Hard to be "good" anymore



  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    This is a long video, but might be worth watching for you.

    Thanks! Watching...
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Sculli123 ~~~>
    Once you learn to make 'good' things taste like 'bad' things it becomes way easier. For example, this morning I made red velvet pancakes. Sounds kind of bad right? But it wasn't bad at all, I use a high protein organic pancake mix, add in red velvet flavored protein powder, an egg, and top it with calorie free pancake syrup. Was very GOOD in every way. ;)

    There's lots of good things you can make that taste really awesome that are actually good for you. Once I learned to do that, it's been pretty easy to lose weight and easy to maintain because I don't crave anything. I just make very tasty alternatives to junk.

    Yes, I agree with this poster. For "chips", slice veggies very thin, a light spray coating of olive oil, a little salt, and in a dehydrator or oven, and you can make no guilt "veggie chips". Gives you the crunch and salt of chips without the calories. Lets face it, real chips really don't have much taste other than the salt and crunch.....so replace it with something else. There are a lot of "tricks" on the internet, on how to replace bad for good...do some research on how to replace the things you are eating for better, no guilt versions.

    Once you learn to make 'good' things taste like 'bad' things it becomes way easier. For example, this morning I made red velvet pancakes. Sounds kind of bad right? But it wasn't bad at all, I use a high protein organic pancake mix, add in red velvet flavored protein powder, an egg, and top it with calorie free pancake syrup. Was very GOOD in every way. ;)

    There's lots of good things you can make that taste really awesome that are actually good for you. Once I learned to do that, it's been pretty easy to lose weight and easy to maintain because I don't crave anything. I just make very tasty alternatives to junk.

    Just curious if these 2 people are 1 in the same :huh:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Plan a good snack for 6 pm. Maybe you need to eat at maintenance calories for a week... Then start a deficit again
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    It's always going to be hard, to be good.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member

    Just curious if these 2 people are 1 in the same :huh:
    No. I'm the one that did the red velvet pancakes yesterday, chocolate crepes today, and red velvet cheesecake is cooling in the fridge for tomorrow. Not sure about the other person, looks like a bad quote of part of mine mixed with theirs.

    OP, since you're on my friend list I posted the recipe for the cheesecake on my wall.
  • JassiBear
    JassiBear Posts: 268 Member
    I want to add... It feels so good to binge, it gives me this sort of satisfaction, but it's mixed with guilt...

    Do a current weight photoshoot and then pull up a picture everytime you want to binge.... that's what got me in shape the first time..... I went on vacation and when the prints came back I was like... OH....MY....GOSH. I committed to change the moment I saw them and luckily have never gotten that heavy since. phew!
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    I understand it's hard, I used to be a frequent binger myself. Now that I'm in maintenance and restricting less it's a little easier, but I still struggle at times. Unfortunately it may just be something you always have to fight against. When the desires come, don't try to ignore them - acknowledge them and then try to figure out the cause. Are you bored? Stressed? If you just want to eat, EAT. I found that food swaps make the cravings a lot more tolerable. I switched to skim cheese for my eggs, almond milk for my coffee, half cup egg whites to bulken up my scrambled eggs, etc. Sometimes you just need more food with less calories. Powdered peanut butter, 25 cal hot cocoa, and arctic zero's 150 cal frozen dessert pints have also been a lifesaver for me when I HAD to eat SOMETHING (sometimes it just feels good to overeat, I get it, but these foods make it fit within your calories). While I may like these things, you may not. Part of the journey is finding out what works for you, and trial-and-error is part of this! Every day (even the "bad" ones) you're getting closer to figuring yourself out more, you can do it! Be strong and I wish you the best of luck :)
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Just glancing at your diary the last 2 or 3 days, it looks like you eat very little for breakfast. So you might want to eat more for breakfast and then eat a good snack mid-day with protein. You should have a better chance of having less binges at night.

    Is the evening when you have "down" time? Sometimes I eat out of boredom! Have you examined your feelings before your binge? Are you nervous, anxious, bored? Is it true hunger or do you just want something in your mouth.

    Good luck. This whole weight loss thing is a process of experimentation. I crave sugars most after putting in a long shift at work and am still trying to find a plan to offset those feelings of wanting/needing sweets.
  • Effalunt
    Effalunt Posts: 40 Member
    Geneen Roth has a fantastic book about bingeing called something like If You're Going to Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up a Chair. It deals with a lot of those being "good" versus being "bad" feelings. It was really helpful for me in seeing what I was really wanting when I overate. I also found it helpful in bringing more moderation to my life.
  • EverSinging
    EverSinging Posts: 30 Member
    When I started I found it so easy to stay on track, now I cheat every other day.... I'm not sure how to motivate myself to say no to treats and extra calories... I am good in the morning and afternoon and start off the day with good intentions but then 6pm hits and I feel like eating everything I shouldn't in the house.

    I wish it were as easy as not buying "bad" foods but I live with my family and I'm not the one that buys it...

    Anyone else feel the same? How can I find my beginner's motivation again?

    It's so hard! Living with your family makes it much harder! I also saw from reading some later posts in this thread that there seems to be an emotional component to eating (as with so many of us...you're not alone). I had a nutritionist look at my food diary once and she started pointing to things and saying, "Oh that's a hug right there. There's a kiss." She was right! I was (and still fight urge not to) using food to reward myself...a lot...even if only in little bits at a time.

