what naughty treats can't you live without?

mellissacase Posts: 51
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition

I have been keeping under my calorie allowance I am still allowing my self the odd treat. My fav thing is 70 % Dark Choc, I have weighed out several bits and allow myself whenever I have the urge, as long as i'm sensible. We have to remember we won't be on diets for ever so control is a big thing.

Would love to know what food / treat you can't give up or go with out.

Mel x


  • I love ice cream in the evenings. I now buy the occasional skinny cow mini cup and have it as a reward instead of keeping a carton of ice cream in the freezer. Because if I keep a whole carton of it then I go overboard easily!
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    ~Pepsi!~ :drinker: and it must be cold.

    I have tried giving it up and haven't suceeded yet.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Cheesy foods!

    My sugar cravings have finally ceased. After about 20 years, it's about time! I don't like milk chocolate much anymore, don't enjoy soda. I still like ice cream, but most things are way too sweet for me now.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I have an ice cream in the eveings too. Usually weight watchers or skinny cow :bigsmile:
  • chili lime peanuts.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member

    I have been keeping under my calorie allowance I am still allowing my self the odd treat. My fav thing is 70 % Dark Choc, I have weighed out several bits and allow myself whenever I have the urge, as long as i'm sensible. We have to remember we won't be on diets for ever so control is a big thing.

    Would love to know what food / treat you can't give up or go with out.

    Mel x

    Me too. After all, we have to have some rewards and relief to look forward to. Plus, it's healthy and full of antioxidents.
  • I can't function without my requisite morning nonfat lattes. Dark chocolate is also a good one. I also refuse to give up rice.

    I haven't really given up on any food. I just cut back on the portions, ever mindful that once in awhile is acceptable but too often will destroy everything I've worked hard for thus far.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I would have said chocolate about a month ago but sadly have become severely lactose intollerant just recently. One piece makes me sick so it is now completly off limits.
    I mentioned to my husband recently that chocolate was my nemisis and wished there was a way to conquor it. He actually had the nerve to remind me of this comment and told me to be careful what you wish for . . . . . . funny guy!
  • Jesseann
    Jesseann Posts: 35 Member
    M & M Peanut!!!! I also love SmartFoods White Cheddar Popcorn and although its 100 cals per bag I can swallow 4 bags in one sitting with lots and lots of hot sauce...so I try to have only one bag, but sometimes I may have one for afternoon snack and one for evening snack. Like you said its all about self-control...Everything in moderation. I could go on and on about things I crave and like, but I will stop. I like how you allow yourself to have some of the things you like just less. If you deprive yourself you will only crave it more and end up falling off; so have a little and keep losing those pounds:)
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    A really BIG bowl of cereal. I don't like sugary cereals, so that is good, but even the healthy ones are not a wise choice when you eat a Jethro Bodine sized bowl! :blushing:
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    bread and butter
  • So it seems i'm not the only one with a sweet tooth! iv recently discovered liquorice which is really low in calories yet gives me the answer to some of my cravings. I really really love pizza and red wine too, but that's the reason i'm in this mess so have given them up for now. I'm new to dieting so working through my weakness's and cravings slowly so i don't back track or at worst give in.
  • typeaimages
    typeaimages Posts: 29 Member
    Soda. I gave up my favorite, Mountain Dew, when I was pregnant and ran into problems with Eclampsia after birth. I moved to Cherry 7Up but I'm trying to limit myself to 1 a day.
  • I allow my self a cheat day. its one day of the weeks that i get to have a treat...a unhealthy treat that is. i allow my self this so i dont over do it when i have a craving. for example my cheat day is on saturday so if on tuesday i am craving a candy bar or buffalo wings, I know that i can have it in a couple days. i dont know it works for me. my worst craving is chocolate, or wings...lol homemade wings...mmmmm so good.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    Right now.....Little Debbie 100 Cal Nutty Bars (frozen, of course)
  • doughnuts / cinnamon rolls :-)
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I can't give up my coffee or red wine. The latter I've cut WAY back on, but I can't get rid of it completely. Cheese too - it sneaks in a couple days. You can keep your sweets! I'm a salt-tooth (popcorn is heaven).
  • aanner
    aanner Posts: 26
    poptarts and rice crispy treats... I cannot resist them LOL
  • rinren84
    rinren84 Posts: 82 Member
    poptarts and rice crispy treats... I cannot resist them LOL

    OMG I love poptarts too. Boo! Now I want a strawberry frosted one. Good thing I don't buy them.
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