Official "Get Friends" Thread



  • sarahs_lane
    sarahs_lane Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    So about 2 years ago I dropped 15 lbs with the help of MFP and have kept it off without having to count calories (success!). I am at 163 lbs right now and since I have been stable for a few years I would like to make my next goal 145 (almost a 20 lbs drop). I have tried again and again to start but keep falling off the wagon. Last time was so much easier because my calorie goal was higher. As soon as I go over my calorie goal I get depressed and just stop, bad I know. I need some motivated individuals to help keep me focused!
    A little about me: I am 23, work a desk job during the day, am a swim coach at night, live in Wisconsin, need to find time to workout, and I have Celiac Disease (basically means I am gluten free).
    Send me a request! I will try and help you stay motivated as well!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I need some friends!

    This is my 2nd time around on MFP. My husband and I did it together the first time and he lost 60 and I lost 30. Life happened and I gained 20 back. I've been trying to lose the same 20 for almost 2 years and I'm tired of it. I am doing it this time come hell or high water!! One thing that helped me before was being involved on the boards and having lots of friends!
  • Hi :)
    I'll be happy to add you, as I too am looking to make new friends to help my motivation. So anyone feel free to add me :) I log daily x
  • jnord8729
    jnord8729 Posts: 234 Member
    I can always use a few more to help keep me on the wagon. I have about 30 more to go!
  • Madhatton
    Madhatton Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a newbie! (Well, if we don't count last time ;). )

    5'8 and 30kg to loose.

    From the uk

    Let's be friends!
  • Hi everyone! I've been using MFP off and on for awhile and thanks to a friend I've been inspired to re-start and hopefully stick to it. I'm looking to lose about 40+ lbs and become a healthier person. I'd love to have more friends to keep me motivated through this!
  • Hi! I'm 25 and my wedding is in 2 years...I've wanted to get back into shape for a while, but have lacked true motivation and struggle daily with eating choices and having the motivation/confidence to exercise. I joined a gym recently (just opened) and at first it was friendly and welcoming and while that is mostly still true, a lot of the guys from the other gym in our town have also joined and can be a bit intimidating. I was a varsity athlete in college and was very fit and had healthy habits (I also went to the gym, with my team and many of my friends were athletes, so it didn't bother me to see them in there), I think I often feel ashamed knowing my prior level of fitness, as well as what my body used to look like, but I've got to begin to change and I thought this could be a great way to start! Office life has caught up to me and I've got to take back the reigns! I'd love to get in touch with people who log daily and start to build a mutual support network. Thanks!!
  • Hello :)

    I am new here too. I only want to lose a few pounds but I log every day so I can make sure I eat healthily. Please feel free to add me :)
  • underpsi01
    underpsi01 Posts: 14
  • bpas828
    bpas828 Posts: 19

    In for round 3, add me peeps!

  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    Hi, I'm Greg. I'm 40 and looking to lose my last 30 lbs. I've restarted my diet on May 19th and am also exercising 60 min per day, 5-6 days a week. Let's keep each other accountable so add me!
  • Callie516
    Callie516 Posts: 358 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me! :)
  • princesswarrior1
    princesswarrior1 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Sara, from Seattle. I am always looking for motivation. My goal is to lose 15 to 20lbs along with gaining muscle and definition. I just bought a Polar PT4. Super excited to use it with MFP. Feel free to add :-)
  • annziexo
    annziexo Posts: 90 Member
    Hey I'm Jade, age 20 looking to lose 25lb ! Need motivational friends please add ;)
  • Arne_becomesxXx
    Arne_becomesxXx Posts: 504 Member
    Hey there, I´m Arne, aged 40 from Germany and have to loose 20 Kilo / 44lb.
    I really need supportive, motivational and funny friends.
    So, feel free to add me :)
  • sdburns2013
    sdburns2013 Posts: 2 Member
    How is everyone? Currently weight loss goal is 30lbs. Please feel free to add me :smile:
  • _mr_b
    _mr_b Posts: 302 Member
    Happy hump day!

    UK based MFPer here, although feel free to add me wherever you are!
  • bpas828
    bpas828 Posts: 19
    Bumpity bump bump
  • gettingfit4Rachel
    gettingfit4Rachel Posts: 21 Member
    I am finally serious about losing weight and ready to add friends to help me along this journey!! I am
    25, married to a Marine and we have two cool kids oh and one fur baby :-).
    Add me if you like!!
  • PlayBall5
    PlayBall5 Posts: 125
    Hello All,

    You might think this odd but I am looking for friends who are male and in the maintain weight stage who can help me with my own maintenance stage. Most of my friends are female and all though they are great I am looking for friends who are around 5'10" and 175lbs. Feel free to send me a friend request.