unsupportive friend



  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    I went out with a guy for a while, who during that time lost 70 lbs in a year. I lost 20 lbs along beside him, which was great, because before that he was actually sabotaging my diet inadvertently, taking me out for really big meals and such---he could pack away a lot of food, and always ordered dessert...

    (Sorry, my mind wandered at "dessert.")

    Anyway, although I was really proud of him, and enjoyed watching him morph from a pudgy middle-age guy to a Greek god (yes, he was beautiful), I got thoroughly tired of his droning on about "calorie restriction." And he wouldn't let me cook anything for him. (I was not trying to sabotage his diet...after all, I was cooking for my weight loss, too.)

    So, if the friend isn't willing to hear about your success, it may be that it in some way makes her feel criticized. Stop talking with her about weight, but continue to politely decline the calorie bombs.
  • LITtlerMeCO
    LITtlerMeCO Posts: 130 Member
    Maybe you two should take a break from each other for a while and think about what your friendship means to you. You could end up resenting her if you binge because of her encouragement or you could become annoyed at her not supporting you which could lead to the end of the friendship.

    My best friend wants to go shopping with me for new clothes--I've told her I wan to wait another 15 pounds before investing in a new wardrobe so for now she's just excited I've gotten a few new t-shirts for the gym.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I would say you need to just confront her about it. Let her know how much you value the freindship and how much her lack of support hurts you. If she really is a good friend, she will admit her fault and try to be more supportive. You can encourage her to take the journey with you. Maybe she really does want to lose weight but lacks the confidence and support herself.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member

    So I've been doing mfp...

    [insert sophomoric laughter]
  • sir_randall
    sir_randall Posts: 16 Member
    Could be jealousy or bitterness. Maybe she's unhappy with her weight and body. She sees you making a positive change for yourself and it amplifies her sadness and bitterness. She's trying to drag you down to her level.

    Surround yourself with people who are going to encourage and motivate you to hit your goals. You're doing it for yourself and if someone can't support you in that endeavor then that speaks volumns about your relationship. Maybe it's additional weight you need to shed.

    Congrats on your progress. Keep going.
  • awomaninsane
    awomaninsane Posts: 75 Member
    If she's your best friend, why can't you tell her how you feel as opposed to a public forum?

    It's probably because she is her 'best friend' that she's looking for some advice on how to deal with this and that is what forums like this can help with, offering differing ideas and ways to help.

    OP, she sounds very jealous and maybe she's worried you'll look for new skinny friends once you reach your target? Obviously this idea is silly because she is your friend and you'd never do that to her.
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    i have definitely encountered that before. i had a friend tell me that i was being rediculous because i decided that i didnt want to go out and party anymore for a while til i found my "groove" and felt i could handle all that comes along with going out. the dinners, drinks and after drinking food...i didnt even want to deal with that because i couldnt control myself at the time. While yes, that IS my problem, i was really taken aback when she told me that stopping all together was a bad idea. why? what makes it so bad if it works for me?? She was extremely mean and hateful about it and i didnt want or need that kind of negativieity in my life. i unfortunately had to cut that friendship short. it wasnt just that that she was negative towards me about, it was a plethora of things, constantly telling me what to do, cutting me down, the works!!
    if she is your best friend, TALK to her. tell her how youre feeling. if she truly is your best friend and cares about your feelings, she will change. if not, you may have to do what i did. my feelings and overall health and happiness meant nothing to this so-called friend of mine, so thats why i chose the path i did.
    i hope she comes around. Friends are SO important on this journey!!! good luck and keep us posted!!
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. :)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    She is showing you the quality of her character. It is up to you whether this friendship is really worthy of your time.

    Perhaps she will get over it. Or perhaps this behavior will continue. Either way, it is not your responsibility to make her happy. However, it is your responsibility to make yourself happy.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    This is just how women are, unfortunately.

    Oh, Sonic, Sonic, Sonic. This is how some human beings are, unfortunately.

    Nope, just women

    Edited to add that y'all are known to buy clothes/shoes just so other women can't have them :laugh:



  • ZumbaGeek
    ZumbaGeek Posts: 4
    I had the same issue, therefore I totally understand how you feel. Before using MFP I was doing ketogenic diets, and I was excited following them, and then the one who is supposed to be one of my best friends was saying nasty demotivating things like: diets do not work... you will get fat again ... dieting is useless...etc.

    I even once lost up to 8 kg in a short period of time, and she didn't say a single motivational or supportive word. In fact, she gave me the impression as if she was not happy that am losing weight, which made me very surprised.

