Has anyone heard of this? Joe Cross Juice Diet?



  • torrak
    torrak Posts: 3 Member
    Well I can tell you this. It's not a diet in the sense that it's made for weight loss.

    I can tell by your post that you didn't take the time to check out the entire program. The reboot is just a starting point to healthier eating. The ENTIRE program has very healthy foods including fish and meats. It gives a very clear warning about over-juicing and explains the draw backs to doing so. It has many doctors and health professionals that are for it, research upon research upon research.

    Not to mention tens of thousands of people who have done it, not all successful as with any change in behavior but it has helped thousands to rebalance their lives. It seems to me you have a way of grouping people into certain categories and you use the picture of yourself to give your words credibility. You are in fantastic shape but I wonder if it was always that way or if something jumpstarted you to live a life that allowed you to achieve those results.

    I would like to challenge you to post your diet and workout routine and then really take a look at the reboot program, start to finish. I think you would find that it promotes a healthy lifestyle and I can't imagine why you would try to discourage people from trying it.

    You look like you are a professional body builder so you know as well as anyone the marketing for that is hundreds of times worse than for a juicer and don't tell me people in that line of work aren't make money hand over fist off their endorsements.

    You said "So for anyone on the cusp or trying to decide and you're wondering if you should try it, any knowledgeable person that's done a drop of research will tell you not to."

    I say you are the one that has not done the research or tried it yourself, you are just repeating what others have told you. I'm glad that no one convinced you that body building was bad for you and that you found a path to happiness, let us find ours.
  • torrak
    torrak Posts: 3 Member
  • jo1251981
    jo1251981 Posts: 1
    i watched his documentary and it has inspired me, i am only drinking 2-3 green smoothies (as i dont have a juicer) and eating something healthy like steamed veg and steamed chicken/fish for dinner. i have also uped my water intake to 3-4 litres, i wouldnt be able to do full juicing due to health issues but still im eating healthy. I figured out its far healthier than the cambridge diet i done and put all the weight back on and some!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    To anyone who happens across this thread I meant to say most people are NOT addicted to food....
  • cariitasway
    cariitasway Posts: 14 Member
    So far I've lost almost 19 lbs. finishing week 3. U can't beat that with a bat. Breaking fast March 6th ! Do whatever works for u.
    mathjulz wrote: »
    The body doesn't need a "reboot." The only "jump start" anyone gets is psychological.

    Weight lost on any extreme/elimination diet is because of calorie restriction.

    Why not just start now eating at a reasonable deficit with a well rounded diet? (Here using the word to mean way of eating, for those who may get confused or see red at the d-word :wink:)

    And I'm tired of seeing all these propaganda pieces called documentaries. :grumble: :noway:

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Fat Sick & Nearly Dead is not a documentary it's a 90 minute infomercial for the juicers Joe Cross sells.....
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    Fat Sick & Nearly Dead is not a documentary it's a 90 minute infomercial for the juicers Joe Cross sells.....

    He never once mentions the juicer he uses.
  • HollyB1223
    HollyB1223 Posts: 41 Member
    I just wanted to add my 2 cents, having tried this for a while.

    Juicing was so time consuming, I spent all morning prepping veggies and pushing them through the juicer. So, if you're going to do juicing, get a good, fast juicer that does not separate out all the pulp.

    I also found myself gagging and unable to drink the stuff, after a few days, even the mild recipes. I personally much prefer to wash and prep veggies and then eat them fresh, instead of all that mess with a juicer and yucky liquid mixtures.

    Joe Cross is right, though, most people these days have terrible eating habits that make them sick and obese. Your body feels a lot better if you start giving it nutritious fresh produce, and home cooked meals instead of processed or fried junk.

    My sister read "The 30 Day Diabetes Cure" and has been mostly vegetarian for the past 2-1/2 years. She was trying to prove to her diabetic friend that it could be done. :) Her friend has not done the diet, but my sister sure looks great! She is not strict about it and does have a small serving of whatever else is on the menu.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Why, oh why, did this thread get resurrected...?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Joe Cross Juice? Ew.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member

    My husband and I didn't juice we blended using our Vitamix, which changes the composition of the food on a cellular level. !

  • SHEc2c
    SHEc2c Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2017
    this works, it isn't for everyone, but it has merit.
    the benefits are amazing, do your homework
    there is a method to juicing which over time you learn HOW to juice and it becomes an easier process and not so time consuming,
    the juicer you choose also comes into play, if its a difficult process you wont continue to do so. Find a juicer that is user friendly,
    Fiber..... fiber is needed when you are consuming foods that need fiber to help the digestive process, hence it isn't needed with juice,
    Protein...... do your homework, learn what is IN the produce, you might be surprised at the results and get a lil education in the process.
    Cost.... $1 to $1.5 for each 8 oz, in my area. PLUS the savings of no soda, no fast food binges, no convenience store pick me ups. Mind set, it isn't expensive. And it is possible with children and a husband in the house
    might surprise even yourself at the healthy results that far surpass the weight you will lose