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New here. 360lbs and doing the 1200 calorie diet. Am I nuts?



  • crazymommy5
    crazymommy5 Posts: 65 Member
    I also just started and MFP started me at 1200 calories a day as well. I'm an emotional eater and food is my drug of choice. It will be a struggle, but at 1200 calories the weight will come off faster. I need fast weight loss at the beginning to motivate me. My concern is my metabolism. At 46 it's at a crawl and I don't want my body to feel starved and slow down my metabolism further. In addition, I have a back injury and my exercise is limited. The good news is we can always up the caloric intake if we need to. I guess we will have to listen to our bodies carefully and adjust as we go. We can do it if we just hold on and be strong!
  • ttwills9
    ttwills9 Posts: 1
    I have to say I am very proud that you decided to get healthy. I started about 6 weeks ago. I was 190lbs, down to 186lbs and I am only 5'3", and am too on the 1200 a day calories, but I learned if you eat food that are high in protein and fiber you will feel fuller longer. Try that on for size and let me know how it works for you. Good Luck on your journey.
  • Snailman44
    Snailman44 Posts: 25
    Too many people make this weight loss a sprint not a journey to good long term health. Everyone is different listen to your body. To give you an example my wife will lose up to 5lbs a week eating healthy with low carbs in her diet and walks every day. She is over 50lbs lost and still losing as we speak. Myself i only lose 1-2 lbs per weeks i bike and weight lift after i did T-25 for 6 weeks. 30 lbs loss in just over 3 months. Start slow if you have been eating unhealthy processed foods for years start getting used to eating healthy foods all day then start reducing the calories to where you need to be to lose weight. Find some cardio you love to do you will find it then do it as often as you can. When you have that under control try to get into basic weight training. A couple tips i can tell you that works is chew your food slowly and eat 6 meals a day to speed up your metabolism. I highly recommend taking a daily vitamin,extra vitamin D and fish oil every morning with your breakfast.
  • malakisi
    malakisi Posts: 2
    I second this everything in this post!! Above. ^^^^
  • veredit
    veredit Posts: 29 Member
    I am doing this since January 2013, with 1200 cals a day. That's totally sustainable, I lost 58 lbs in 10 months, feeling no hunger at all. Now I try to maintain this, so I do the same 1200 with very few cheat days.
  • ScarlettDam
    ScarlettDam Posts: 32 Member

    You can do this!! 1200 is perfectly ok just make sure your consuming 1200 good calories ie. calories filled with nutrients, vitamins and protein. I did 1200 calories for 2+ years and went from 195 to 117lbs. see my pics for proof. :)

    your on the right track don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also don't be afraid to slip-up. if you go over or have something you know you shouldn't. just start over - it's in the past - all you can do now is work hard from here out - no regrets.

    food for thought: if you have gastric bypass the doctor recommends an average daily intake of 500 calories. your body will use your storage (fat) for the rest. but do drink LOTS of water as your body starts to devour your stored up fat cells you'll need water to get the toxins (fat cells store lots of toxins) out of you body.

    Good luck and feel free to friend me.

  • kirili3
    kirili3 Posts: 244 Member
    I would eat more and partly it's because of plateaus. When people plateau they usually up their exercise and lower their intake for a bit to get going again.

    I tried eating very low cal for a while, lost some weight, and then plateaued for a year and a half because my body freaked out (I'd have normal hunger levels and reach 154 lbs, at which point I would become so hungry I could eat all day and not feel full. This happened 8 or 9 times).

    I'm on 1200 and exercise cals now but if you can lose at 2000 cals, basically eating an average amount and still losing weight, that may save those pesky plateau issues in the future. Marathon not a sprint.

    That said, if you're determined to go hardcore, divaslimsdown on youtube is an inspiration. Her starting weight was around 341. She still ate around 1600 though, I think.
  • Saratini76
    Saratini76 Posts: 115 Member
    I feel like only eating 1200 calories is going to set you up for failure. You should start at a more reasonable calorie count for your height/weight. If you starve yourself you are more likely to give up, like I have in the past. My plan is to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week. I am at 1240 calories right now and I am 5"1 and 195 pounds. Remember slow and steady wins the race...

    ^^This!!! From my experience of being nearly 300 at 5'7....and eating everything I want....it's better in the long run to start off slow. I gradually reduced my calories with the help of my doctor. I started at 2300! Even that was hard for me after a week or two! After losing 10 pounds, we lowered me to 2000, and so forth. It was a change in how I viewed food, how I looked at serving size, and how to allow little treats without binging completely. I have a food obsession though along with emotional eating so I may have struggles that you do not have. Good luck, and I wish you the best on your journey however you wish to walk it!

