I want to quit smoking



  • Dugie86
    Dugie86 Posts: 11 Member
    I quit Nov 8th of last year after my husband had a massive heart attack. I used Chantix for about 6 weeks and I'm positive it helped me quit. Now I very rarely even think of smoking and when I do I remind myself that I'm a non smoker. It really is mental after the initial few days. Just do it! Good Luck.
  • sitnomore
    sitnomore Posts: 2
    I quit May 3rd this year after 10 years. I found watching the videos and all the information at WhyQuit.com was VERY helpful. Only thing I will say is they don't want you to use anything other than will power to quit and I used WEllbutrin b/c I had bad experience with Chantix in the past. They insist on no nicotine at all of any kind and I agree with that. The Wellbutrin helped in that it took the pleasure away from smoking. Only 7 week but I almost never think of it anymore. Only used the Wellbutrin for a few weeks b/c it affected my sleeping.

    You can do it, if I can you can.
  • When I quit smoking two years ago I started running at the same time which made it really easy not to smoke.
  • When I quit, finally, after smoking for many many years (started out as an 'only when I drink' thing for all of you that do just that), I was so ticked off at myself for not having done it sooner. I got so much money back, so much time back...and really helped me set priorities in my life. Some friends are no longer as close a friend; had no idea that smoking was sometimes the big link in relationships. Weird. Anyway, what worked for me was finally realizing that I didn't just have to decide to quit once. I had to decide to quit a million times. So that if I messed up, all was not lost. Keep making those good choices...kind of like eating healthy. Little by little, good choices can get you healthy. Best of luck to all of you thinking about quitting!!!