Don't get too muscular! Ugh!

DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
What is with some Women that they assume that muscles are unattractive not & feminine? I'm so sick of people telling me not to get too big or too muscular or that they are worried about working out because they don't want to get *manly* looking. I was expressing to a coworker the other day that I have gained some weight & I'm not happy about it & I want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next few months. She told me I look better now than I did several months back because I was too muscular looking & my Husband is probably happy that he has something to grab onto now & that guys like their ladies to be soft. Really? First off I wasn't "too muscular" back then, I was just leaner so I had a lot more definition & I loved it. My Husband also thought I looked great & was super impressed with my budding 6 pack. No I'm not trying to look like a huge body builder (although I find them super impressive) however my goal is to look like I could be a fitness model if I wanted to be & I think leanness & muscle definition is super sexy! I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset. It's 2014 muscles are for us ladies too! Why should boys have all the fun?


  • HeatherScent37
    HeatherScent37 Posts: 25 Member
    I have ALWAYS thought muscles on women were awesome. It's been my dream for 20 years to have guns like Linda Hamilton from Terminator 2! Or Angela Bassett. Or the body of any beach volleyball Olympian.

    And the way I see it, those bodies CAN BE achieved through hard work and commitment. Supermodel types with big boobs - I can't achieve that without plastic surgery or complete starvation, so why on earth would I aspire to that?

    Plus, I really want to be able to punch someone in the face if I ever have to. lol
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    to each their own really...some people like definition on women some don't. Neither is wrong it is just a personal preference.

    I lift heavy and my goal is 20% BF...but it's not set in stone...I might stop at 22%...I don't want the look you want...

    My sister does and I think she looks great...

    Now mind you...even at my current BF% I am defined...when I flex...and sometimes when I don' butt..

    for me it's enough stuff doesn't jiggle when I walk...

    I do however agree with the statment if women want to be really defined they shouldn't be shamed...and no weights are not just for the "boys" anymore and everyone needs to get used to it. As a note it's not just women...some men think women have no place in the free weight section of the gym.
  • sc003ro
    sc003ro Posts: 227 Member
    i think muscles are hot on a women!!!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Pics or it didn't happen.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I get more annoyed at women who say they want to be "toned" and aren't willing to use the necessary tools to get the body they want.

    If a woman truly wants to be thin, slender, and not muscular, then that's their perogative. If someone wants me to be less muscular, I simply say they don't get to decide. They can have their opinion all they want.

    As for the "what men want" in a woman, well, my husband has zero complaints. If a man can't find anything to grab onto when he's having sex with a fit woman, well, he's just not doing it right.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I like my muscles. I also like being able beat the shlt out of someone if necessary.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    shoulders and triceps are sexy. abs very hot.

    pretty much any muscle looks good on a girl except for monster traps IMO. not that anyone asked.

    crossfit women are hella sexy.

    must admit that the non-natural female body builder look does take it more then a bit too far, but ive heard women say the same of men.
  • dylan1965
    dylan1965 Posts: 10
    people are idiots and completely don't understand muscle synthesis and the importance of lifting when trying to lose weight

    because 1 - it helps you lose weight even when you are sitting around doing nothign!

    2 - it helps maintain shape so you don't just look like loose skin when you lose weight

    ---- the people that think like this are most likely the same idiots that use words like 'toned' and think if they do 200 crunches a day they will get a 6 pack.

    diet, lift, cardio. in that order. and you will be please with results.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    Offering her opinion about your body after you brought the topic up is one thing... telling you how your husband probably feels about it is entirely different! That takes a lot of nerve and seems very catty. I'd bet there's a little insecurity and jealousy in her that causes her to run her mouth and try to cut you down.

    Keep up the hard work and strive for the body YOU want. :)
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    Talking about your body with other people opens up the chance for them to offer opinions. Just talk about the weather instead.

    That's my thought too
    Pics or it didn't happen.

    well played, lol.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    When I was in my twenties people were always telling me to put on weight and eat something. I was an incredibly active endurance athlete though. 20 miles runs, 100 mile bike rides through the Rockies, kayaking and rollerblading. While it's nice when everyone loves the body you have, ultimately its your body built by you and for you.

    Now if an olympic runner had come up to me and offered me some advice I would likely listen, but the guy in cubicle thirty six is not likely going to be someone I consult for my fitness goals.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What is with some Women that they assume that muscles are unattractive not & feminine? I'm so sick of people telling me not to get too big or too muscular or that they are worried about working out because they don't want to get *manly* looking. I was expressing to a coworker the other day that I have gained some weight & I'm not happy about it & I want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next few months. She told me I look better now than I did several months back because I was too muscular looking & my Husband is probably happy that he has something to grab onto now & that guys like their ladies to be soft. Really? First off I wasn't "too muscular" back then, I was just leaner so I had a lot more definition & I loved it. My Husband also thought I looked great & was super impressed with my budding 6 pack. No I'm not trying to look like a huge body builder (although I find them super impressive) however my goal is to look like I could be a fitness model if I wanted to be & I think leanness & muscle definition is super sexy! I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset. It's 2014 muscles are for us ladies too! Why should boys have all the fun?