  • I wish you the best .. a couple things I will sugest .. take a mult vitamin daily and also a couple fish oil tablets daily ..eat alot of fresh greens and lettuce in a big " vegetable "salad with maybe tomatos before you eat anything else in the evening .... it seems if I eat a BIG bowl of lettuce with my favorite dressing it fills me up... . I deplor fat free dressing So .I eat what ever dressing I like but I only use 2 or 3 tablespoons .leave off the high calorie extras on the salad crrotons aand and craisins ad pineapples .. after your salad maybe some lean protein chicken , fish , ect
    also if you like yogurt you cant beat. light and fit yogurt for the nutritional value 12 gr of protein and only 80 calories ..
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Talk to your dr. about it. I'm no expert but I've read some books and got tips from MFP users. I've lost over 30 lbs in 3 months. Here's what works for me. I eat around 1200 calories but that's a personal choice and seems to best work for me. I have increased my water intake. I eat a lot of bulky low calorie food. Protein helps me to keep from getting hungry. I don't eat a lot of heavy carbs at night. (like potatoes, bread, pasta. Instead of cake and pastries )I eat fruit. I wear a fitbit and found I'm a lot more active than I though esp at work. I exercise on the weekends. Personally I don't think any food is evil, lots of people on her lose weight and still have sweets, chips etc. Chips and sweets trigger binges for me so I stay away from them. This is my 3rd time around and I don't think of it as a diet, rather I think of it as a lifestyle change that I can live with the rest of my life.Don't quit b/c you have an off day, I see people drop out and slowly slip back into their old habits. Just start fresh the next day.:smile::smile: Find friends on here that you have something in common with, I think that's helped me more than anything having friends that understand you!!! Good luck and blessing on your journey.
  • lovebig30
    lovebig30 Posts: 167 Member
    my average calories intake is between 1600 and 2500 depending on workout for the day and I still lose at average rate of 1lb a week I do lots of heavy lifting so I lose inches faster than pounds most time. no need to starve yourself at a high weight you can have more calories and still lose. choice mainly nutrition dense foods and have treats. lots of water. if you feel hungry a lot check your protein levels make sure your getting enough.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I'm sure I was allotted around 1900 calories a day to lose 2lbs a week when I was your weight. 1200 is just ridiculously low and won't give you all the nutrients you'll need to see you through to your goal weight. Eat more and be full of energy and vitality would be my advice.
  • Stopin_da_yoyo
    Stopin_da_yoyo Posts: 138 Member
    Wow 1200 cals sounds insanely low. Im 260 and eat 1700 per day and am still losing quite fast. Im not sure if 1200 and your stats is sustainable/healthy. Sustainability is the key+logging honestly everyday.

    Good luck.
  • clairetomkinson84
    clairetomkinson84 Posts: 66 Member
    Depends on what you eat I guess, you should be aiming to get all your vitamins and minerals etc. They did a study on people what ate low calorie like that and that was fine. Mine is 1200 too and I find it very sustainable, I'm never hungry and I even allow myself treats. Good luck :-).
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    When you have a LOT of weight to lose you CAN safely have quite a big deficit for a LITTLE WHILE assuming you can handle it. It will make you very cranky and hungry at your weight but you can do it for a couple months without any real damage, just to give you a big boost.

    I started at 220, did 1200 for probably 2 months, dropped about 25 lbs (was a nice kick start) You should NOT try to sustain 1200 calories at your size for very long or you will see other issues. I think I went from 1200 NET to about 1900 NET after the first few months and was still losing about 3 lbs a week for quite some time. I really only slowed down when I started weight training / working out but by this point the number on the scale is no longer important - now I go by the mirror and the fit of my clothes. I have lost less then 10 lbs since the start of the new year but have gone from a size 12 to a 7. I did another stint of 1200 NET recently for another kick start and am now working my way back up to 1600 NET at 5'6 145lbs.

    So, you can do it for a few months but after that initial drop you will want to up your calories to a more reasonable amount for your size. Read the links that people have posted and you will find a lot of really good information. Good luck to you!
  • Megkynaf
    Megkynaf Posts: 18 Member
    you should probably be eating more like 1800 to 2200 calories depending on your bmi and activity level. 1200 is too little your gonna kill your metabolism.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,958 Member
    My worries are:

    1) You'll push yourself too hard at the beginning and end up giving up in a few months, still far from goal.
    2) By the time you reach 10 - 20 lbs above your goal, your body will be accustomed to eating 1200 cals and it will no longer be effective, really stalling your efforts.

    There's really no reason to reduce your food consumption by so much so soon. You don't really want to lose more than 2 pounds a week and I don't think MFP would have needed to put you on a 1200 cal diet to get you there.

    But hey, whatever floats your boat. Maybe talk to a professional about it to make sure.
  • bbcrews
    bbcrews Posts: 1
    Good for you!! Just getting started is half the battle. I think you have the right attitude and yeah, you're going to feel hungry. Eat lots of fruits and veggies!!! And be forgiving of yourself. You can do this!!
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm 5'1 , was at 273lbs 62 days ago and started at eating1700 cal/day but have reset my daily total to 1400. On a normal day I am usually between 1200 and 1400 per day. For me that's 3 meals and 3 snacks per day and I don't find myself hungry but my body now does tell me when it's mealtime/snacktime. At this point I am just moving slowly from sedentary to active and will up my daily calorie count if required. My current BMR is 1689 and current BMI is 48.4 (down from 51.6). Start out at your suggested BMR and adjust if you need to. 1200/day is a minimum guideline that you should try not to go under and not really sustainable for the long term. For me this has to be a way of life from now on and can I live with the restrictions of a 1200 cal/day eating plan for the rest of my life? Probably not.