Gents, what do you lift?



  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    Ok I am 42 and a tiny dude. 165cm (5'5") and 63kg (138lbs) with tiny numbers I don't know my 1RM I have never tried but this is where I am currently at:
    bench 70kg x 8
    deadlifts 120kg x 8
    squats (pathetic) 90kg x 10

    I started lifting in September. I feel my greatest achievement are my pull ups. When I started I could only do 3 now I am doing 3 sets of 10 (usually 10, 8, 8) with a 20kg plate attached.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    There are some strong fellas in here! Very nice! :smile:
  • coachbennettlhs
    coachbennettlhs Posts: 30 Member
    Tested events doesn't mean a person is drug free.

    It does when you're me.
  • coachbennettlhs
    coachbennettlhs Posts: 30 Member
    Nice! 470 bench is much more impressive without drugs. Have you always had your lifts so close? I found its so much easier to go heavier in deads especially, and squats than bench, but you can squat about as much as you bench normally?

    Thank you. I had some issues with various injuries over the past few years and never really refocused on squats (my stupidity). I'm currently on a squat program that I designed and things are looking better than ever. I plan on doing my next full-power meet in March 2015 and I expect big things from myself on squats...

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Where I currently am:

    Squat - 185 (5x5), 235x1
    DL - 285x6, 300x3
    Bench - 175 (5x5)
    OHP - 115 (5x5)

    Just finished the 285x6 DL moments ago. Still slowly making progress.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    My stats and PRs:

    36 years old, 5'11, 245-ish

    Squat - about 500 (testing next week)
    Bench - 470 raw, 495 with shirt
    Dead - 640
    OHP - 290 strict

    I've been a competitive powerlifter for about 6 years and currently delving into some Olympic lifting. And yes, I'm drug-free - I only compete in tested events.

    You sir are an absolute beast. Wow!
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    50 years old, 51 in 2 months.
    5' 7" 229

    All time best lifts from last year when I was training heavy:

    Bench 270
    OHP 175
    Squat 455
    Dead 465
  • theguyg
    theguyg Posts: 6 Member
    35 yo, 5'8" 208lbs, BF% high 20's at least probably low 30's, lol.

    Bench 345x3
    Inc Bench 315x3
    Shoulder Press (Smith) 205x12 for 4 sets
    French Press/Inc. Skull 115lbs x 20
    Squat 315x8 (haven't tried 1RM)
    Deadlift 315x6 (haven't tried for 1RM)

    Always a work in progress. I've only been back in the gym for coming up on 3yrs in November. I took a 12yr nap. Started forming a little tennis elbow as I was going heavy no benchs. So I've backed down for a month, really wanted to get 365x3, so it's still there as a goal.
  • theguyg
    theguyg Posts: 6 Member
    Great posts all around! Keep it up fellas!
  • theguyg
    theguyg Posts: 6 Member
    My stats and PRs:

    36 years old, 5'11, 245-ish

    Squat - about 500 (testing next week)
    Bench - 470 raw, 495 with shirt
    Dead - 640
    OHP - 290 strict


    Beastmode sir! Great numbers, keep us posted on those squat improvements after your next meet.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Tested events doesn't mean a person is drug free.

    It does when you're me.

    And I have no reason to not believe you. I just don't like the notion of people saying "well, they test so he must be drug free." If you get caught, you did your cycle wrong. By the same token, just because you compete in an untested fed, doesn't mean you are on something.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    495lb bench press with PED's?? Yes it is. PED's aren't magic, you still have to work your *kitten* off, eat right, and recover to get the benefit.

    Well, that's almost exactly what one has said when he started using, that it "feels like magic" after struggling before. But it still is impressive when my gym's resident bodybuilder takes my recent max of around 365lbs bench and does it for 3 sets ...of 6-10 reps...without a spotter...

    But yeah, still cheating ;) :P

    Cheating how? Unless you're using gear in a tested federation it wouldn't be cheating.

