Looking for plant strong or plant based diet people

Hi ~ I am hoping to find a group of like minded folks who would like to support each other along our journeys. I visited the vegan group and was discouraged by some of the negative posts towards people who are not strict vegans. In my opinion, anyone who is at least trying to eat mostly fruits and vegetables and wants to have optimum health is welcome in my circle of friends! Bashing people because they don't fit your definition of a label is not my idea of support and encouragement. I would rather focus on progress, not perfection and would love to find some like minded folks to share this journey with.

After eating plant based for the last few years, I am actually the heaviest I have ever been in my life right now. Do not be fooled, just by being vegetarian or plant based does not make you skinny if you still eat processed and junk food. Believe me, you can find vegan, vegetarian, plant based processed and junk foods without even trying. I also love peanut and other nut butters and nuts in general. I have been eating too much high fat foods, and foods with too much sugar and too much salt.

Clearly, I have food issues. So, the only option for me at this point is to abstain from my trigger foods and focus on nutrient dense, natural whole food based eating. I don't know how many people know Chef AJ, follow Health Girl's Kitchen's blog or have read Dr. McDougal's Maximum Weight Loss book, but that is what I am doing now. Anyone else??


  • dp135
    dp135 Posts: 12
    I just typed out a long reply and lost it..ugh ;=)
    I lost 40 lbs with Dr Fuhrman's plan in 2009 and kept it off till this past year when poor choices and emotional eating of poor plant based choices allowed me to gain about 10 lbs. I am familiar with AJ, Julieanna Hever, Dr Campbell, The Esselstyns, Pam Popper, Neal Barnard The McDougalls etc.
    I am in the process of taking it off with good food and exercise and trying to reduce the SOS ( Sugar- Oil- Salt) and any other calorie dense foods such as nuts which were part of my downfall. I lost a lot of weight keeping to an ounce a day with Dr. Fuhrman but we shall see how I utilize them this go round. I have had weight issues my entire life but plant based works for me on many levels and is a better way for me personally to eat.
    I searched here for plant based and saw your post and thought I would say hi ;=)
    I find using the tracker hit and miss for me, but keep trying to do something to keep me in the moment and track exercise too.. A true plant based plan does not usually require calorie counting. I find that when I eat correctly, the weight just sort of falls off.
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    I have been a pescatarian/vegetarian for around 6 years. I eat a 95% vegetarian diet but I do have an occasional piece of fish or shrimp. (Try telling that to a hardcore vegan lol) Anyway, I too have found that, despite a plant based diet, I am fat. I grow a lot of my own vegetables and half my yard is lettuces. I eat tons of lettuce/spinach....but I LOVE the almonds, baco's (soy), dressings, dried cranberries, croutons, etc that I inevitably pile on. Eggplant parm...sweet potato black bean enchiladas...banana peanut butter smoothies (or any other fruit variety)...yes please. My husband and I "joke" all the time that we have to be the fattest vegetarians there is. I have of course learned we are not alone. When we tell people we are vegetarians (easier than trying to explain what a pescatarian is all the time), we get some crazy looks! Feel free to friend!!!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Which group did you look at? The Happy Herbivores group is good, and it's for both vegans and vegetarians (I'm the latter).
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I just started with plant based. I'm not counting the years I was a lacto ovo vegetarian long ago. I still ate like crap.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I just start pullus, equus tied to evo pescatarian strong based plants and weak based plants diet. It is the best of the land, ocean, fowl, and ponies diet available. I do not like labels though . . . .can you sense the sarcasm?
  • szimba
    szimba Posts: 290 Member
    You can add me!
  • dp135
    dp135 Posts: 12
    I like HH. I have several of her cookbooks.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I just start pullus, equus tied to evo pescatarian strong based plants and weak based plants diet. It is the best of the land, ocean, fowl, and ponies diet available. I do not like labels though . . . .can you sense the sarcasm?

    You kill horses, don't you? :cry:
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I just start pullus, equus tied to evo pescatarian strong based plants and weak based plants diet. It is the best of the land, ocean, fowl, and ponies diet available. I do not like labels though . . . .can you sense the sarcasm?

