Looking for VSG (vertical sleeve gastrectomy) Friends



  • toledochic
    toledochic Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Tannie. I had VSG September of 2013. Feel free to add me! :)
  • lynnierose9
    lynnierose9 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello all. I was sleeved on 5/29/14. I'm looking for friends who are going through the same experience as I. Would anyone want to be friends?
  • I am being sleeved on June 23rd add me as a friend!
  • Mom2Cubs
    Mom2Cubs Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have tried and failed on every diet there is. I have been on and off myfitnesspal for years. I am in the process of having VSG surgery. (two days into my preop diet, just waiting for the final insurance approval and hope to have the surgery by the end of the month.) I'm looking for friends and support as go through this. Feel free to add me as a friend. thanks.

  • TwiskyT
    TwiskyT Posts: 1 Member
    Sleeved 6/23/2014 ... 5'2" - 223 lbs date of surgery. Looking to reach goal of 135 lbs or less. In search of friends :blushing:
    I am documenting my journey on youtube as well. Need all the help and ideas I can get! I am on Pinterest for receipes and Instagram for community support under TwiskyT.

    I am determined to make this happen!
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    Im going through the screening to have it done now. anyone can add me
  • Mtedge75
    Mtedge75 Posts: 1
    110 pounds that's awesome
  • lilredred1956
    lilredred1956 Posts: 10 Member
    I don't mean to noseie but how are you guy's paying for this. Most insuranc companies won't pay for it or at less blue cross won't. Will hospital let you do a payment plan. I would love to have it done. I am 4'10 and weigh 145. This may not seem like a lot but when your short and should weight 110 that means I am over weight half of what my body weight i. It's like someone that weighs 400 and should weigh 200. 400 is a lot of weight but it's the same percentage as me weighing 145 when I should weigh 110. Does that make since.
  • One week post op and looking for friends to discuss the journey...
  • geks1224
    geks1224 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved June 17th. I would love to be added by anyone in the VSG group. Our journey is a little different than the people who have not had WLS, so it would be great to share notes, experiences, recipes, etc.
  • I was sleeved June 9th and am down 30 lbs but at a stall right now. I am exercising like crazy and weighing everything. I will succeed on this journey and hope to meet others following this journey for motivation and to share success stories.
  • Marlene5280
    Marlene5280 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi There! My VSG was done 7/21/14. I'm only a few days into my recovery and post-op. I'm looking for more VSG friends...so please send me a request if you are also looking for VSG friends and support! :) Thank you :wink:
  • mrseveland
    mrseveland Posts: 9 Member
    I was sleeved on 2/4/14 (almost 6 months ago) and I've lost 59 since, with a total loss so far of 120.
  • trasvst
    trasvst Posts: 2 Member
    I was sleeved on 07/22/14 feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • lovex5
    lovex5 Posts: 11
    I had my surgery January 27 2014. I have lost 63lbs since surgery, 75lbs if including the pre op diet. I am pretty disappointed as I wanted to be further along towards my goal by now. My weight loss has really slowed down and I'm considering doing the 5 day pouch test. Has anyone here done it?
  • I am starting on my journey with surgery scheduled in 2 months. I would love to talk with someone who is ahead of me and knows the ropes. I was wondering what you did to prepare your life for the surgery, not just my pantry?
  • 22dream
    22dream Posts: 60 Member
    Add me sleeved 8 6 14
  • I was sleeved in April 2013 at age 61. I've lost around 70 pounds and have maintained for over a year, but I should be loosing more weight. I recently decided to track everything on myfitnesspal to see where I have deficiencies. I found I was not getting enough iron so I added an iron supplement. I Never come close to meeting potassium levels. My protein levels ate great. I struggle to get in 1200 calories a day and am not loosing. According to myfitnesspal I am not consuming enough calories. At 5' 3" and 191 pounds, hOw many calories should i consume to average loosing a pound a week? BTW: I tell my self to exercise everyday, but never manage to get it in. I know I should!
  • kgirl59
    kgirl59 Posts: 1
    I was sleeved on August 4, 2014. My weight at my first visit with the dietitian was 253 pounds. I lost about 40 pounds in the 6 months pre-op period by eating a balanced plate (well, most of the time) that included 3 meals and two snacks per day. Since surgery, I've lost 13 pounds and am a little frustrated with my slow loss. I guess I expected to lose more in the early weeks after surgery. Week 3 I lost 1 pound and week 4 I lost 2 pounds. Like many people in these groups, I'm having problems stomaching the protein shakes. So, I generally am able to drink 80 oz fluids in each day, but struggle with the protein. Is anyone else struggling with slow early weight loss?
  • I had the VSG on August 7, 2014. I lost around 15 lbs before the surgery. I've lost 11 since the surgery. I'm happy with the rate in which I'm losing weight. I think that when I begin my circuit training again, my skin will have a chance to slowly adapt. I used to be a great sleeper, but now I'm waking up for an hour once a night. This is helped if I do at least 30 minutes walking each day. I took two weeks off work and returned on week 3. My energy level is a bit low since my job is very exciting but super fast paced. I think the key is to get the exercise in and since this surgery costs so much, I'm planning on investing in exercise to get good results. I'm not that young, 57 years old and my 58th birthday is in September. I have some goals such as I want to get back on my bike and get back to hiking. I also am sewing a dress that I think I will fit by Christmas. I think doing things like this will encourage me to really get motivated even more.

    I had breast cancer about 10 1/2 years ago. I twas told my chances were not good. Thus I ate any thing I wanted and with such a hearty lifestyle and eating it up, I lived. But gained so much during chemo and approximately 6 to 7 lbs added each year after. I realized I had to stop so I could continue living and nothing worked. This is working. I'm patient and very focused because I plan on living as many more years that I can. So far my Type II Diabetes is nonexistent. I do get very low blood sugar levels and am taking care not to let that happen.

    I have head hunger, but after I cook and sit down with my husband, I can only have about 1/3 cup of food. It works but I truly believe the weight loss will slow down if I don't put in the extra effort to exercise to keep my BMR in line. I have an exercise buddy--super helpful. I hope this post helps others. I know yours have. Thanks.