The Ultimate Poverty Dinner



  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Tangwich FTW
  • Patriciajohofer
    If you can afford meat your not living in poverty
    i just bought 8 pounds of chicken leg quarters for 3$(which will feed my family three-four meals), and a 10 pound bag of potatoes for 3.50(which will last us a couple weeks)
    But you have to know how to cook the chicken and potatoes are a pain to peel and prepare. Mine took as long to prepare as it took me to boil the eggs and still provides lots of macros, vitamins, fiber and satiation.

    Not hatin', just saying it's two different approaches...

    understandable, but i just threw them in the oven for an hour and a half. baked potatoes and chicken :laugh:
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    Tangwich FTW

    This wins!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Just eat cereal like a normal human being!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    People often assume vegans save money on food. In reality, vegan food items are more expensive overall. I have been rock-bottom-poor my entire adult life. I have always skimped on food, spending on food whatever is left over after paying bills, buying pet food and paper products and household/laundry products, personal care items, and cigarettes. Potato chips are my go-to meal. Food is the only variable in my budget; the only thing I can cut corners on. So it is potato chips for me, many days.
  • jessicahouse940
    People say it's too expensive to eat healthy. That's a lie! I can feed a family of 4 adults for less than $60 a week. We eat good too, lots of veggies and fruit. The catch is prep and cooking time. Example.....Cauliflower.....a large head of raw Cauliflower is about $3 here in my area. That's enough for 2 dinners for 4 people, so $1.50 per meal....frozen Cauliflower is around $2 for 1 meal and not really enough for 4 people. I always look for stuff marked down for quick sale, but then you have to cook it that night so it won't spoil. I usually shop for 2 or 3 days worth of meals. I also coupon, this is difficult for clean eating as a lot of coupons are for items that are boxed or prepared but...... if you just use coupons for cleaning products, household products and beauty and bath products then you can use the savings on your grocery shopping. It can be done! No one in USA should have to eat the ultimate poverty dinner!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    We weren't "poverty" but I grew up in the military and was a military wife.

    My Mom always served our Ramen with scrambled eggs. I actually love it that way. My husband's mom would use chopped up Ham pieces and he liked his with pepper.

    Sugar sandwiches
    ketchup sandwiches
    fried bologna

    my dad loved Vienna sausages but the smell makes me gag.
  • nesto610
    nesto610 Posts: 107
    Tangwich FTW

    I soooo remember this episode. Just remember to pinch the edges.....
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    We weren't "poverty" but I grew up in the military and was a military wife.

    My Mom always served our Ramen with scrambled eggs. I actually love it that way. My husband's mom would use chopped up Ham pieces and he liked his with pepper.

    Sugar sandwiches
    ketchup sandwiches
    fried bologna

    my dad loved Vienna sausages but the smell makes me gag.

    Oh... I've seen mayo sandwiches too.
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member
    Oh wow!!!!

    I don't classify this as a poverty dinner thing at all......

    Its just food...... just eating..... just having a meal. Period.

    I will have an awesome day whether I dine on T-Bone Steak or Fried Green Tomatoes or even An apple for Dinner... Thats just me, and how I was raised. LOL!

    However, it is amazing to see that many people THINK and assume that poor people are eating poorly. Actually, most of these people are eating much better than we give them credit. They make Gravy.... and eat it (every meal) until its GONE...... they cook big pots of Rice.... and Oatmeal........ and Grits..... and Potatoes...... and Greens...... and they serve Meatless meals........... they "COOK" period.

    They can COOK and DO COOK.... and they have no desire to eat out. LOL...

    They freeze leftovers, and use and re-use them. They have sense enough to leave the Raimens in the store..... and buy regular noodles. Raimens may taste good... but its just the Sodium tricking you into eating more sodium.

    They make casseroles, and make huge pots of Pinto Beans, Lima Beans, Black Eyed Peas, Lentils, and enough cornbread to feed an Army. They NEVER throw away ANYTHING!!!! Even if it has mold growing on it!

    Food is precious.... Food means LIFE.


    Some of them are on assistance.... and get Food Stamps.... some and MOST aren't.

    Some of them still borrow a cup of sugar, a cup of Grits, and/or a cup/box of Oatmeal.

    Many of them will put butter or margarine on a slice of bread..... and sprinkle a little Sugar on it - and call it a meal.... Which is fine..... its better than going to Micky D's.

