Addicted to pizza



  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    One time my friend Phil bet me I couldn't eat 12 slices of pizza in one sitting. He lost. :smile:

    Can you eat an entire large pizza from Costco by yourself? That's quite a feat...
  • fabir
    fabir Posts: 3 Member
    I love pizza too, whenever I crave it I go for a healthier option. Wheat crust instead of white, pesto sauce instead of red sauce, and veggies instead of meat. You should try Uncle Maddio's pizza if there is one around you!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    No you are not addicted to Pizza.

    If you think you are addicted please eat pizza 3 times a day for atleast one week. If you can do that then I will say you are addicted.

    Bwahaha, been there, done that. Free pizza sustained me through my young, broke, college years (and I was quite an active, healthy, slim girl). Guess where I worked (hint: it rhymes with Meezza Mutt)?
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    Make your own pizza? Get whole grain pizza dough or an English muffin, your cheese, light or whatnot, marinara saucee and vegetables and bake it in the oven or under the broiler and add your own toppings.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    Yes, say goodbye to all of your gains. Pizza in any amount leads to fat gain and muscle loss.

    You should be:

    1. Eating 6-7 small meals a day
    2. Eating zero processed foods
    3. Eating only low Glycemic Index carbohydrates
    4. Not eating any carbs after 6:00
    5. Never skipping breakfast.
    6. Not eating any grains, dairy, or gluten

    If you do all these things, you will be healthy no matter what.

    lowfat dairy products are actually very good for your health in terms of fat loss. Try greek yogurt (plain to skimp on sugar) and add some all natural sweetner, fresh berries, or a few nuts. Try hard cheeses and drink lowfat milk. Dr. Oz says lowfat dairy 3 times a day can equal a flatter stomach and less cravings.
  • no1saleit
    no1saleit Posts: 1 Member
    You guys are depressing! If someone loves Pizza they should be able to eat it in moderation. Perhaps more exercise that day. I also have had some very satisfying substitutes by using a whole wheat healthy bread base, good sauce, and the trick is to pile up the vegetables with limited cheese. Use low fat or cheese substitutes can be very satisfying.

    If you fall off the wagon one day though do not beat yourself up about it. Just get right back on your program. To say you can never have something is unreasonable. Eating it 4 times a week .....deserves a change. I have found that once you start eating better and different foods your body starts craving them instead of the bad foods. Perhaps this will happen for you. :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I have a confession to make. I think I'm addicted to pizza.

    I have been eating pizza at least 3-4 times per week. Am I doomed????


    try thin sliced pizza over deep dish... try making your own pizza at home using pizza sauce in a bottle and whole wheat flour tortillas or whole wheat pitas ("pitza") and look up recipes on how to bake them. Only use fresh veggies as toppings versus meat toppings unless its fat free ham or fat free turkey breast or lean chicken. good luck! Pretty much skip the takeout pizza unless its health food gourmet style place...... try california pizza kitchen they have a wide variety of options with thin crust.

    Fat free meat has no place near pizza.. well it has no place anywhere but please no... Skip takeout pizza??? I would put my local pizza place out of business if I did that. For the economy I must fit it into my day
  • allotmentgardener
    allotmentgardener Posts: 248 Member
    No you are not addicted to Pizza.

    If you think you are addicted please eat pizza 3 times a day for atleast one week. If you can do that then I will say you are addicted.

    That sounds like a challenge...

    I'm up for this challenge! :D
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    try to make ur own at home, make sure u use wholemeal flower, and fresh ingredients, low fat cheese and no salt, and slowly cut down as bread isnt good for u
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Without pictures of said pizza we can't be sure....


    Yes, say goodbye to all of your gains. Pizza in any amount leads to fat gain and muscle loss.

    You should be:

    1. Eating 6-7 small meals a day
    2. Eating zero processed foods
    3. Eating only low Glycemic Index carbohydrates
    4. Not eating any carbs after 6:00
    5. Never skipping breakfast.
    6. Not eating any grains, dairy, or gluten

    If you do all these things, you will be healthy no matter what.
    I'm sorry man but I'm not sure I can do all that. Seems like an awful lot of work.

    Bring me a slice with mushrooms and anchovies please :)
  • DecemberPsalm
    DecemberPsalm Posts: 97 Member
    This thread is hilarious:p

    I make personal pizzas out of "wheat greek flatbread" from the store (yes, it's processed and a whopping 200-something calories, BUT I don't like thin crust you you can't make me!!!! haha excuse me). Seriously, whatever brand it is (I forget) makes for the most delicious and hearty crust!

    I haven't made it since calorie-counting, but I would put sauce, about twenty thousand mushrooms (give or take), spinach piled high, a few olives, and...well..the cheese is a big issue for me, personally, so I used to put tons of cheese. When I make this again I will probably omit the cheese and make it a vegan pizza. Very filling!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    It's only okay to eat pizza at Planet Fitness. Otherwise, you'll get fat. Even from one slice! All those carbs.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Yes, say goodbye to all of your gains. Pizza in any amount leads to fat gain and muscle loss.

    You should be:

    1. Eating 6-7 small meals a day
    2. Eating zero processed foods
    3. Eating only low Glycemic Index carbohydrates
    4. Not eating any carbs after 6:00
    5. Never skipping breakfast.
    6. Not eating any grains, dairy, or gluten

    If you do all these things, you will be healthy no matter what.

    lowfat dairy products are actually very good for your health in terms of fat loss. Try greek yogurt (plain to skimp on sugar) and add some all natural sweetner, fresh berries, or a few nuts. Try hard cheeses and drink lowfat milk. Dr. Oz says lowfat dairy 3 times a day can equal a flatter stomach and less cravings.

    As I mentioned earlier, this list is sarcastic. Every thing I listed is a joke and does not need to be done to be healthy or even to lose weight. Also, Dr. Oz is a complete joke, please don't get any of your nutritional advice from him.
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    I eat homemade pizza every Fri night and have leftovers on Sat for lunch!!!!! YUMMMMM!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I daydream of pizza more often than I'd like to admit.
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    One time my friend Phil bet me I couldn't eat 12 slices of pizza in one sitting. He lost. :smile:

    Can you eat an entire large pizza from Costco by yourself? That's quite a feat...

    I don't know because we don't have Costco here, but I bet I could.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    One time my friend Phil bet me I couldn't eat 12 slices of pizza in one sitting. He lost. :smile:

    Can you eat an entire large pizza from Costco by yourself? That's quite a feat...

    I don't know because we don't have Costco here, but I bet I could.

    Good Luck :)

  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I think it's worth mentioning if there is no bacon on these pizzas, they aren't real pizzas and you've been led astray and living a lie
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I have a confession to make. I think I'm addicted to pizza.

    I have been eating pizza at least 3-4 times per week. Am I doomed????


    I had a Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich three times this week (!!!!!). Want to start a support group? I'll bring the pizza ;)
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    One time my friend Phil bet me I couldn't eat 12 slices of pizza in one sitting. He lost. :smile:

    Can you eat an entire large pizza from Costco by yourself? That's quite a feat...

    I don't know because we don't have Costco here, but I bet I could.

    Good Luck :)


    Yupp, 18" diameter. For pepperoni, one pizza is 3720 calories, 180g of fat, 228g of protein, 396g of carbs. So delicious...