"H20" Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day Week 2

- I would like to invite anyone who would love to join in on this challenge. Its never too late to join. We are here to support YOU! =) Join in on all the fun. We do new Challenges Weekly.. Our current Challenge goes until Valentine’s Day.. =)

Week 2 of 6


How are your THREE faults coming along? Are we struggling with them? Need any help working towards them? Remember we ARE here for YOU!

Week 2 is going to be HOMEMADE week.. Since this is the time of the year, we often find ourselves broke.. Why not take advantage of this time and use our “homemade” tools.. =)

Challenge 1 - Week 2
(01/10) - Make ATLEAST one homemade meal this week. (Homemade Pizza, Spaghetti, Tacos, Lasagna, ect..) Feel free to share your ideas and recipes with the group.. =)

Challenge 2 - Week 2
(01/10) - Create a homemade Workout/Routine.. Make it last atleast 15 Minutes.. And do your routine 3 times this week.. Feel Free to Share your ideas with the group.. =)

Challenge 3 - Week 2
(01/10) - Take 30 minutes sometime this week to “pamper” yourself. We often forget how important it is to take time out for ourselves. You deserve it. (Take a hot bath, Shave your legs, get a hair cut, read a book.. Watch a movies) Do something for YOU!

Challenge 4 - Week 2
(01/10) - Meditate atleast twice this week.. Share your meditation methods, for those who struggle with meditation..

QUOTE OF THE WEEK - "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." - Tommy Lasorda

**REMINDER** Support Team H20 Contest-
Since we are “Team H20” Id like to do a small fun contest.. Between now and the next 4 weeks, I want you to come up with a unique design, on our water bottles of course.. And I want us to take a picture of our design, and post the picture. We will post our pictures on week 5.. So start thinking of a design.. The winner of the little Contest will get a little something in the mail.. =) Provided you’re willing to give put your address.. Haha.. Just something a little fun this time around.


Thank you for all that you do to make this group work.. Remember you can always invite people over. Thanks for keeping it going.. :)

Hope you enjoy week 2.. Sorry for the short delay.. <3 April Val


  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    No weight loss this week..but I am ok with that. I am slowly getting back in the game. Still have some slip ups but remaining positive. Hope everyone has a beautiful week!

  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    No weight loss this week..but I am ok with that. I am slowly getting back in the game. Still have some slip ups but remaining positive. Hope everyone has a beautiful week!


    Thats bound to happen.. You will get there Linda.. :) Hope you enjoy your week..
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Adding to my topics. I'm thinking this week is going to be one of those weeks for me too, Linda.....it happens :)
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, this seems like a lot of fun. I would like to join :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Wow, this seems like a lot of fun. I would like to join :)

    youre more than welcomed to.. :) AFter the Valentines Challenge.. WE will have another one.. :) WE are a GREAT support group.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Adding to my topics. I'm thinking this week is going to be one of those weeks for me too, Linda.....it happens :)

    I wish you luck Pam.. Keep positive!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy week 2, H20!

    Another fantastic OP, April. Thank you!

    I'm feeling good about the challenges this week, especially because I'm doing two of them tonight! :laugh: Homemade meal - check! I made mushroom chicken and noodles and it cost $2.50 and clocked in around 600 calories...it would have been lower if I was making a larger batch and didn't use all of the soup in just my one portion, but here's how it went...

    -2 chicken tenderloins (I have one of those large frozen bags that cost $10 for 12 4oz. pieces, 100 cals a piece)
    -serving of egg noodles (Pennsylvania Dutch egg noodles, appx. $4 a bag, 220 cals per 1.5 dry cup servings)
    -Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup (appx. $1.00, used the whole can, 275 cals)

    ~Defrost and cook the chicken in a medium skillet, add a little seasonings if you'd like (I put a couple cranks of Trader Joe's
    Everyday Seasoning on mine)
    ~Cook the egg noodles in a sauce pan as directed on the package
    ~When the chicken is done, cut it up add the condensed mushroom soup and about 1/4 of a soup can of water into the
    skillet with the pieced up chicken
    ~Add the cooked noodles to the skillet.

    It was totally easy and turned out completely yummy and filling. It is kinda (crazy) high on the sodium, so if you're concerned with that I'd suggest getting a low sodium version of the soup. Plus if you're going to make more than one serving the cals will be lower since the soup will be more spread out, KWIM? The cost for my home cooked dinner was about $2.50 and I've got plenty of chicken and noodles waiting for another meal.

    The second challenge I'm taking care of tonight is pampering. I'm going to take a nice long shower, shave my amazon woman legs (TMI!), and paint my digits. I'm going with OPI Who Needs a Prince? tonight. Anyone else here a nail polish lover? I'd love to hear everyone's favorite polish brands/colors!