    Many more of those same people will, and DO eat the same thing ever & over again for weeks and NEVER GET BORED... or complain because its called making due - not being poor, or living in Poverty.

    These people take whatever they have, and put it on the table, say grace over it and thank God for it, break it and serve it to their families...... and hit that repeat button the next day..... come Rain or Shine. Prayerfully.

    I know because its normal for me to eat what I have, and not even consider being ungrateful, or picky, or choosy.

    I am not Poor...... I am RICH indeed.... because I have my Health and my Health is my WEALTH.

    Being transformed and losing over 200 pounds has changed me to the point that I AM JUST THANKFUL FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAY I AM THANKFUL NOW.

    We have been brain washed into thinking we should be able to eat whatever we want, whenever we want it!

    Thats one reason so many people are super morbidly obese: THEY THINK ABOUT FOOD CONSTANTLY. From the second we wake up until we crash at night.... we are eating and thinking about what we want to eat NEXT! Our next big opportunity to EAT, AND CONSUME, AND DEVOUR SOMETHING.

    Repeat. Repeat. REPEAT.

    Once we Humans see that we are all connected, we start to see what's important and its not our lack of food..... or money.... its our lack of compassion, love, time and peace that deprives us.

    People are starving to death and they're OBESE.

    Once we see that the kind of Cars, homes and fancy Cell phones we have, and the size of our flat screens TV's do not define us..... its our hearts..... our ability to forgive, our ability to touch the lives of others, and share our loaves and fish with our neighbors that matters.

    We are all so close to starvation..... without The Living Bread.
    We are all so close to dying of thirst...... without The Living Water.

    Unless we stop eating our seed.... and get it into good, fertile ground.... so we can have The Harvest God delights in we will forever be hungry, bankrupt, poverty stricken, empty and ignorant.

    Its sad to say - many of us are alone in a room with many, many people...... and we will remain that way all our days unless we awaken to He that never sleeps.

  • notamoment
    notamoment Posts: 190 Member
    Until you have made spaghetti with ketchup you have NEVER had a poverty dinner!
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    I stopped peeling potatoes years ago. Much faster and less annoying. Just scrub em, cut em, boil em, done. (well, I add butter & honey) mmmmmm
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    Our Indian grocery sells giant bags of beans or rice for much less than $1/lb. We used to buy super cheap produce on sale at Aldi, then serve it with a heaping plate of spicy rice and beans. Hardly cost a thing but very filling.
  • stevee290
    stevee290 Posts: 85 Member
    Wish I was American so much food for so little.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    People often assume vegans save money on food. In reality, vegan food items are more expensive overall. I have been rock-bottom-poor my entire adult life. I have always skimped on food, spending on food whatever is left over after paying bills, buying pet food and paper products and household/laundry products, personal care items, and cigarettes. Potato chips are my go-to meal. Food is the only variable in my budget; the only thing I can cut corners on. So it is potato chips for me, many days.

    Ok I'm sorry but when I saw CIGARRETTES, and you say that food was the only variable you could cut back out.... you lost all my sympathy Whatsoever. Pet food is a close second here. You can't feed yourself properly, you shouldn't even own a pet. I'm not even trolling - I feel so strongly when I see such mixed up priorities.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    Let's see...from experience, from very young to typical college life:

    Water with cereal -- like regular flakes or cheerios status.

    Peanut butter on tortillas.

    Onion sandwiches


    Top Ramen -- add a tortilla for Ramen burrito.

    Pasta with ketchup (I still eat steamed rice with ketchup)

    Vienna sausages from the can.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    For me it was alway the weird store brand of mac and cheese with diced hot dog in it. Mmmmm grainy and delicious.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Ramen noodles, water drained before spice packet is put in, with butter, cheese, and hot sauce. I kinda grew up on this.

    Tortillas with butter and sugar.

    Lettuce and mayo sandwich.

    Crackers with tuna.

    Holy ****, this is giving me childhood flashbacks.
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    People often assume vegans save money on food. In reality, vegan food items are more expensive overall. I have been rock-bottom-poor my entire adult life. I have always skimped on food, spending on food whatever is left over after paying bills, buying pet food and paper products and household/laundry products, personal care items, and cigarettes. Potato chips are my go-to meal. Food is the only variable in my budget; the only thing I can cut corners on. So it is potato chips for me, many days.

    I would say that cigarettes are a pretty big variable in your budget.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Rice, black beans