Dont starve yourself they say



  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    She will have side effects. I was "only" seriously bulimic for about 2 years in my late teens. I am 35 now. Even my dentist doesn't see the physical effects anymore. But, mentally, its something that I still contend with almost every day, even if its just in small ways. I have had several minor relapses over the years, even as a stable, resourceful, healthy person. Complete ED recovery is exceedingly rare.

    You can't, like, dabble in throwing up your food regularly. Its like how you're either dead or not-dead. There's no in-between. Intentionally puking up the food you eat is seriously disordered eating and has life-long consequences. Don't f**k around with it.
  • TasteofEnvy
    TasteofEnvy Posts: 123 Member
    She will have side effects. I was "only" seriously bulimic for about 2 years in my late teens. I am 35 now. Even my dentist doesn't see the physical effects anymore. But, mentally, its something that I still contend with almost every day, even if its just in small ways. I have had several minor relapses over the years, even as a stable, resourceful, healthy person. Complete ED recovery is exceedingly rare.

    You can't, like, dabble in throwing up your food regularly. Its like how you're either dead or not-dead. There's no in-between. Intentionally puking up the food you eat is seriously disordered eating and has life-long consequences. Don't f**k around with it.
    I'm sorry that happened. I'm glad you're doing better. Thank you for sharing your experience.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Easy solution: food poisoning! I got it and couldn't keep anything down, even fluids. My gag reflex became so irritated, I always felt nauseous. It was the worst I have ever felt in my life-I went to the ER 3 times because they refused to admit me! But hey, i lost 13 lbs in a week....of course, it all came back over the next few weeks. I would be happy to NEVER go through that again.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    in those psychology classes of yours, OP, perhaps you should read the chapter on eating disorders, and realize that what your friend Lynn is up to is not wise.
    I have. But saying that is like telling every psych major they need to be perfect and not have any disorders or ever consider doing something stupid. I have not met a single psych professor or therapist who has not struggled, or continued to struggle, in their own way.
    Don't get me wrong... overall I understand it's unhealthy and wrong. But it's a little disheartening to see it working for someone and has yet to show any bad side affects.

    It's like being jealous of someone who gets paid a hundred grand to play Russian roulette. Sure they're rich, but holy ****! I'd rather work my 9-5!
  • jdonner5
    jdonner5 Posts: 1 Member
    I totally get that. I know a couple of gorgeous girls who have eating disorders and I have found myself thinking, "wouldn't it be easy if I could just go all way on half a saltine and two grapes?" And then I feel guilty because those girls are not happy with how they look & they hate themselves for not being able to control the disorder. It's very discouraging to work hard to lose weight and have slow progress but there is no easy button. You're on the right track; keep going. :o)
  • bugtaylor
    bugtaylor Posts: 77 Member
    stop responding to this crazy woman. she's not taking any of our comments seriously.
  • caesar164
    caesar164 Posts: 312 Member
    Why are you comparing yourself to anyone else, especially someone who you know is losing weight in a not-healthy manner.
    If the number on the scale is the only thing that matters, by all means, follow her lead.
    If you'd rather be healthy AND lose weight, do things the right way.

    This!! Don't compare yourself to others! Compare yourself to yourself! Yove done well in 6 months. You say what she's doing is working for her lol??? Yeah shes going to be in great shape in that casket... Your train of thought is extremely shallow!! Her metabolism will be shot; hopefully she recovers, when she does, she will gain all the weight back and some!! That will cause a downward spiral in her mental health... Be happy with yourself that your doing it the healthy way, what shes doing is nothing to envy... The time will pass, and your weight will come off, just be patient...
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    I've heard meth addiction is a great way to lose weight too. Maybe you should start doing that? I's easier than actually being disciplined and putting effort into your physical health and working hard to achieve your goals.

    Yup, that's it. Meth is totally the solution.
    but meth costs money haha. starving yourself is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
    (^ said with humor)
    I understand your message.... it's just hard. Have you never had anyone in your life get things the easy way? And if you have, have you never wished there was an easy button? Or wished you could just do what they did just as easily? I plan on staying healthy... I'm just going through a sad phase right now b/c I want to lose weight just as easily as her.

    Having a serious eating disorder is not the easy way out. Being competitive with a friend who is suffering is really skewed. You want to lose as "easily" as she does? Don't wish an eating disorder for yourself.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    LMAO, good response!
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    I've heard meth addiction is a great way to lose weight too. Maybe you should start doing that? I's easier than actually being disciplined and putting effort into your physical health and working hard to achieve your goals.

