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How do you get the motivation to exercise?



  • Tymeforme68
    Tymeforme68 Posts: 17 Member
    Personally, my motivation comes internally. Fitting into that smaller size, feeling less winded, having more energy and my personal favourite - turning some heads!! Good luck :)
  • fibbersteve
    fibbersteve Posts: 7 Member
    Set goals for yourself to exercise. For me, I dedicated the month of June to go out and jog/walk at least 1.5 miles every day lasting between 22-60 minutes. It's working really well and there are some days, like today, where I want to brush it aside and skip a day, but I get dressed and go anyway because I'm determined to meet that goal. If exercising gets monotonous then find alternatives like different body exercises or, if you're doing cardio outside, find new routes. Once you have a goal you just need to get it in routine and you'll feel accomplished knowing that you stuck to it.

    Goals can be anything really, and certainly help me stay motivated.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I have severe arthritis in my knees and just got a total knee replacement and anotner on the way.
    My exercise consists of walking. Walking causes pain. So why walk you say? Its because I WANT THIS.
    I want to be healthy and maybe have less pain. Thats what motivates me. I hope you find what yours is.
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    The best thing is find a sport or activity you love. Also I usually reality slap myself when I'm being lazy and truthfully think why is it acceptable to do nothing? We were built to be active, not sit around a desk all day etc. If you can find time to watch tv or even go on these forums for half an hour, you have the same time to exercises at home or outside.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    14 months ago, my trainer told me that working out and exercise is not a punishment for being fat; everyone needs to work out and exercise to be healthy. That single statement flipped a switch in my head, and here we are!!!

    And it just flipped the one in mine.... virtual hug in transit.

    Holy ****, that got my attention......

    Triple this. Fitness, balance, and strength are their own rewards, and only grow more valuable with age.
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    I didn't want to either, so I started with some after burn workouts or HIIT that lasted 6-8 minutes.

    I thought "I can do that" did it for a week then wanted to do it more, I could feel the difference after that week, it was great. even 5mins of vigorous exercise is enough to get your heart pumping, it is definitely better than nothing.

    Add 5mins a day after a week and its 30mins :)
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    14 months ago, my trainer told me that working out and exercise is not a punishment for being fat; everyone needs to work out and exercise to be healthy. That single statement flipped a switch in my head, and here we are!!!

    And it just flipped the one in mine.... virtual hug in transit.

    Holy ****, that got my attention......

    Triple this. Fitness, balance, and strength are their own rewards, and only grow more valuable with age.

    Another virtual hug from me. Love that quote.

    I'm also in total agreement with:
    I didn't want to either, so I started with some after burn workouts or HIIT that lasted 6-8 minutes.

    I thought "I can do that" did it for a week then wanted to do it more, I could feel the difference after that week, it was great. even 5mins of vigorous exercise is enough to get your heart pumping, it is definitely better than nothing.

    Add 5mins a day after a week and its 30mins :)
    I started off with TRYING to do one minute of jumping jacks as soon as I woke up. I couldn't do it the first time but I tried. The next week, every day my goal was to try and make it to one minute. Then the goal was 2 minutes. It was just to get the blood pumping and my mind in the right place for the rest of the day.

    That was in 2002. I still hate "exercising" but I do it.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I get up and go, even if I don't want to. Feels awesome during/after, so worth it on the days that I don't want to be active!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i started out walking 20 minutes per day, and found that walking can be as addictive as eating for me. it's easy to find 20 minutes to walk, and takes no equipment. also when you go to the store, you can make a few rounds through the store before you start to shop - i've started grabbing stuff as i go by, and don't stop walking at all now as i buy groceries, as well as doing up and down extra aisles to add more walking time. the other day i kept my heart rate in the zone for 45 minutes while shopping :D
  • eminentclapper
    eminentclapper Posts: 15 Member
    what has gotten me moving is not motivation. I've learned that motivation is tied to emotions. so it falters. it's more a matter of discipline, making myself move my *kitten* when I'd much rather sit on it, no matter what, everyday. I've also set fairly small goals. Ideally I'd like to put in 30 minutes everyday, but I realize that will be hard to keep up with. so I tell myself I have to do 15 minutes everyday. I keep my gazelle set up in the living room so it's nothing to hop on for 15 minutes. I don't sit down to watch tv until I've put in my minimum time and most days I put in 30 minutes or more because the 15 goes by super fast. it's working so far because instead of dreading a 30 minute work out everyday I have more of an "oh 15 minutes is nothing, you can do anything for 15 minutes" kind of attitude. having the discipline to meet this super small goal is motivating in and of itself because I'm meeting or exceeding my goal everyday, which feels awesome!

    I totally agree on this! For me it's the same, you can't rely on motivation. The only thing you can rely on is willpower and consistency. It's the consistency that will give you the results in the end.

