Proof there's no such thing as big bones



  • trisha986
    trisha986 Posts: 139
    Some people do have bigger bones than others. And I don't mean in length but in width. I am very petite compared to my younger sister. I am 5'4 and 123 lbs and she is about 5'7 and 150 lbs. Besides the obvious height difference, when she is at her skinniest her arms and such look wider where as mine look tiny and boney. Her bones are definitely wider than mine. Not sure if I'm making much sense but I know what I'm talking about! haha
  • As someone who in deed has big bones the Proof is in my wrist bones but x-rays would also show you. I beg to differ.
  • EthanTheBrave
    EthanTheBrave Posts: 8 Member
    I'll agree with both that there's no such thing as 'being big-boned' and what some other people said that there definitely is 'being wide-framed'.

    I have a wide frame with broad shoulders. I know there are some weights that I will never be able to reach and that's fine, because on the flip side of that I know if and when I go to bulk up with muscle my frame will be able to handle a lot more.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I've seen some purdy big bones in my day.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    They lied to me:sad:
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    thats a 3D rendering
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have a large frame. Big head, wide shoulders, wide rib cage, big hips, big hands and feet. I am 5'9". I have a healthy BMI, a healthy body fat percentage and weight 155lbs.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    People trying to be kind have called me Big Boned my whole life. This X-ray of a 900 pound man shows what a load of crap that was.


    Bless their hearts for trying to be nice

    Weird, skeleton and body facing forward but head facing to the back..:grumble:
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    Some are bigger, some are longer, some are thicker.

    Wait what.
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    I've seen some purdy big bones in my day.

    I see what you did there :-)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Some are bigger, some are longer, some are thicker.

    Wait what.

    It's all about girth...
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    They lied to me:sad:

    They were only trying to protect you.......
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    There definitely is a difference in ones bones. I had a doctor tell me I wouldn't be small because I had large bones. If there wasn't a differences, why are there charts that have small, medium or large for men and women on the weight charts. If everyone has smallw bones wouldn't their hands and feet be small too. Also, even though I have lost over 50 pounds, my chest size has not change. How my upper body frame is now is due to my bone size and structure. I can see my collar bones which I couldn't see before I lost the weight. I'm Just Saying!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I have curvy bones.

    You might want to have that looked into. There is medicine that can help alleviate such problems.

    i call myself "big boned" as in - i have a very large frame. You'd be lucky if you ever saw me below 175 lbs. I'm 6', and I've seen men taller than me who weighed significantly less.
  • jenbroussard71
    jenbroussard71 Posts: 265 Member
    Ever heard of Andre the Giant?
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I always assumed people who said "big boned" meant "larger frame". I'm 5'10", and even at my thinnest I still have broad shoulders and hips. Surely we can agree that people have different sized frames?
    I never associated the expression big boned with larger frame but I should have. Apparently that's what the expression should mean, even though people I grew up around didn't use it that way. The medical field divides human bone structure into small, medium, and large. I didn't know that.

    Yep, people def have different sized frames, but it's NOT a reason for obesity. However, ladies in particular, need to realize that they may never be a size 4 or 6 because they have a frame larger than would allow, even at low body fat. It's so important for us to be happy and healthy as ourselves, not as what we perceive we should be.
  • 88keyz
    88keyz Posts: 1
    There really is a such thing as big-boned, though I agree that it is almost always used as an excuse to explain being overweight. You can see a difference when you put two skeletons of the same height side-by-side, but I imagine that a lot of people have not had the opportunity to see this. There are women who are still alive and in a size two, and there are women who are dead and nothing but a skeleton remaining who could not wear a size two. You see it mostly in the pelvis, rib cage, wrists, and ankles. Obviously foot size would be different, but that wouldn't be indicative of whether or not you are "big-boned".
  • Wheetsin
    Wheetsin Posts: 4
    Removing "big bones" from the conept of fat, yes - bones are different sizes. There's not too much variance among healthy adults in bone diameter, but there's a lot of variance in bone length. Says my 6'5 husband to his 5'4 sister. Being taller gives you more height to distribute the weight. At 5'11 my "ideal body weight" is much higher than someone who is 5'2. I've always taken "big boned" to be a reference to frame, and in the context of weight, the principle that taller people can/should weigh more than shorter people. IT's an expression that has been misused in euphemism for being fat/obese/chubby/whatever, and sort of evolved into an excuse.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    My bones are very confused. I'm 5'8" wear a size 6 shoe, have a 6" wrist but the shoulders and rib cage of a linebacker, by my foot and wrist size I would classify as small framed, one look at my shoulders, however contradicts that classification....
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    As someone who in deed has big bones the Proof is in my wrist bones but x-rays would also show you. I beg to differ.
    I agree. My mother and my sister are very small boned. Their wrists are an inch in circumference smaller and their wedding rings will only fit on my pinky. I am about the same height and weight as they are so how else would someone classify it if not that my bones are bigger/thicker than theirs? There are plenty of height/weight charts that take frame size into account for a reason.