Diet soda, yay or nay



  • jcreazy
    jcreazy Posts: 50 Member
    If you are trying to be healthy, why half *kitten* it with diet soda? I don't mean you can never drink soda again but if you are drinking it everyday then you are still holding onto that piece of unhealthy living. Just let it go.

    Diet soda is a gateway soda, first it is diet soda, then you start drinking Pepsi One or Dr. Pepper 10. You tell yourself, "It isn't that many calories" then before you know it, you are drinking full leaded soda and back where you began.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Like to me it's nay. It has artifial sweetners and colors. And could make you gain weight in the long run. So wats your opinion on it. Yeah or nay.

    My opinion is that its a mathematical impossibility for something with zero calories to cause weight gain over any time frame.

    Sure, not as healthy as water. But what is?

    Not to pick on you but I really do wonder what some people's definition of healthy is. I notice this claim all the time that nothing is as healthy as water. Water of course being zero sum, basically nothing at all in it. So the implication seems to be that the healthiest possible thing you can ingest is nothing.

    So, for example, is something like orange juice less healthy than water? Why? Because it has calories? Are calories now unhealthy?

    This "water is the be all end all" attitude is just weird to me. Water is fine, its good for hydration but then again so is anything that contains water and not massive amounts of diuretics.

    I didn't say anything about "healthy", I was responding to the notion that zero calorie beverages can cause weight gain.

    ETA, Sorry, I did actually use that word lol. My bad. The point I was making is that water is more "healthy" than diet pop, in that it doesn't contain the chemicals. Obviously water is just water. Diet Pop is water with nutritional worthless things added in, that can be argued to be less healthy than the lack of them.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    If you are trying to be healthy, why half *kitten* it with diet soda? I don't mean you can never drink soda again but if you are drinking it everyday then you are still holding onto that piece of unhealthy living. Just let it go.

    Diet soda is a gateway soda, first it is diet soda, then you start drinking Pepsi One or Dr. Pepper 10. You tell yourself, "It isn't that many calories" then before you know it, you are drinking full leaded soda and back where you began.

    First a question, what about it do you think is "unhealthy?"

    Secondly, it might surprise you to know that I have been drinking it for as long as I can remember, probably 30 years and I still don't drink full-sugar soda.
  • jcreazy
    jcreazy Posts: 50 Member
    If you are trying to be healthy, why half *kitten* it with diet soda? I don't mean you can never drink soda again but if you are drinking it everyday then you are still holding onto that piece of unhealthy living. Just let it go.

    Diet soda is a gateway soda, first it is diet soda, then you start drinking Pepsi One or Dr. Pepper 10. You tell yourself, "It isn't that many calories" then before you know it, you are drinking full leaded soda and back where you began.

    First a question, what about it do you think is "unhealthy?"

    Secondly, it might surprise you to know that I have been drinking it for as long as I can remember, probably 30 years and I still don't drink full-sugar soda.

    It was kind of meant as a joke, I wasn't being completely serious. Anyway, artificial sweeteners are exactly good for you.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Diet soda is a gateway soda.

    I am going to assume you are joking, it can be hard to tell sometimes on here.

    ETA: Yup okay you just confirmed you were joking, carry on :-)
  • NerdyAdventurer
    NerdyAdventurer Posts: 166 Member
    If you are trying to be healthy, why half *kitten* it with diet soda? I don't mean you can never drink soda again but if you are drinking it everyday then you are still holding onto that piece of unhealthy living. Just let it go.

    Diet soda is a gateway soda, first it is diet soda, then you start drinking Pepsi One or Dr. Pepper 10. You tell yourself, "It isn't that many calories" then before you know it, you are drinking full leaded soda and back where you began.

    Diet Soda is a gateway soda.

    Be careful! Before you know it you'll be homeless, out of the streets, selling your body for a Fanta.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    If you are trying to be healthy, why half *kitten* it with diet soda? I don't mean you can never drink soda again but if you are drinking it everyday then you are still holding onto that piece of unhealthy living. Just let it go.

    Diet soda is a gateway soda, first it is diet soda, then you start drinking Pepsi One or Dr. Pepper 10. You tell yourself, "It isn't that many calories" then before you know it, you are drinking full leaded soda and back where you began.

    First a question, what about it do you think is "unhealthy?"

    Secondly, it might surprise you to know that I have been drinking it for as long as I can remember, probably 30 years and I still don't drink full-sugar soda.

    It was kind of meant as a joke, I wasn't being completely serious. Anyway, artificial sweeteners are exactly good for you.

    Well, thank Maude for that. But I think what everyone needs to understand is that "not good for you" does not automatically equate to "bad for you." It's just . . . diet soda. Mostly water and a few chemicals that don't affect most people.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    I don't know how I would get drunk on a night out with out gin/vodka + diet soda
  • newyorkmo
    newyorkmo Posts: 32 Member
    yay for me. But I try to keep it to one a day since there's no nutritional value and it's filled with chemicals.
  • Alice_in_VVonderland
    Alice_in_VVonderland Posts: 67 Member

    I drank almost nothing but Diet Pepsi for at least 7 years. I gave it up about 6 months ago, and it's one of the best things I've done next to quitting tobacco smoking.

    Ever since quitting diet soda, I crave sweet foods less often. I used to always NEED sugary crap and my blood sugars were constantly crashing, and now they've stabilized more or less.

    In moderation, or on rare occasion, it's probably not THAT bad, and I personally wouldn't be opposed to diet soda as a mixer with booze. But drinking it all day, every day is bad.
  • OhReally42
    OhReally42 Posts: 138 Member
    Nay Nay Nay. Artificial sweeteners are banned in many places for a reason.

    Like where?
    The amount of diseases, such as diabetes, that aren't caused from calories but chemicals and sweeteners.

    News to me, also news to the medical community.
    Plus anything can say "No Calories" but it doesn't mean that there's not still things in it that don't cause weight gain.

    Actually that is exactly what that means.
    To the ones saying it doesn't cause them to gain weight, what else do you eat and how active are you? That also makes a difference.

    Calories in calories out makes the difference. Diet soda having effectively zero calories has no bearing on that whatsoever. Check It!
  • no_russian
    no_russian Posts: 893 Member
    I haven;t touched soda in almost 5 years. If the ingredients are mostly fancy chemistry words, then I don't want.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,841 Member
    nay but like it try to say away from it
  • rlthompson1991
    rlthompson1991 Posts: 1 Member
    NAY!!!!! Stick with water.
  • FattyFatsoMcTubby
    FattyFatsoMcTubby Posts: 170 Member
    YAY! 1 - 2 caffeinated in the morning to early afternoon, and 1 - 2 decaf every evening. Diet Coke in cans, Diet Pepsi in plastic bottles.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I say to each their own but I was taught by my doctor that anything with carbonation helps expand the stomach so you feel more hungry as the carbonation stretches it out. Who knows if its true or not but no carbonation for me in the last 3 years diet, regular, or soda water and I don't miss it :)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    keeps me sane.
    well, somewhat.

    Soooo refreshing...

  • runforestrun35
    runforestrun35 Posts: 480 Member
    Nay!! I find the taste of artificial sweetener nasty...:-/ I will watetge calories on chocolate or wine!
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    I rarely drink any kind of soda anymore. I makes me bloated and I always seem to gain from it even if it's diet.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I never liked the taste of diet sodas until a couple months ago, after getting myself down to one can of regular soda a day. I then decided to get a couple 12-packs of diet...I'm not turning back. I think it was just Diet Coke I didn't care for (but I prefer Pepsi products mostly anyway). Still, I only drink one can/bottle per day and always get more water in.