    It would seem that you are guilty of exactly what you complain of in your co-worker. Both of you seem to want to project your wants and likes onto other women.

    Why not just work toward your goals and let other women work towards theirs, even if theirs are different from yours?
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    What is with some Women that they assume that muscles are unattractive not & feminine? I'm so sick of people telling me not to get too big or too muscular or that they are worried about working out because they don't want to get *manly* looking. I was expressing to a coworker the other day that I have gained some weight & I'm not happy about it & I want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next few months. She told me I look better now than I did several months back because I was too muscular looking & my Husband is probably happy that he has something to grab onto now & that guys like their ladies to be soft. Really? First off I wasn't "too muscular" back then, I was just leaner so I had a lot more definition & I loved it. My Husband also thought I looked great & was super impressed with my budding 6 pack. No I'm not trying to look like a huge body builder (although I find them super impressive) however my goal is to look like I could be a fitness model if I wanted to be & I think leanness & muscle definition is super sexy! I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset. It's 2014 muscles are for us ladies too! Why should boys have all the fun?

    It would seem that you are guilty of exactly what you complain of in your co-worker. Both of you seem to want to project your wants and likes onto other women.

    Why not just work toward your goals and let other women work towards theirs, even if theirs are different from yours?

    Seriously? Where did I ever say that Women Have to look a certain way? I said Women shouldn't assume muscles are for Men only, I never said that All women need to have them if they don't want them. There is always one in the crowd :noway:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    When I was in my twenties people were always telling me to put on weight and eat something. I was an incredibly active endurance athlete though. 20 miles runs, 100 mile bike rides through the Rockies, kayaking and rollerblading. While it's nice when everyone loves the body you have, ultimately its your body built by you and for you.

    Now if an olympic runner had come up to me and offered me some advice I would likely listen, but the guy in cubicle thirty six is not likely going to be someone I consult for my fitness goals.

    Very good point. The person that this is coming from isn't at all into fitness, so I guess she really wouldn't understand.
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    What is with some Women that they assume that muscles are unattractive not & feminine? I'm so sick of people telling me not to get too big or too muscular or that they are worried about working out because they don't want to get *manly* looking. I was expressing to a coworker the other day that I have gained some weight & I'm not happy about it & I want to loose 10-15 pounds within the next few months. She told me I look better now than I did several months back because I was too muscular looking & my Husband is probably happy that he has something to grab onto now & that guys like their ladies to be soft. Really? First off I wasn't "too muscular" back then, I was just leaner so I had a lot more definition & I loved it. My Husband also thought I looked great & was super impressed with my budding 6 pack. No I'm not trying to look like a huge body builder (although I find them super impressive) however my goal is to look like I could be a fitness model if I wanted to be & I think leanness & muscle definition is super sexy! I just wish Women would get out of that whole "Muscles are for Men" mindset. It's 2014 muscles are for us ladies too! Why should boys have all the fun?

    There's a really simple solution to this, and I hear women complain about it all the time.

    When someone says, "Don't get too muscular." Just smile and reply, "Don't get too fat." Then wink. Then run off and carry heavy things and pull yourself up over walls and be happy being a badass.

    They'll still be standing there looking down at their stomachs.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    Offering her opinion about your body after you brought the topic up is one thing... telling you how your husband probably feels about it is entirely different! That takes a lot of nerve and seems very catty. I'd bet there's a little insecurity and jealousy in her that causes her to run her mouth and try to cut you down.

    Keep up the hard work and strive for the body YOU want. :)

    Thanks I plan to :wink:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    people are idiots and completely don't understand muscle synthesis and the importance of lifting when trying to lose weight

    because 1 - it helps you lose weight even when you are sitting around doing nothign!

    2 - it helps maintain shape so you don't just look like loose skin when you lose weight

    ---- the people that think like this are most likely the same idiots that use words like 'toned' and think if they do 200 crunches a day they will get a 6 pack.

    diet, lift, cardio. in that order. and you will be please with results.

    Couldn't agree more! I couldn't lift for a few weeks after a surgery I had, so I was basically a cardio bunny during that time & it did my body no favors. I actually lost some of my muscle tone :sad:
  • DJ7203
    DJ7203 Posts: 497 Member
    shoulders and triceps are sexy. abs very hot.

    pretty much any muscle looks good on a girl except for monster traps IMO. not that anyone asked.

    crossfit women are hella sexy.

    I couldn't agree more!