    You kill horses, don't you? :cry:

    Somebody saw the Latin; and no, but the labeling just makes my eyes roll. Though horse is eaten in some countries. And I get the need for labels, people need them :bigsmile:
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I just start pullus, equus tied to evo pescatarian strong based plants and weak based plants diet. It is the best of the land, ocean, fowl, and ponies diet available. I do not like labels though . . . .can you sense the sarcasm?

    You kill horses, don't you? :cry:

    Somebody saw the Latin; and no, but the labeling just makes my eyes roll. Though horse is eaten in some countries. And I get the need for labels, people need them :bigsmile:

    As an anarcho-communist, feminist, freshly minted vegan, I concur!

    Edit. Forgot a hyphen. Also, humanist. Except when I'm being a misanthrope. Hey, I'm grumpy before coffee.
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    I eat a plant-based diet... i've lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks and I lost more than an inch off my waist.
  • tinkymoe
    tinkymoe Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! I didn't realize there were responses!! Hahahaha!
  • tinkymoe
    tinkymoe Posts: 6 Member
    I am familiar with all of the above as well. I agree if eating a plant strong diet, truly, with no SOS, counting calories is not necessary however I find myself carb heavy and greens light. I also can find plenty of vegan or plant strong processed food that has no business in my body but because of an overloaded schedule and/or laziness, I eat more of it than I should, hence, the fat is not budging. Thank you for taking the time to say HI and I am glad to meet you! Best of luck to both of us!!
  • tinkymoe
    tinkymoe Posts: 6 Member
    I have been a pescatarian/vegetarian for around 6 years. I eat a 95% vegetarian diet but I do have an occasional piece of fish or shrimp. (Try telling that to a hardcore vegan lol) Anyway, I too have found that, despite a plant based diet, I am fat. I grow a lot of my own vegetables and half my yard is lettuces. I eat tons of lettuce/spinach....but I LOVE the almonds, baco's (soy), dressings, dried cranberries, croutons, etc that I inevitably pile on. Eggplant parm...sweet potato black bean enchiladas...banana peanut butter smoothies (or any other fruit variety)...yes please. My husband and I "joke" all the time that we have to be the fattest vegetarians there is. I have of course learned we are not alone. When we tell people we are vegetarians (easier than trying to explain what a pescatarian is all the time), we get some crazy looks! Feel free to friend!!!

    That's just like me!!!!! Except I don't have all the veggies growing right now. I am overwhelmed with school and work right now, but this fall, I am getting my veggies back! I feel so relieved to see there are other people facing similar issues!
  • tinkymoe
    tinkymoe Posts: 6 Member
    I just start pullus, equus tied to evo pescatarian strong based plants and weak based plants diet. It is the best of the land, ocean, fowl, and ponies diet available. I do not like labels though . . . .can you sense the sarcasm?

    You kill horses, don't you? :cry:

    Somebody saw the Latin; and no, but the labeling just makes my eyes roll. Though horse is eaten in some countries. And I get the need for labels, people need them :bigsmile:

    As an anarcho-communist, feminist, freshly minted vegan, I concur!

    Edit. Forgot a hyphen. Also, humanist. Except when I'm being a misanthrope. Hey, I'm grumpy before coffee.

    You two are cracking me up!!!
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I eat meat once or twice a week, normally. I do eat milk and eggs but we eat tons of vegetarian meals, too. I love smoothies made with either almond milk and whey protein or Greek yogurt.
    I do have my own garden and in fact, I need to process about 20 pounds of zucchini and a bunch of black eyed peas this weekend. I also have okra, peppers and chard growing right now, plus basil ( tons!) and Armenian cucumbers.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    All vegan endurance junkie :P
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I eat mostly plants, diary and some days meat. I don't eat meat every day, sometimes not every week. I really try very hard to stay away from junk food and processed stuff. Add me if you want
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Me, me, me!! *jumps up and down* :bigsmile:

    I have been vegan for over a year now and is currently beginning to transfer over to more of a high carb vegan lifestyle! Seriously, any veggie lovers feel free to add me. I need more Plant strong people on my friends list!
  • Munn0025
    Munn0025 Posts: 40 Member
    hey there.. ive been vegan for about 3 years... ive read dr. mcdougal.. and ive tried all sorts of things. i'd love to be your friend. add me. no judgment, just support. :)

    my name is audrie