think I spent the next 9 months making up for whatever I missed out during my pregnancy. There are always excuses as to why and how I got to where I am liek I work too much, I don't have time, etc.This past New Years Eve I made up my mind that it had to end. I began 1/1/11 on the treadmill and have been going strong since. I lost 5 pounds in the first ten days and even though it's a little loss, it's enough to keep me going. My daughter is 4 and the other day she told me that she was afraid of getting a big belly and that just freaked me out so I've pulled her in on learning about healthy food choices and the food groups and we have a blast working out together on the Wii with games like Just Dance and the MJ experience. I think it's great to have the energy to keep up with her and for her to be learning about nutrition and fitness as a way of life with me. Hopefully she'll never have the struggle I've had to face. I want my kids to live a long, healthy life so it's about time that I want that for myself too
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    my moment came when i realized i got pleasure from being "full". i actually said outloud, "i love the feeling of being full". i realized i had a problem with food and i could fully appreciate the statement, "living to eat instead of eating to live." it's still a constant struggle for me. there are days i have to "will" myself to have the discipline to do it. but i also find that mode of wanting to change my lifestyle. one of the main things i love about this site is the accountability i have for myself. i want to do well. also the motivation i get from reading all the stories. especially the stories of struggling because i know i'm not alone. it's harder to give up when you know there are others who have the same issues. i used to shy away from watching shows like the biggest loser because i felt like such a failure or "how dare they sensationalize it BUT now.....i watch it!!! i get "it".
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    What a great post!!

    My day was 10-25-2010..I've probably told the story so many times people are sick of it :P I woke up, looked in the mirror and hated what I saw..not unusual than any other day but that day was my 28th bday. I thought to myself, "you were supposed to be thinner by were supposed to start a diet in Jan of 2010". That didn't happen...I did this EVERY year though! So, finally I decided enough was enough!!! I vowed to have my 29th bday and be proud of my accomplishments, not another year of wishing I had actually done it! So, my journey started on Oct. 26, 2010 and I cannot wait to see how far I get by my 29th bday on Oct 25, 2011!!!!
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Mine was 11/15/10 when I found myself in the hospital with chest pains and high blood pressure. With high risk family history, (Dad and Grandpa had their first heart attacks in their early 50's), I decided it was time to take charge of my health. My ticker's fine. I'm on two blood pressure meds and still struggling to keep it down due mostly to stress in my job. I have arthritis in my knees, (the doctor said that every pound overweight puts SIX pounds of pressure on the knees.)

    I can't do much about the family history of heart disease and high blood pressure, but I surely don't have to help it along. I've tried to lose weight so many times, even using the recent drug that everyone was trying. It all came back on.

    This time? It's for real. MFP is just what I needed to be able to keep track of my progress. Nine pounds down, and at least 50 more to go.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Wow lots of great stories on here. If you viewed and didnt post make sure to take a lesson from those who did. You have to be willing to share your story and let go before you can take responsibility and make a difference. Lets keep this going and keep pay it forward nation rolling.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    AWESOME! I know it is hard work.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Well the day for me was this Christmas 2010. I new that I was hurting myself with the food that I was eating and the behavior that it caused. Sugar was such a drug for me which made me overweight which made me mad at the world. My son left for IRaq and all I could do was worry and the only thing that gave me comfort was food. Christmas 2010 he was home for good and there was no longer an excuse to use to hurt myself. My husband most likely would have ended up leaving me so I took a stand.Today, I am 16 days surger free and I have not felt this good fin so long. Thank you to everyone for your inspiration. You will never know how much it helps!
  • NancyHukka
    Love the comment, it's a marathon not a sprint!
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