    My weigh-in is tomorrow. I'm pretty confident that I'll be down from last week, but we'll see what the scale says, if I've made it below my H20 Christmas Challenge end weight.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Happy week 2, H20!

    Another fantastic OP, April. Thank you!

    I'm feeling good about the challenges this week, especially because I'm doing two of them tonight! :laugh: Homemade meal - check! I made mushroom chicken and noodles and it cost $2.50 and clocked in around 600 calories...it would have been lower if I was making a larger batch and didn't use all of the soup in just my one portion, but here's how it went...

    -2 chicken tenderloins (I have one of those large frozen bags that cost $10 for 12 4oz. pieces, 100 cals a piece)
    -serving of egg noodles (Pennsylvania Dutch egg noodles, appx. $4 a bag, 220 cals per 1.5 dry cup servings)
    -Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup (appx. $1.00, used the whole can, 275 cals)

    ~Defrost and cook the chicken in a medium skillet, add a little seasonings if you'd like (I put a couple cranks of Trader Joe's
    Everyday Seasoning on mine)
    ~Cook the egg noodles in a sauce pan as directed on the package
    ~When the chicken is done, cut it up add the condensed mushroom soup and about 1/4 of a soup can of water into the
    skillet with the pieced up chicken
    ~Add the cooked noodles to the skillet.

    It was totally easy and turned out completely yummy and filling. It is kinda (crazy) high on the sodium, so if you're concerned with that I'd suggest getting a low sodium version of the soup. Plus if you're going to make more than one serving the cals will be lower since the soup will be more spread out, KWIM? The cost for my home cooked dinner was about $2.50 and I've got plenty of chicken and noodles waiting for another meal.

    The second challenge I'm taking care of tonight is pampering. I'm going to take a nice long shower, shave my amazon woman legs (TMI!), and paint my digits. I'm going with OPI Who Needs a Prince? tonight. Anyone else here a nail polish lover? I'd love to hear everyone's favorite polish brands/colors!

    My weigh-in is tomorrow. I'm pretty confident that I'll be down from last week, but we'll see what the scale says, if I've made it below my H20 Christmas Challenge end weight.

    Thank you Pinky.. :) I put alot of thought, time and effort into the intro.. :) Thats why it takes soo long.. :)

    Hoping you have a great day/weigh in tomorrow.. :) Way to go on killing two of them tonight.. I killed one of them.. :) I made homemade pizza.. :)
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    love this weeks challenges. I have not dropped any weight since the start and missed posting last week, but I have had a ton going on the last week. I am just glad I did not gain anything. Anyways, I think I will make some homemade chili for the challenge. I will post the recipe after I cook it. Hopefully I will see a little bit of a loss in weight this friday for WI. Will also go get nails done on Friday for the pampering end of things.
    On a side note, today was rough as far as life goes, I got in a car wreck on the way to work UGH. Everyone was ok thankfully. Through all of the crazy stress and trying to figure things out, I did not turn to food for comfort, which was great to be able to say at the end of the day.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    *****H20 Seriously Sexy Seven Pounds Weigh-In Log*****

    Here's how it is going to work this time...if you want to be a part of the weigh-in log, you'll update it yourself on the googledoc spreadsheet that I set up. No log-in is required. You just need to follow this link, which I will re-post every week, and I've also added the link to my siggy.


    Make sure you put a number in the Start Weight column or the Total Weight calculation (which is coded into the document and will calculate automatically) will not work correctly. And please be sure to save the document after you've added your entry.

    Enjoy! Let's kick this challenge's azz!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm not feeling good since last wednesday...

    I'm coughing so much at night my chest hurts in the morning... I'm sneezing or coughing all day causing the NEED TO WEAR DEPENDS :laugh: My daughter wasn't impress the other day when she saw that I was wearing a sort of diaper:tongue: She said I could at least hide it so no one would know!!!

    I'm not eating good home cooked meals but they're not that bad after all. I'm not going over my calories. I stay in bed most of the day.

    Today I finally received my DANCE CENTRAL for my new XBOX Kinect! YAY!!! Even if I wasn't feeling too perky I manage to dance for almost 2 hours! I had so much fun with this game! I was sweating like crazy! After that I went to sleep for 2 hours.... I was so burnt... lol but it was worth it! I can't wait tomorrow to do it again! My hips hurt so much right now from all that dancing! I think I will walk like a penguin in the morning!!!

    Thanks AprilVal and pink_and_shiny for thinking about all the little details every weeks! It makes me want to come back the next week for more!

    Good night all!

