Flirting with average looking girls vs. above average girls



  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I will answer this as my much younger, better looking, self. I was told I was "striking" . Tall, blonde, yada yada. However, I rarely got hit on. Ever. The only people that would hit on me were creepy old dudes or random weirdos just pulling off the side of the road or something to say how pretty I was and then l leave. Rarely anything resembling a normal conversation or approach at all. I had a huge complex about it for years. I thought because I was tall and not a size 4, I must be too fat still so that is why no one asks me out. Now I look back on it and see it differently. It was more because I was too busy worrying I wasn't good enough I was shy and that made me come off as stuck up. I even heard that later on, everyone that I was.

    Anyways, just a little perspective. Don't be afraid of tall, blonde quiet girls, they are probably more insecure then you think!
  • Due to the fact that I rarely get hit on in person, I would like to think that I'm quite the hotness....

    Or quite average? :embarassed:
  • Due to the fact that I rarely get hit on in person, I would like to think that I'm quite the hotness....

    Or quite average? :embarassed:
    NAH! Im hot.... lol
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    It also depends on your behavior. Besides, not all women realize they're being hit on.
  • CPrun1
    CPrun1 Posts: 550
    I dont flirt :bigsmile:
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    NAH! Im hot.... lol
    All runner girls are hot. End of story.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    For instance I consider myself very average looking but people always tell me that I attract alot of attention. I'm shy and not very outgoing but for some reason I always seem to attract men. Some people just have that thing that no matter how unattractive they are or average looking, there is an aura about them that you're just drawn to.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    This all leaves those of us who practically never have men approach them and hardly know what flirting is in a frustrating position wondering and not knowing if we're one of the below average or one of the intimidating ones. :S

    Seriously? No flirting? Got to be from intimidation. You are beautiful!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Which do you think occurs more often?

    I have seen a lot of threads about flirting and I have noticed that there are a lot of average looking girls complaining about how they are being hit on etc

    I have asked two of my lady friends how often they are being hit on and I got two different responses. One said it happens frequently, while the other one said that it hardly happens at all. But what surprised me was the fact that the Hottie said it hardly happens. My other friend is cute, but she wouldn't stand out in a crowd as much as the other one, BUT, she is more sociable, so that might be the reason why?

    Or maybe guys flirt within their league? What is going on?

    i hardly ever get flirted with... result! :laugh:
  • emmanap91
    emmanap91 Posts: 300 Member
    What if the hot girl just doesn't go out a lot?

    If she doesn't go out as much as "average cute girl," she won't have as many opportunities to be hit on.
  • fr053n
    fr053n Posts: 2,793 Member
    What if the hot girl just doesn't go out a lot?

    If she doesn't go out as much as "average cute girl," she won't have as many opportunities to be hit on.

    I'm hoping this is why I never get hit on lol
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    This topic is like a foreign language to me. I've honestly never hit on a single girl, ever. My wife darn near walked up to me at college and said "You'll do." 12 years later (10 married), we're doing great :happy:

    But I think the biggest factor would be how approachable the girl comes across as. What determines that, I haven't a clue.
    JTUSAFRet Posts: 28 Member
    I don't flirt, i'm shy :blushing:
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Back in my single "Sex and the City" days (living in Manhattan in my 20s)...I got hit on pretty bars, at parties, even at the supermarket, subway, or Barnes & Noble (a big pick-up spot in NYC in the 90s). I think it's because I was attractive enough (without being so stunningly beautiful as to intimidate), seemed approachable (I am one of those people who gets stopped on the street for directions in any city I visit...guess I have the opposite of "*****y resting face"), and was a bit of a flirt myself.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I rarely get hit on. I can't even remember the last time. And, actually, I'm pretty friendly and I like chatting with people. I get along with guys really well - all my friends are men. Hrm.
  • I think women who are more accustomed to being flirted with handle it better, manage men more easily, and therefore aren't as vocal about it.

  • plm209
    plm209 Posts: 222 Member
    In my opinion it's because super hot women often (notice I didn't say always) exude an attitude of being unapproachable. To many guys, the fear of being rejected outweighs their desires, so they'll go for someone they see as being in their league.

    As a side note, I've found that many guys who have struggled with weight or body image issues, myself included, will devalue their appearance. There were many times after I started getting in shape that I was surprised by the attention I was getting from women that I had considered "out of my league" even though I was now in their league. It takes alot of getting used to especially after years of feeling unhappy with your body.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Personally, I'm always looking for that plain girl with low self-estemm and Daddy issues.
  • Cookieman123
    Cookieman123 Posts: 26 Member
    I say go all in or gtfo of the game

    This. I'm glad my fatness gave me a sense of entitlement.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    honestly? I think it depends on the person/situation.... some people put it out there more, i.e. are more open/inviting of it, therefore, receive more flirtation. While others make it clear that they aren't here to flirt and/or are not receptive to it, etc., so it gets shut down.