Daily sugar, guys... Daily sugar

What is going on here? Is it a mistake? I have two small pieces of fruit and the calculator says I'm over my sugar intake. I need that fruit and my vegetables for health. Everyone does. And if I cut out a healthy part of my diet to lose weight I'm going to need to add that back in. So, my question is : has anyone written in to ask or has anyone even noticed this before? Natural sugars are different than added sugars. Many fruits and vegetables have an ability to help you with your weight loss. A lime juiced into a water can flush out fat. It's great for your skin. Blueberries breakdown belly fat. These are some vain reasons to eat these. But, eating our daily fruits and vegetables helps ward off diseases. We need them. Look up a few of your favorite fruits today. Look up health benefits of that fruit. You should come across a few sites. You'll find all the reasons we have been told to eat our vegetables since we were a kid. Crazy, right? Try and stay away from added sugar and keep your fruits and vegetables within the daily range! But make it to that range! ;0) <3 good luck!


  • chijenyogini
    chijenyogini Posts: 6 Member
    I haven't had this experience at all. What type of fruits are you eating? What is your daily limit?
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member

    Now hush, and eat it all! :drinker:
  • tomatosoup3
    tomatosoup3 Posts: 126 Member
    that happens to me also. i ignore it.
    it wants to tell me i can't have melon and a peach on the same day? forget it!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Sugar is Sugar, and unless you have a medical condition that you need to monitor your sugar intake, I would not bother tracking it at all, switch it out to track fiber or something else more useful :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    A lime juiced into a water can flush out fat. It's great for your skin. Blueberries breakdown belly fat.
    Can you link to the scientific peer reviewed studies that show this? Especially the one about lime juice flushing fat away as I need a good drain cleaner
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Sugar is Sugar, and unless you have a medical condition that you need to monitor your sugar intake, I would not bother tracking it at all, switch it out to track fiber or something else more useful :)

    Agreed.... Never have tracked sugar....... I replaced with fiber..... Best of Luck
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    only thing i bother paying attention to is calories and protien
  • Terry_59
    Terry_59 Posts: 4 Member
    You can eat your fruit IF you increase your exercising and burn those calories off! :)
  • PrincessTinyheart
    PrincessTinyheart Posts: 679 Member
    I have issues with this too as I can easily eat 4-5 servings of fruit a day - I have a banana with my breakfast and various fruits as desserts and snacks . My processed sugar intake is very low by comparison. But because of my fruit my daily sugar intake is always over my limit.
  • Hellobeautifuls
    Hellobeautifuls Posts: 64 Member
    This was in response to fatdoob.


    Makes it easier to flush fat out of your system. I'm sorry. I'm hoping to get you guys to research yourself.
    If you read on numerous sites many fruits and vegetables help slow down aging, help fight off the possibility of cancer (ihope I worded that right) help fight off eye disease help clear skin... Etc. I just meant to look it all up. And that nobody should cut out fruits and vegetables because of sugar intake. That's why there is a recommended daily intake. Which I believe, if you are exercising a certain amount more and based on age and gender that amount may go up. Because you need more of those nutrients. I just wanted to put that out there. I am sorry if I did not word that it will not be a miracle worker. But it's healthy for your liver. Which you might want to double check that. I am going by memory only. (The lime juice)
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    I'm always over my sugar because of fruit and such.

    By rule of thumb, I won't eat any processed foods that have 5g of sugar or more per serving.

    20g of articifical sugar is what i try to intake a day. Just be mindful of things with over 5g of sugar and you'll be fine. Also check the ingredients list. There are lots of names for sugar that are disguised, so just try to get as natural as you can.
  • getlean414
    getlean414 Posts: 27
    That happens to me about almost every day, and I just ignore it. I've pretty much accepted that I'm gonna go over my sugar. and even though I do, I am still getting results. I think its okay to go over your sugar if we're talking fruits, like you said it's natural, but if it's candy or processed/artificial then yeah I'm skeptical about it.. Best of luck to ya!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    For what it's worth, MFP's default sugar number is based on the recommendation for added sugars in your diet, but the diary doesn't differentiate between added sugars and naturally occuring sugars. If you don't have a medical reason to track sugar, then consider swapping that column out for something more useful to track (like fiber).
  • pjb58
    pjb58 Posts: 100 Member
    Happens to me almost every day. Eat one banana and it's all over.
    I keep very close watch on my calorie, sodium, sugar etc. intake, however, when it comes to fruit I ignore the sugar.
    This works for me but you must find what works for you.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I'm always over my sugar because of fruit and such.

    By rule of thumb, I won't eat any processed foods that have 5g of sugar or more per serving.

    20g of articifical sugar is what i try to intake a day. Just be mindful of things with over 5g of sugar and you'll be fine. Also check the ingredients list. There are lots of names for sugar that are disguised, so just try to get as natural as you can.

    Not necessary. I eat fruit, cookies, cake, ice cream whatever as long as it fits into my day and all my other nutritional needs are being met it's all good. Sugar is not the devil
  • Hellobeautifuls
    Hellobeautifuls Posts: 64 Member
    Sugar is Sugar, and unless you have a medical condition that you need to monitor your sugar intake, I would not bother tracking it at all, switch it out to track fiber or something else more useful :)

    Great point! I never thought of this! Thank you for pointing that out! I would never want to lead anyone astray!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    A lime juiced into a water can flush out fat...Blueberries breakdown belly fat.

    Wrong - this is simply wrong.
  • Hellobeautifuls
    Hellobeautifuls Posts: 64 Member
    This was in response to Marissaanik
    I agree! I've read about it artificial sugar and am trying to cut it out of my diet as much as possible. Especially since I am upper 20s. I've read it interferes with the production of collagen and elastin. And the other health problems it can cause. I was a big sugar eater. That's why.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Sugar is Sugar, and unless you have a medical condition that you need to monitor your sugar intake, I would not bother tracking it at all, switch it out to track fiber or something else more useful :)

    Agreed.... Never have tracked sugar....... I replaced with fiber..... Best of Luck

    i'd go as far to say that every carb = sugar. because your body has to break it down into glucose (sugar) in order to absorb it.

    and often 'complex carbs' can raise ones blood sugar more then sugar
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I try not to go over my sugar (and sometimes fail) but I also try not to get overly stressed about it since I'm still within my calories on those high-sugar days.