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    April you really do put a lot of thought into your opening posts :flowerforyou:

    Pink and shiney I think I added myself, I will have to have another look to make sure :blushing:

    Ok I will defo try all the challenges, having a utterly rubbish time, I pigged out last night, just went in the kitchen and didnt stop eating :grumble: Just because I am down in the dumps. I still have lots of health problems, think I have some heart issues or something, waiting for the doc to ring me back this morning. b/f left for a change last week and I am struggling with the kids, I just need a bit of sleep. The only thing that makes me feel better is exercise. I plan on busting some moves today on just dance. not actually sure how I stand with the whole exercise vs heart problem situation, but meh, I cant stop lol
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    April you really do put a lot of thought into your opening posts :flowerforyou:

    Pink and shiney I think I added myself, I will have to have another look to make sure :blushing:

    Ok I will defo try all the challenges, having a utterly rubbish time, I pigged out last night, just went in the kitchen and didnt stop eating :grumble: Just because I am down in the dumps. I still have lots of health problems, think I have some heart issues or something, waiting for the doc to ring me back this morning. b/f left for a change last week and I am struggling with the kids, I just need a bit of sleep. The only thing that makes me feel better is exercise. I plan on busting some moves today on just dance. not actually sure how I stand with the whole exercise vs heart problem situation, but meh, I cant stop lol

    I went and took a look at the doc and you're definitely there. Chantal too. Yay!

    Wow, heart problem huh? :( Take care of yourself. Sounds like you're too stubborn to let medical problems get you down! That's a good things!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    April you really do put a lot of thought into your opening posts :flowerforyou:

    Pink and shiney I think I added myself, I will have to have another look to make sure :blushing:

    Ok I will defo try all the challenges, having a utterly rubbish time, I pigged out last night, just went in the kitchen and didnt stop eating :grumble: Just because I am down in the dumps. I still have lots of health problems, think I have some heart issues or something, waiting for the doc to ring me back this morning. b/f left for a change last week and I am struggling with the kids, I just need a bit of sleep. The only thing that makes me feel better is exercise. I plan on busting some moves today on just dance. not actually sure how I stand with the whole exercise vs heart problem situation, but meh, I cant stop lol

    I went and took a look at the doc and you're definitely there. Chantal too. Yay!

    Wow, heart problem huh? :( Take care of yourself. Sounds like you're too stubborn to let medical problems get you down! That's a good things!!

    Yay I did it right :)
    Hopefully I will be able to put a lower weight this week, that will cheer me up. In fact its scary how much the scales can affect my mood.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I love the spreadsheet - I'm in now too :)
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for this weeks challenges!

    Homemade food is no problem, I make most of our meals. A really simple idea is veg & lentil soup. I tend to buy a bag of ready peeled and chopped veg, add some lentils in a pan, add some stock water , bring to the boil, simmer for 20-25 minutes, then it's done. I usually blend it too, but that's just so the kids don't know there's veg in there:bigsmile:

    Homemade Routine - well I made one up yesterday actually, but I'm hoping to get the ok to run again tomorrow. I really need to run as I'm supposed to start training for my first half marathon on Monday!!

    Pamper Yourself - I keep saying I'm going to book an appointment at the hairdressing college not far from here. I can't fit an appointment in this week, but I WILL let someone practice on me next week:laugh:

    Meditation - I'm still stretching instead. I did manage it everyday last week, and I hope to keep it up!!

    Hope everyone has a good week :smile:
  • yvie666
    yvie666 Posts: 12
    Adding to topics sounds fab idea!

    am predicted to lose 6 by then having started today but will be real bonus to make that 7 - or even more! :-)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    On a side note, today was rough as far as life goes, I got in a car wreck on the way to work UGH. Everyone was ok thankfully. Through all of the crazy stress and trying to figure things out, I did not turn to food for comfort, which was great to be able to say at the end of the day.
    I'm glad you're okay!! Is there snow and ice where you are? Kudos to not turning to food! I hope your car wasn't too badly damaged.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Challenge No. 1: Done twice over this week (since Sunday). I made Grilled Old Bay Lime Tuna Steaks (I got the recipe from Allrecipes.com), and Salmon with Dill (also from Allrecipes.com). I plan on making turkey meatloaf tonight - my son has been begging for me to make it.

    Challenge No. 2: Does it count if I create my own routine on EASA2?

    Challenge No. 3: I plan on doing my nails tonight. They look a wretched mess. Yuck!

    Challenge No. 4: Still journaling.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Anyone else here a nail polish lover? I'd love to hear everyone's favorite polish brands/colors!
    First off, thanks so much for making the spreadsheet!! It really helps to keep up with everyone that way. :)

    Yes, I love nail polish!! I used to be ONLY about OPI but I've found that I prefer China Glaze, Essie and Orly. China Glaze seems to last much longer than OPI also. Also, my friend recommended a better top coat by Sally Hansen (can't remember the exact name but I know it has the words high shine in it) to help with chipping and that stuff really works! I wash dishes and everything and my polish does not chip!