Any one 5'4" and weighs abt 165lbs?need some inspiration



  • CardiC333
    CardiC333 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi!! I'm a little hit taller than you so depending on your shape and where you carry the weight, we COULD be somewhat similar. I'm 5'5.5 and 165 or so now. But I started on MFP at 175 maybe 50 days ago.
    Add me if you'd like to check out my progress pictures. :) I had a horrible "Apple" shape with a fat tummy pouch from hell after a BIG weightloss!!!!! But its pretty much gone. Feels longer lol but 50 days!
    I deefffenatley had to switch up my eating habits to low fat, low carb, REAL foods that come to 1200-1500cals, and work out 5x per week or so.
    My weight would have been lower if I didnt go all in with stregnth and put on muscle along the way,
    But so many people tell me to START LIFTING anyway just so you have beautiful muscles underneath
    I have 15-20 lbs to go!!! And I hope to lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks.
    Anyone feel free to add me. :)
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm 5'4" and started MFP at 170. My highest was around 200. It took me about a year to get to 135, then another year to get to my low of 123. I'm sitting at 127 now after a month of sitting on my *kitten* and eating (and drinking) waaaaayyyy too much.

    I got to where I am by eating at 20% below my TDEE most days and keeping active. I like to hike and do body weight exercises. Most days I eat 1500-2000 calories.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    For more information about fitness and nutrition, I highly suggest checking out and joining this group. Make sure to read all the stickies:
  • I'm about 5'5" and started my journey at a whopping 236 lbs. Having already started this journey several times and failing, I knew that I had to really do something that I could make a lifetime habit in order to loose the weight I need to. I have been using myfitnesspal to control amount of calories I eat and tracking all exercise I do. By the way, a great workout program is the Tae-Bo videos!! I weigh-in on Saturday mornings, and actually take the weekends to relax and recuperate. I still do not pig out, but I'm not tracking calories or exercising during this time. Good luck. I know that if I can get myself in the right mind-set, anyone can. Don't give up!!!
  • AlexiCristina
    AlexiCristina Posts: 8 Member

    I'm 5'3" and I started off weighing 192 pounds. I now weigh 158 pounds. In about 4 months I have lost 34 pounds and I'm going to try for another 16 pounds. I do 45 to 55 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 5 to 6 days a week and use My Fitness Pal to log all my food and exercise. When I'm closer to reaching my goal weight I plan on lifting weights as well. Unfortunately I don't have any "before" pictures to show you.

    Losing weight hasn't been easy. Very often I want to give up and go back to eating the way I used to---lots of sweets, chips and crackers, large portions---but I have come too far to go back. The trick is knowing what you are eating. Portion control is key and so is regular exercise. When you go out to eat, look up the restaurant menu before time and look at the nutritional information. If you work or go to school, pack enough food for the whole day so you won't be tempted to go to the vending machine. I do allow myself to have treats. I'm a sucker for cereal and milk and sometimes I'll have a portion after dinner for dessert. I eat a little bit of chocolate when I'm craving it. I allow myself pizza once in a while. It's okay to treat yourself within reason.

    Most importantly, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Have faith in your goals and always keep in mind that what you are doing is working toward a better you and a healthier future. We're not perfect. All we can do is our best. Good luck and don't give up!

    Feel free to add me! That goes for anyone else who's reading as well.
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    5'3.75" start weight 215lbs maybe a little more, drop down to 139lbs but I didn't like the skinny fat look so I bulked up to add more muscle. Currently 150lb and cutting. Feel free to add me.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'm 5'3 and started at about 165. I'm still trucking along, but I'm pretty happy with results so far. I eat around 1700 calories a day (usually more) and lift heavy MWF, and usually toss in enough cardio to hit 3-4 hours of exercise a week.



  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    My name is Marie. Highest weight after first son was 200. Tht was 9 years ago. Got down to 140 with no calorie counting or anything. Steady workouts thou. Had second son 3 years ago. Got down to 125 with breastfeeding, calorie counting and workouts. Have gained and am 135 now. Feel free to friend me to see my diary, ask questions etc. I count calories and weigh my food. Eating around 1900 a day. Workout a ton. Everyday lately as I'm trying to get down to 125.
  • superspork2
    superspork2 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! I am 5'4" and started at exactly 165lbs in april. Im down to 144 now and I'm trying to get down to 135lbs. I dont think I have all the answers but I've come a long way and I have a little bit to go. I think the best thing is having a good support system and MFP is awesome. I wish you so much luck and feel free to friend me =)

    Heres me before and after right now,
  • alichristiana
    alichristiana Posts: 76 Member
    I'm still in the early stages, but I'm currently 5 feet 4.5 inches , 165 pounds. I'm wanting to get down to 126 pounds.
    I'm just doing it through calorie restriction and trying to keep active.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Hello :)