    Using steroids vs average gym goer = cheating? no.
    Using steroids vs other non tested lifters = cheating? no.
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 331 Member
    There are some strong fellas in here! Very nice! :smile:

    This. Nice work lads.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Tested events doesn't mean a person is drug free.

    couldn't agree more, but do not mean to imply that the poster is not being truthful
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    Video, or it didn't happen.
    Well...SOMEONE wants to see some benchpress "porn"! And who could blame ya? :wink:
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    According to

    These are all 1RM calculations based off my best sets according to

    I can deadlift a mature harbor seal.
    I can bench a baby elephant.
    I can squat a loggerhead sea turtle.
    I can OHP a baby giraffe.

    Be impressed of my mastery of the animal kingdom, friends. Also, I am doing this because I am not lifting as much as other posters in this thread, lol.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    495lb bench press with PED's?? Yes it is. PED's aren't magic, you still have to work your *kitten* off, eat right, and recover to get the benefit.

    Well, that's almost exactly what one has said when he started using, that it "feels like magic" after struggling before. But it still is impressive when my gym's resident bodybuilder takes my recent max of around 365lbs bench and does it for 3 sets ...of 6-10 reps...without a spotter...

    But yeah, still cheating ;) :P

    Cheating how? Unless you're using gear in a tested federation it wouldn't be cheating.

    Using steroids vs average gym goer = cheating? no.
    Using steroids vs other non tested lifters = cheating? no.

    It is only cheating if you are in a drug tested sport.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Tested events doesn't mean a person is drug free.

    couldn't agree more, but do not mean to imply that the poster is not being truthful

    I didn't mean to imply he was either, which is why I cleared things up later.
  • Onderwoman
    Onderwoman Posts: 130
    495lb bench press with PED's?? Yes it is. PED's aren't magic, you still have to work your *kitten* off, eat right, and recover to get the benefit.

    Well, that's almost exactly what one has said when he started using, that it "feels like magic" after struggling before. But it still is impressive when my gym's resident bodybuilder takes my recent max of around 365lbs bench and does it for 3 sets ...of 6-10 reps...without a spotter...

    But yeah, still cheating ;) :P

    Cheating how? Unless you're using gear in a tested federation it wouldn't be cheating.

    Using steroids vs average gym goer = cheating? no.
    Using steroids vs other non tested lifters = cheating? no.

    Oh come on. Of course its "cheating", if its no rules not in a competition its no rules, so everyone has their own opinion, and I agree its cheating.

    Just like fake boobs are "cheating". In the end, they are still D cups. Roid users may end up with a few extra cup sizes more on the chest too, and less in the pants!

    And not talking about the user above, I don't know how he got mixed into this discussion. I'm sure he's man enough to admit if he uses.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    495lb bench press with PED's?? Yes it is. PED's aren't magic, you still have to work your *kitten* off, eat right, and recover to get the benefit.

    Well, that's almost exactly what one has said when he started using, that it "feels like magic" after struggling before. But it still is impressive when my gym's resident bodybuilder takes my recent max of around 365lbs bench and does it for 3 sets ...of 6-10 reps...without a spotter...

    But yeah, still cheating ;) :P

    Cheating how? Unless you're using gear in a tested federation it wouldn't be cheating.

    Using steroids vs average gym goer = cheating? no.
    Using steroids vs other non tested lifters = cheating? no.

    Oh come on. Of course its "cheating", if its no rules not in a competition its no rules, so everyone has their own opinion, and I agree its cheating.

    Just like fake boobs are "cheating". In the end, they are still D cups. Roid users may end up with a few extra cup sizes more on the chest too, and less in the pants!

    And not talking about the user above, I don't know how he got mixed into this discussion. I'm sure he's man enough to admit if he uses.

    Fake boobs are cheating? wut?

    Hm. So taking adderall in school is cheating then as well, since it's been shown to increase test scores amongst students who take it. Gotcha.

    Strong logic is strong.