    So let's think about what's happening after six pm. Are you tired? Does your family stress you out? Are you watching TV (I find watching TV tends to make me wants a snack....totally mental)? What are some things that can be done to combat? Here are some things I try to do when I want a snack, especially if I think I might just be wanting on of those "hugs" the nutritionist mentioned:

    1. When the craving hits, drink a glass of water (often we confuse hunger with thirst anyway).
    2. Have healthy snacks convenient and at hand (nuts, small apples, cut up melon, and frozen grapes are some favorite summer treats for me...I wash grapes then freeze them in snack baggies so they're easy...it feels better than ice cream!) Feel free to do this while making your healthy dinner even, because if not, I don't make a healthy dinner. I want junk.
    3. Chewing gum sometimes distracts me from wanting something for a while. Something about blowing bubbles can satisfy some oral desire, even if temporarily.
    4. Distraction! Change up what you're doing. If you're watching tv, stop and read a book (then your hands are busy anyway), or take a walk or something else.

    If you think of anything else, let me know, because evenings are my biggest challenge too! Good luck!
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    Keep your diet at 80/20. Don't deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy. Just eat less of them and eat them less often. You need to stay under your calorie goal for six days and then on the seventh day don't go over by more than the number of green points from the previous six days. This is the only way you're going to create a sustainable weight loss plan and be able to keep the weight off after you reach your goal. Cutting out foods you enjoy or entire food groups is a bad idea.
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    I have the exact same problem. I lost 160 pounds originally. i met that weight loss goal. then i had my bulk up goal after that, which I met. But i really haven't had any goals since then, i mean besides keeping "lean". After i lost so much weight, I got into a health part of food. It drives me nuts how nasty a lot of food is actually for our bodies so I have tried to eat as clean as possible. But I still love all food. I can still eat tons of "bad" food like it's nothing. I don't even get sick. And I can't do the whole moderation thing. if something "bad" hits my lips, I can't stop. And I also just never really feel full. I tried doing IIFYM moderation thing but just couldn't. I ended up over-eating on all the "bad" food. So it's a struggle, especially right now for me. But a big part of it is my life is very stressful. Eating "bad" foods is pretty much the only thing I can control and is a big FU to everything else that's going on. I realize that but it's still hard and doesn't change.

    All I can say is that you aren't the only one We are all in this together trying to figure out how to stay healthy.
  • tbrown1974
    tbrown1974 Posts: 30 Member
    ???? I'm one of those one or two Oreos a night person. Trust me its hard but for me eating more isn't worth it. It's easier for me to account for one or two a night than to build in a single serve pack once a week. I just can't plan that well. You are right. Each person has to find what works for them.
    OP keep in mind that everybody's definition of "moderation" is not the same. Be real with yourself and do what actually works for you.

    I am not a "2 oreos a night" guy. People who brag that they have single-servings of their favorite treats everyday are living on Mars as far as I'm concerned. If I'm going to have ice cream, or oreos, I've gotten to the point of giving myself the freedom to eat as much as I want, without any guilt, shame, or condemnation. Then once I'm finished I move on. It means having a pack of oreos every once in awhile instead of a single serving several times a week. But it works for me. The "half a cup of ice cream a night" ain't cutting it for me, and I'd be a fool to waste my time trying to acclimate to other people's definition of "moderation".

    It took me a very, very long time to get to this point though.
  • dorisopen9
    dorisopen9 Posts: 94 Member
    Probably the meds I'm taking
    What meds are you taking and what underlying health issues are there?
    Sometimes eating and appetite is indeed out of the eater's control. Some antidepressants for example are known to increase appetite and cause weight gain.
  • missylectro
    missylectro Posts: 448 Member
    Someone asked, what happens after 6pm? I get BORED and eating makes me feel good. I will find something else to do and get over these cravings.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    The boredom is definitely a killer. When im busy with something even if i get hungry i don't want to drop what i'm doing just to eat stuff. Very often people get fat because they have little else to do.
  • naynay12366
    naynay12366 Posts: 4 Member
    Those pancakes sound delicious!!!!
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Those pancakes sound delicious!!!!
    They were good. What was even better was the chocolate crepes I made on Sunday.

    And just now I ate the cheesecake I made last night. Was pretty good and has good macros. Probably going to make a thread about the stuff I make soon in the recipe section with the recepies etc. I'll probably do a cake tomorrow, I'm thinking either chocolate or apple cinnamon.

    The next time I do a cheesecake it's going to be smores flavor topped with chocolate peanutbutter. I'll probably do it this weekend.

    Also, everything I make is ridiculously easy to make. I just learned how to make all this stuff within the last few months and I'm the type that used to burn toast. lol Probably the only good thing to come from my wife leaving me is I learned to cook!
  • wendy0210
    wendy0210 Posts: 86 Member
    Probably the meds I'm taking
    What meds are you taking and what underlying health issues are there?
    Sometimes eating and appetite is indeed out of the eater's control. Some antidepressants for example are known to increase appetite and cause weight gain.

    I'm happy another posted asked this. OP, what meds are you taking? Some can really mess with appetite and weight.