    Then when I totally understood the whole picture, I decided to stick to my plans, not to care about what she says, not to wait for her support and not care what other people says except my GP and my Gym instructor!

    and to be honest I started even reviewing our friendship, I started analysing her behaviour towards me.

    One advice... stick to your weight loss goals, always motivate yourself and be patient.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    This is just how women are, unfortunately.

    Really? Because not one of my friends acted like that with me, in this whole process. Not one.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    This is just how women are, unfortunately.

    Oh, Sonic, Sonic, Sonic. This is how some human beings are, unfortunately.

    Blaming it on human beings sounds like something a woman would do.

    Indeed. False equivalence is false.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    She's very overweight herself but has always said that she doesn't mind it and that she's not "built to be thin". I think I understand that she's maybe envious but there are things in her life that I get jealous of, but I'd never try to sabotage them or behave bitterly towards her about them. When something goes well for her I'm happy about it but it seems like she can't bring herself to do the same for me.

    you make her feel bad that you are losing weight. its her issue not yours, i just wouldn't mention your weight loss in front of her, and log your food later on. that being said, she's your best friend, she should be supportive.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    She’s upset that you’re moving on and she is not. Additionally, she’s afraid that you will change so much that you will no longer what to be her friend. The mind is a crazy thing.
  • rhina23
    rhina23 Posts: 212 Member
    How about being honest with your best friend? "BFF, I love you and I love our friendship. The reality is that I'm changing my lifestyle to be more healthy and to lose weight. I'm sad that you do that eye roll thing and that instead of cheering me forward you are negative."

    Then if she continues this behavior, rethink the friendship. The situation is somewhat analogous to a recovering alcoholic who should drop his drinking buddies who continue to create a drinking environment. She wants you to be her cheesecake and pizza friend, not her salad friend. If a falling out ensues, so be it.

    ^ ^ agree!
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    She is jealous that you are making a change in your life that she thinks she can't. People that are too afraid to make changes to better themselves are always going to poo-poo those that are.

    You should ask her why she is being the way she is. Don't accuse but ask her and try to get her talking about herself. Do let her know that her attitude is affecting you and you are not happy since you thought she was your friend and expected a little bit of support.

    Overweight people that keep saying they are happy with their size are all lying to themselves and everyone around them. No one is happy being tired, sick and unable to do normal daily activities without getting winded. They are just afraid to try to make the change. There can be many reasons why but in the end they are just afraid and don't want the people around them to change either. As someone else said....Misery loves company.

    If after you have a chat, she is still being a beeatch then you may need to rethink your friendship. Sometimes when we take on new lifestyles we need to let go of the negative people from our past lifestyle and find new friends that are on the same path as us. Good luck!
  • glamsam8
    glamsam8 Posts: 39 Member
    Overweight people that keep saying they are happy with their size are all lying to themselves and everyone around them. No one is happy being tired, sick and unable to do normal daily activities without getting winded. They are just afraid to try to make the change. There can be many reasons why but in the end they are just afraid and don't want the people around them to change either. As someone else said....Misery loves company.

    I gotta say, this is kind of inaccurate, being happy with your size is something different than being unable to do normal everyday activities(you can still be large and be fit) and I think in order to actually make a change, you have to like yourself enough to do it.

    ANYWAYS OP, I would say I fall into the un-supportive friend category, one of my really close friends lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw her(we go to school in different states) and it took me a while to come to terms with it, so I kind of just don't talk about it around her, but honestly she motivated me to really do it this time. And I think I can see where your friend is coming from, but I've also learned if people can't be supportive, you're better off without them, even if you think you need them. Someone else will come along, or you'll be able to surround yourself with more supportive people.

    Drop the "friend", make new more supportive friends
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    How can I make someone value the things I want them to value and feel the way I want them to feel?
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    If she's your best friend, why can't you tell her how you feel as opposed to a public forum?


    Also, it's nice when people support you but it doesn't make good people, bad people when they don't take an active interest in something important to you. Things that are for you, are for you, not anyone else. I met up with a friend that I hadn't seen in years. The last time we got together, I was nearly 200 lbs. I'm now 155. She didn't say anything about it (she did say she liked the way I was doing my hair now) but I also didn't say anything about it to her. Why? There are more important aspects to interpersonal relationships than my weight.

    Your weight and your weight loss might be a huge deal to you. It is not and never will be a truly huge deal to anyone else (unless you become a celebrity weight loss/fitness guru).
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    She wants to keep you in the fat club.