Calorie Burn of Just Dance 2?



  • Quick Q for people with these games - how much space do you actually need to do the dances? I really want a wii and this game, but I have a feeling i'll fall over the sofa/smash the tv if I try and use it in the TINY space I have!

    Depends how tiny! lol I have about 5'x5' to move in but for some things I just don't move as much (like if a step requires me to walk forward or back, I may go 1 or 2 steps but then walk in place the rest of the time). The biggest obstacle is how far from the tv you need to be. I think you are supposed to ideally be 8-10' away (you can probably find this info on the website) when you play with the wii. I think I'm a bit closer - 7' maybe and it still works ok but I can get out of range if I move too far left or right. Hope that helps.

    haha, well if I stood in the space between my sofa and tv, i'd be a max of 2' away from the telly. DOH!
  • SO MANY different replies, I'm frustrated. On another website I read approx. 1000 pts = 238 cal. One thing that nobody seems to mention is that the song you choose makes all the difference. I do Just Dance 3 and you can't just say "each song burns 20 calories" because "Jump on It" or The Chemical Brothers song is much more intense than say the mermaid song or the Katy Perry song. Also, the accuracy of the moves (do you stretch as far as the dancer? do you follow through w/ your moves? do you go all out?) also determines how many calories you burn so attaching any # of calories based on the number of just the songs, won't is determined by the user. I was hoping that the points they give you determined it and had a set ratio to calories. Annoying.
  • I wear a Polar HRM when I do Just Dance 2 and 3. I average for a super easy song about 20-25 calories. On some of the more instense songs its anywhere from 30-45. I hope this helps some. I should add that I am 5ft5inches and weight 216 lbs.
  • EarthMuffin2012
    EarthMuffin2012 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi...according to the sweat program, it goes by how many calories you burn as compared to an activity...
    I.E. tough program = 30 minutes of that's how i calculate it once I complete the daily objectives.
  • EarthMuffin2012
    EarthMuffin2012 Posts: 7 Member
    Mild Program - 300 points per day is about 72 calories
    Tough Program - 1000 points per day is about 238 calories
    Intense Program - 2000 points per day is about 476 calories

    This seems about right.
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    I love this game. :D It's definitely one of the routines I cycle through. I log it as Dancing, general. And because I have a HRM I log the specific calories burned.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I use HRM (with chest strap) when doing Just Dance 3. It usally 500 calories for approximately 1 hr and I work it as hard as I can and am completely soaked with sweat when I'm done.
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Using a heart rate monitor, its about 135 calories in 20 minutes, but this will be different for everyone
  • I can't recall if its JD2 or JD3, but if you program to do the "Sweat" program, you get to choose 1 of 3 programs. Depending what you choose, then you have to reach the goal (points) that the program assigns. The goal is to reach up to the assigned points for the week.

    If you look at your weekly schedule, it says at the bottom something like "It's like swimming for 30 minutes a day", or something to that effect. If you reach the daily points goal, then you've done the equivalent of the activity shown at the bottom.

    So basically those extremely large points you see are not calories, but points for the week. Don't worry so much about the weekly points. Concentrate on your daily points instead. I hope this helps explain a little bit.
  • I basically use the 4.2 sweat points = 1 calorie formula. I try to do the moves as close to the dancer as I can, but some of them are ridiculous lol. Namely the Rasputin song. I wish there was a way to calculate calories according to your weight.
  • 1 minute = 6 calories
    15 minutes = 96 calories
    30 minutes = 190 calories
    1 hour = 380 calories
    1 hour and a half = 570 calories
    And 2 hours = 760
    (for a 130 lbs woman) if you weight more than 130 and/or are a male then your caloric burn will be higher than this.
    If you did just dance for and hour & 1/2 every day each week, it would help you lose 1.14 pounds a week !
    570x7= 3,990 total calories burned in a week by playing just dance for an hour and a half
    3,990/3,500 (calories in a pound)= 1.14 lbs lost per week !
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    I do Just Dance 4 for Wii. I get very sweaty. I log it under "Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern, twist" and I check the daily minues log when I'm done (I don't usually watch the clock while I play I just say "oh, I want to do that song" or "ok, two more songs I think") and in no time it's 40-50 minutes of dancing. I always log under though, if the game says I did 43 minutes I put 40, 48 minutes I put 45.
  • you have to record it under general dance with the my fitness pal I did it for 75 minutes today and I think it was close to 300 calories burned your definately logging way to many for that little of time it is approximately 15/20 calories per song.
  • I do it also and record it under general dancing or you could do modern dancing but if you do it for 2 hours like i did the other night with my daughter I only logged 1 1/2 hours because you have to allow for down time when you are looking to play the next song unless you actually keep moving in between which we rested....I am loving it gives me something different to do.
  • meddxox
    meddxox Posts: 5
    There is stuff online about it but I often go on just dance, time how many minutes I do then put it under dance, general.
  • Here is a site you may want to check out. It doesn't list the WII dance 2 but it has a lot of different activities in it including dancing. It goes not only by your weight but also by height and age. :smile:
  • fayetinii
    fayetinii Posts: 17 Member
    If you have the money spare a polar f4 is a brill way to track calories burnt.
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