Flirting with average looking girls vs. above average girls



  • WildBillR
    WildBillR Posts: 77 Member
    Oh, you're turning just don't see it because you are looking away. Take the time to glance back sometime...guys are watching. (But not stalking...nope...not that):noway:
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    DAMMIT, I thought this was a competition based on the title...I thought this is where I got to flirt with ALL the womenz!!!
  • jbuck93
    jbuck93 Posts: 89 Member
    I am very average. But I am friendly, confident and really just get along well with men. One time when I was dressed up in Vegas I had a Texan offer to buy me a ranch (cleavage might have had something to do with it) and in Montana a guy offered to buy me a small town. LOL. So, I would say it is the whole package.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I think the enticing aspect of meeting any particular women is finding out what makes them beautiful.

    Some girls hide it, others flaunt it, oftentimes it's not even something they know they carry around with them.

    As long as you are willing to look, everyone has a chance to be hot, even if it's only for you.
  • douglasedward
    douglasedward Posts: 20 Member
    One said it happens frequently, while the other one said that it hardly happens at all.

    Have you considered that one or both of them might be lying?
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    Never happens to me :wink:

    How you doing?
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    I only flirt with the "pretty boys" haha.
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    I like flirting ...
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I'd say it has a lot to do with personality. I'm average but I'm sarcastic with most men that I meet and for some odd reason they like it, so I get hit on quite a bit. An awesome personality works wonders.

    I have to agree! Personality does play a big role!
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    I'd put my vote on intimidation/'they're out of my league I've got no chance' factors.

    Yeah, that's gotta be at least one of the reasons. I know a few guys who won't flirt with a girl until they know for sure that they are dtf.
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    I'd say it has a lot to do with personality. I'm average but I'm sarcastic with most men that I meet and for some odd reason they like it, so I get hit on quite a bit. An awesome personality works wonders.

    Yes, I can see that working. I would be more comfortable if the girl was friendly and didn't have a stick up her butt.
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,761 Member
    When I was single I didn't ever hit on super hot girls. If anything I would ignore them and talk to their friend right in front of them. I found out later that this drive them nuts and thought I gave the impression I was too good for them. Apparently, hot chick's who normally get all the attention want the ones that don't give them any. I didn't ignore them out of spite, I was just intimidated and didn't figure they would want any part of what I had to offer. Young and stupid, but the ignoring part actually gave them quite an interest. Funny how people are infatuated by what isn't attainable.
  • HuggyBeahr
    HuggyBeahr Posts: 259
    Thread.responses. Lol
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    Or maybe guys flirt within their league? What is going on?
    I do. Don't even try with really hot girls.

    Quasimodo can occasionally hook up with Esmeralda, but 50$ says that he's the one getting dumped and heartbroken.

    You speak the truth. I will raise that to $100 if anyone is interested.
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    Thread.responses. Lol

    Crazy, isn't it?

    I thought I should respond to a few or at least bump it so I can get a few more reads.
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    I think it's super awesome that you called out your friends. One as a hottie, the other as a... not-so-hottie. I wonder if they'll be able to figure out who is who. Wait, yeah. They will. Not-so-hottie said she gets hit on. Hottie said she doesn't.

    Hmm... that sucks.

    Don't worry hun, both of them know who they are and they are not butt hurt about it...but I will promise this, if they are offended in any way, I will buy them a chocolate pacifier lollipop.
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    Could the "hottie" perhaps be more polar, like Marmite, where the average-looking lass is more universally appreciated, like bacon?

    I just googled marmite. I'm still not any closer to understanding what it is.
    Are you from space or something?

    Or is Marmite just very obscurely British? :tongue:

    I will admit that if I had the energy I would have googled that word, but I was too lazy and waited for someone else to ask.
  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    Has it occurred to you that maybe people flirt for other reasons than just looks..?

    Flirting for money is momma said so.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Disposition has a lot to do with it, Pickiness. . . guys who don't have to be choosy ruining it for those of us the do, etc, etc, etc
  • dolcezza72
    dolcezza72 Posts: 171 Member
    Why is it all about HOT? I would much rather take the average guy with the awesome personality, over a hot guy that is a bump on a log. That is just me. Hot is so overrated in my book. I am just average and I get hit on all the time and I think it is because I am friendly and have a warm personality...... I am just an average chubby mom.

    It is the Ginger vs MaryAnn thing....