    Also excellent point about settings small goals that are easy to do, so it's almost impossible to fail - you're simply setting yourself up to succeed every time!

    It also helps me to set process oriented goals instead of target oriented goals, i.e. the goals are about effort and consistency, not about reaching a specific weight at a specific date. For me the question is what kind of person I am/want to be. I want to be the kind of person who never misses a workout (even if it's only 5 minutes...), so I am!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I'd look at how you get to work. Is there a way you could walk, to and fro? Bicycle, perhaps? What do you do in your lunch break? What do you do, on your days off?
  • gpwalling
    gpwalling Posts: 22 Member
    Fear. I sign up for an event in the future--an event that is physical and requires a level of fitness to enjoy. Nearly every year that event is Cycle Oregon which is held for a week every year in September. This year there are a couple of days in a row of over 6,000 feet of climbing and around 65 miles each day. I just know that I cannot haul 220 lbs up those mountainsides, particularly on a week ride where you have to keep doing it day after day. In order to ride that kind of an event, I know I have to prepare properly by getting fit and losing weight. That means I have to put my rear in the saddle at least 5 days a week and watch what I eat. I have to do a lot of climbing so the rides I do are increasingly challenging in that way. In years' past it was other cycling events which were so difficult and daunting I had to exercise a lot in order to prepare. Now that I am a little older, Cycle Oregon is just difficult enough to motivate me to exercise. So for me, it is the fear of not being able to perform in a challenging event. I know I cannot get there overnight so I am motivated to chip away at it on a regular basis each week over a period of several months.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I need some advice. When it comes to my eating I'm in general pretty good. I do binge more than I'd like but I've cut back on that a lot and I plan on tracking my food more on MFP and making better choices. Today I had watermelon instead of the chips I wanted. Baby steps right?

    Anyway, how do you get the motivation to exercise? I know its' a dumb question and I just need to do it but I can't seem to. I work two jobs and more often than not I work 12 days around 5 days a week, so when I get home, the LAST thing I want to do is exercise. I know I'd feel much better and probably kick up my weight loss more if I did do it. My goal this year was to run a 5k this summer and I don't know if that's happening.

    I just don't have the motivation right now or any day, how do I change this? Any advice at all is appreciated. I just need something to get my *kitten* moving.
    Here is a trick given to me by a coach. If you don't feel like going for a run (or whatever you do) say to yourself, I'm just going to put my workout clothes on to be comfortable. Sit for fifyeen min, no more. Go head out the door. Tell yourself you'll just run for 15-20, no more. If you still feel crappy you'll turn around and go home. Well usually after about 15-20 minutes (about 2.5 miles) the endorphins kick in, and I'd rather just finish my workout then do a short run
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I look in the mirror at my fat rolls. LOL
  • Personally I love moving around, I love the feeling of creating and using energy within and without my body and the unbeatable feeling of slipping in between the sheets and falling straight to sleep at bedtime :) My motivator is the weather though believe it or not. If it's dry and/or sunny I don't think twice about heading out for long walks but if it's wet and rainy I'm totally put off lol! I don't like exercising in the home at all so if I'm not out I don't exercise :P Come to think of it I should change that ha ha!
  • xoxsahara
    xoxsahara Posts: 58 Member
    I think about myself, and how I am frustrated with my current weight and how it inhibits me from doing things I may want to do. Self love is a process, but feeling comfortable with your body is part of it. It's about mind > matter, you know? Because your legs will keep moving if you put your mind to it.

    I read this quote once that hit everything right on the head - when you're tired, get mad BECAUSE you are tired and keep going.
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    I walk a LOT
    but I did not start out doing a lot of walking I started out small
    15 minute walks a day
    and increased those to 30 minute walks
    then 45 minutes on the treadmill plus other walks
    having a fitbit inspired me to move more
    now I just walk because I like to

    you have to find YOUR thing
    and like another said fake it till you make it
    take 10 minutes out of your morning and do something even if it is just pacing
    surely you can spare 10 minutes
  • Dezire4lyfe
    Dezire4lyfe Posts: 16 Member
    My daily motivation comes from just remembering what my goals are and knowing exercise is the only way I am going to get there. But I also found exercise that I love so it makes it easier to drag my butt out of bed every morning at 4am. And honestly, what they say about it becoming a habit is so true. If I miss a day, its like I missed my drug fix. I actually replaced after work happy hour with running/walking!! I also use phone apps as reminders and a little extra push. I am in love with the Nike Running app because it lets me see how I am improving. Good music helps also!

    I know it must be hard working extra long hours... but you just as you are committed to work you have to be committed to your exercise regime. If your work hours were changed or extended... you would find the time to get the work done because you need the paycheck... maybe try thinking of exercise the same way. You have to get it done to get to your health goals. :D