Feel like giving up and I just started :(



  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    I'll echo what the others are saying - do not give up. Obviously you have new responsibilities and time management is difficult. I suspect the last time you invested in making a better you, and using MFP, you were facing similar challenges. You proved you could do it them, and it wasn't over night. We all have some time, even if it's 2 minutes, there is some time in our day we can set aside for ourselves (you had time to write your post and read responses, yes?). Start small again and establish some routine. Lots of good ideas related to getting the kids out in a stroller. Can you start family walks when everyone is home at a reasonable hour? A new baby in the house is a good time for change (in this case, change that you want, not that the baby insists on!). You can do this; you've done it before, you know how good you felt because of it, and you can do it again!! Pace yourself, but get started again - soon!

  • sharyntg
    sharyntg Posts: 33
    Well, you're so lucky to have a family who needs you. I'd trade my free time and fitness for that any day of the week. You will get the hang of it. It will catch on. Give yourself a break. At least you are on the right track. Is there a way you can get access to exercise equipment in your home? For example, I got a bike trainer and out my rear tire in it and it turns it into a stationary bike of sorts. This is handy because you can just easily exercise and read a book at the same time or watch tv or whatever else. I get on the bike and get online and check emails and pay bills. It kills two birds with one stone. Plus, it would be in your home and you could set a baby monitor up and just hop on and off when you need to. Just an idea. Good luck to you!
  • healinghands111
    healinghands111 Posts: 30 Member
    Perhaps pick one healthy change you think you can handle and set a goal...add new ones as you succeed. One thing I want to say is I have 5 kids, and the last 2 I was very tired after having them, and drank soda fa few times a week for a couple weeks and I gained soo much when I would've been loosing. Since then, all Ive done is gain...I would never want that for anyone else. Please know that we all go through this very hard hurdle after having a baby, you are not alone. It takes soo much from us nutritionally, its an enormous sacrifice, lack of sleep, huge changes in our lives. Start small...youll get there. Never give up. You LIVE in your body....give it your best. Congratulations on your baby honey! What a blessing!
  • pinkpetals1025
    Dont beat yourself up. Im a single mother with a hyper 7 year old girl, and a very curious always Getting into things 8year old son :). I work fulltime, and mom full time. It can be tough. But the key is dont give up. You have good days and bad days. So on the tough days just think on what you can do for the next day to improve. Its tough being at home with the kids and balancing everything. Take it one day at a time. I struggle to with eating at the right time and working out because im tired. But ive been trying some tips and maybe its something you can try or adjust to fit your busy days. #1 i just started premaking my meals. Salads, soups i freeze, so when im in a rush i grab and go. #2 i have a bad sweet tooth so i keep a large bowl in the freg filled with fruit like chopped watermelon , cherries, or grapes so when i want something sweet i just grab a peice of fruit. #3 addicted to soda , i started weening myself off soda because i had a hard time just quiting cold turkey. And when i craved it i started substituting sparkling favored water #4 lastly workingout , i m tryn to squeeze in one hour workouts when i have time, when i dont i do atleast 30 mins. I m tired but im making myself find ways. I hope this was helpful. Smile and dont be sad youre get through it.