    Yup, that's it. Meth is totally the solution.
    but meth costs money haha. starving yourself is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
    (^ said with humor)
    I understand your message.... it's just hard. Have you never had anyone in your life get things the easy way? And if you have, have you never wished there was an easy button? Or wished you could just do what they did just as easily? I plan on staying healthy... I'm just going through a sad phase right now b/c I want to lose weight just as easily as her.

    It LOOKS like she's easily losing weight. Reality? She looks in the mirror, as skinny as she is, and sees an obese woman. She is deteriorating her health just for a number. She's ill, and you shouldn't be "jealous" of a bulimic woman. She needs help and needs your support to get back on to a healthy track. YOU are losing weight the EASY way, not her. YOU have health and motivation and discipline. 26 pounds is GREAT for living a healthy lifestyle. Be proud of yourself.
  • ravenbeaut
    I've heard meth addiction is a great way to lose weight too. Maybe you should start doing that? I's easier than actually being disciplined and putting effort into your physical health and working hard to achieve your goals.

    Yup, that's it. Meth is totally the solution.

  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    I will combat your anecdote with an anecdote of my own (true story). My brother wanted to lose ~30lbs so he decided to "fast" for like 6 weeks. IMHO this is one of the stupidest things a person could do but anyway... So his results:

    After 6 weeks he went from 240lbs - 175 lbs!!!!

    Saw him about a month ago and now he weighs 250 lbs.

    My suggestion, give her a year then report back here...
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    in those psychology classes of yours, OP, perhaps you should read the chapter on eating disorders, and realize that what your friend Lynn is up to is not wise.
    I have. But saying that is like telling every psych major they need to be perfect and not have any disorders or ever consider doing something stupid. I have not met a single psych professor or therapist who has not struggled, or continued to struggle, in their own way.
    Don't get me wrong... overall I understand it's unhealthy and wrong. But it's a little disheartening to see it working for someone and has yet to show any bad side affects.
    key word: yet
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Yessssss....bulimia is totally the answer. After all, you're skinny right?
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I get super angry when I hear people say "Oh don't starve yourself" "Oh, it'll make you gain more weight"
    Yet my friend, "Lynn", does just that. And she's lost 27 pounds in just 3 months.... It's taken me six months just to lose 26.
    I exercise and watch what I eat. I have a standing job.
    She sits at her computer all day, starving herself. If she does eat, it's junk food, and then she makes herself throw up.

    It pisses me off and makes me really want to quit. not quit losing weight... quit being healthy. I know some of you are going to be rude and talk about "how I'm whining"

    But seriously.... what the hell.... is it really just easier just to starve myself... I want to lose weight quicker.
    :huh: :huh: :huh: Ya that is a healthy idea
  • downlow676
    downlow676 Posts: 3 Member
    I was thinking the same thing. And it's much more pleasant than barfing. But I hear it's expensive and I do kind of like my teeth, complexion, hair, and relationship. *sigh* I guess it's dieting the old fashion way for me.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Your post is quite concerning. I would understand if you were doing the exact same thing. I.e eating at a slight deficit and exercising and your friend was losing way more weight than you. Or she wasn't putting any effort at all and losing more. But she is doing something dangerous and you sound jealous in my opinion. This scares me. Don't go down your friends route
  • jsg1739
    jsg1739 Posts: 4
    I've heard meth addiction is a great way to lose weight too. Maybe you should start doing that? I's easier than actually being disciplined and putting effort into your physical health and working hard to achieve your goals.

    Yup, that's it. Meth is totally the solution.
    but meth costs money haha. starving yourself is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
    (^ said with humor)
    I understand your message.... it's just hard. Have you never had anyone in your life get things the easy way? And if you have, have you never wished there was an easy button? Or wished you could just do what they did just as easily? I plan on staying healthy... I'm just going through a sad phase right now b/c I want to lose weight just as easily as her.

    I understand what you mean,but keep in mind the terrible consequences that the "easy way" has and you may realize it's actually not that easy. Nothing good comes free and the price of being fit is putting in the effort and staying determined. Also remember that she's not gaining any muscle, meaning underneath her clothes she probably doesn't look that great. A toned body beats sharp bones any day.
  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I was that person. Eight years ago I lost 55 lbs and got to 145 lbs (very frail for my 6', DD chest frame). I was thin, but I was completely miserable. I only ate around other people to shut them up, and then find a way to either subtly, and quickly, find a bathroom to hurl in. I alienated my friends and family, and almost lost the best relationship I had ever had. He gave me an ultimatum and I chose him. As soon as I started eating again I gained weight. And now I'm back here. I'm only trying to lose 10-15 lbs to get to 160-165 but I'm here again. I learned nothing about how to live WITH food, only how to live without it. And in the end, you have to learn how to live with food. Otherwise, well, you won't actually live.

    I very much don't recommend it.