Proof there's no such thing as big bones

culo97 Posts: 256 Member
People trying to be kind have called me Big Boned my whole life. This X-ray of a 900 pound man shows what a load of crap that was.


Bless their hearts for trying to be nice.


  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Nope, no big bones, Just wide frames, as far as I know.
  • tosharenee7
    tosharenee7 Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome! I cringe when I hear "Big Boned". How much bigger can bones really be?
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Then why doesn't every 5'6" 130 lb woman wear the same size shoes? Yes, most of the "big bones" comments are excuses but different people do indeed have different size bone structures.
  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    ^ I'd like to respectfully point out the difference between foot size and bone size.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Then why doesn't every 5'6" 130 lb woman wear the same size shoes?

    They pretty much do. Three-quarters of women fit in just three shoes sizes - and that's without adjusting for height. Adjusted for height, they fit in two shoe sizes.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    People do however have differnt bone structure. My hip bones are much wider set then many people I know so obviously I will never be as small as them due to my bones. Yes the bones themselves are not really bigger but the way my body is built is "larger", and not the same as everyone else.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Awesome! I cringe when I hear "Big Boned". How much bigger can bones really be?

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Some how I suspect that's not really an X-ray. It's supposed to be Keith Martin, the fattest man, but no.

    Not sure what shoes have to do with anything but am curious.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    People do however have differnt bone structure. My hip bones are much wider set then many people I know so obviously I will never be as small as them due to my bones. Yes the bones themselves are not really bigger but the way my body is built is "larger", and not the same as everyone else.
    I wonder if the difference has to do with how the muscles lay on the bones. I agree that women the same height and weight can look different. The thread below is about how the same woman had a 4 clothing size difference at the same weight and the same height. The difference was her workout routine.

    TOPIC: 135 Vs 135: 4 size difference

    Fat distribution can account for things like wideness of hips. That's why all 130 pound, 5'6" women don't wear the same bra size
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Yeah, I noticed one of my pals had reached a size 9 at 170 pound mark, but she was about 5 ft 8, I believe. On the other hand, I am 155 pounds and 5 ft 3, and I wear a size 11. My pal has a ruler kind of figure and I am almost shaped like an hour glass. I have wide hips and thick thighs and calves. My butt is bigger too. I couldn't understand that either, so I had to attribute it to her having a ruler figure to allow her to fit in the smaller sizes...I don't know, just a wild guess...
  • PennyHartz
    PennyHartz Posts: 49 Member
    I always assumed people who said "big boned" meant "larger frame". I'm 5'10", and even at my thinnest I still have broad shoulders and hips. Surely we can agree that people have different sized frames?
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    I always assumed people who said "big boned" meant "larger frame". I'm 5'10", and even at my thinnest I still have broad shoulders and hips. Surely we can agree that people have different sized frames?
    I never associated the expression big boned with larger frame but I should have. Apparently that's what the expression should mean, even though people I grew up around didn't use it that way. The medical field divides human bone structure into small, medium, and large. I didn't know that.
  • H20SIS
    H20SIS Posts: 19 Member
    One picture is proof?

    There is definitely such a thing as big bones. My wrist are so big I can hardly find watches that fit (I'm 6'4" 270). Go find a petite woman and and large guy and see the difference in their wrist.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Some people do have bigger bones than others.
  • christacb
    christacb Posts: 29 Member
    Same here. I have also always associated big boned as having the same meaning as large framed.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Some people do have bigger bones than others.

    Variety is the spice of life
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    Awesome! I cringe when I hear "Big Boned". How much bigger can bones really be?


    Just curious, was this photo taken at Fernbank in Atlanta?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    The picture - be it genuine or hoax - doesn't prove anything. Small framed people can be fat too.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I've got a 5'10" daughter who wears a size 11 shoe. She hasn't been below 150 lbs. since middle school, and often buys guys' sneakers and even smaller men's sport coats at thrift shops. She definitely is big-boned. When people see us together, they don't even think we're from the same species, let alone the same family! You can measure body frame by wrist and neck size. So, big-boned is not always a euphemism for overweight or fat.

    Another term that confuses me now is "curvy." It used to mean shapely, as in Marilyn Monroe, but now it's also come to mean overweight.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member