    I am 5'3 and I started off at a weight of 185 lbs when joining MFP last year. During the first 7 or 8 months I ate at a 1200 cal/day diet. I didn't really exercise much though so I dealt with the low calories well. After hitting a plateau I decided to switch things up. I am currently at around 140 lbs but I have started a weight lifting program called New Rules of Lifting for Women. I was in maintenance mode and eating 1890 cals/day but I have found that to be a little much for me. I am slowly playing with my numbers to get a better fit for my maintenance calories. I would like to lose about 15 more pounds but once you get close to your final goal it gets a little trickier to lose. The weight lifting will also make it a little trickier for me to lose considering I want to eat enough to fuel my workouts and build muscle but still lose inches and lbs. Good luck on your weight loss journey!

    OMG!!! you're looking awesome

    agreed!!!!! huge diff!!!!
  • Hi my name is danielle and about 2 years ago I pushed my self to go from 163 pounds down to 132 pounds in about a month by working non-stop everyday until around 3 eating and drinking the best I could and then followed that up with a run when I got he from work running an average of 2.5 miles a day and this really showed me how much I could do if I put my mind to it so I think it really depends on how much you can push yourself but it is definitely achieve able.
  • h20islife
    h20islife Posts: 54 Member
    I am 5'4" i started out at 164 i lost a total of 28 pounds so far. It had taken me one year. I did this by watching what i eat and excercising at least 3 days per week. It would have been faster then a year but i took a few months off. Good luck on your weightloss journey hope this helps u a little bit.
  • Clarehc
    Clarehc Posts: 15 Member
    I am 5' 5" and started at - I think (such a bad memory) 179lb after baby no 2. I did purely calorie counting, no exercise, stuck to 1200 a day and lost around 25lb in about 3 - 4 months. Sorry, am vague on exact details but I remember we went on hols so I fell off the wagon but maintained then I did another bout and lost another 10lb or so. Fell off the wagon (but maintained) as we were moving country. I jumped back on the MFP wagon 53 days ago (thank you, MFP, for reminding me) and have lost another 10lb, I think. I am just a few pounds off goal now but finding it much harder to shed weight so have begun exercising, some light cardio and lifting. I have seen a noticeable difference in my shape in just two weeks of this routine but sorry, no pics or measurements as I never thought to do any.

    Basically, stick strictly to your calorie deficit and try to introduce some exercise, ideally strength training, and you'll shed weight and change shape pretty quickly but think in small goals - 5lb, 10lb, etc rather than the overall goal. The idea also is to maintain this forever so it's about making sustainable changes - to the way you eat and also your activity levels. Good luck!
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I'm also 5'4" and started at 160 lbs. I'm currently maintaining around 137 lbs, and it took me around 4 or 5 months to get there. I think I ate roughly 1400 calories for most of it because I'm not really active. I also did pilates a few times a week.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    I'm 5 ft 3, and weigh 155. I started from 240 pounds though. I have seemed to hit a mild plateau though, so I adjusted some things to see if I can break it, hopefully.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'5" and started at 163 lbs. I lost 35 lbs in about 7-8 months by eating at a caloric deficit, making healthier food choices, and doing cardio 4-5 days a week for about an hour.

    2 years later, I weigh the same but lost 3 more pants sizes by adding weight lifting to my routine. I lift 3-4 days a week now (one of those days is with a trainer) and I run races, so I run for about 30-60 minutes 4-5 days a week to train for that.

    If you're not lifting, I highly recommend it. Best thing I ever did to get a slimmer body!
  • brbbringingsexyback
    brbbringingsexyback Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 5'1 heaviest was 190, I started MFP when I was 184, now I am 170! I have pictures up of me at 175. I will take pictures again when I hit 165! And every 10 lbs loss.

    I ate 1400 at first for April and May, and now for June I am eating 1200. :) I do C25K and Jillian Michael's 30 day shred.

  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    I'm 5'3 and weigh 167 lbs. I practice portion control and starting with Focus T25. Hoping to see some changes soon.
  • I'm 5'4 and around 180....I need to get batteries for my scale haha....but I know from how my clothes fit I am now between 180 and 185 likely. Been difficult for me over the past few years I weighed 167lbs in early 2009, eating fast food all the time+meds I was on that caused weight gain+not being active had me gain 40lbs in a year.... and then I got pregnant. And had my 3 daughters all in less then 3 years. I had actually never exercised in my life until after my second baby was born...and now my youngest is almost 2yo so the chaos of having 3 little ones is slowing down some and I am finally able to focus more on my health and fitness. I have been watching my calories and eating healthier and exercising daily for the past week(just 20 mins a day of cardio and strength exercises) and I feel soo much better! Hoping to see some changes in weight and how I look soon, but honestly that is like a bonus to how great it feels emotionally. Keep going all, and if anyone wishes to add me feel free :)
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