Considering the 10 Day Advocare Cleanse

dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
Now, before the comments roll in:

* I've been at this weight loss thing for a few years. I realize that most of these "fad quick loss diets" only produce a fast weight drop, and then it's easily gained right back if I fall into poor eating habits afterward.

* I realize that if I workout and eat right (which I do, most of the time on the eating end) I will lose the weight that I want without the help of Advocare or any other plan.

* "Bodies don't need a detox blah blah". I've heard this and I semi-agree, but not entirely.

So! I was considering doing this plan just to hopefully "reset". Like I said above, I've been doing this weight loss thing for awhile, and I will for the rest of my life. I have a healthy appetite and a poor metabolism, but I've always enjoyed being active and frankly I have to be, because I can put on 30 pounds in no time flat. I'm living that fact currently after a near 60 pound loss.

And what I do know about my body is that I plateau, and that is where I'm located now. Right on top of that flat plateau, and I need something that can just change my weight and hopefully work down from there. If there is any advice, or recipes, or anything that can be offered I would appreciate it.


  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    And what happens after this "reset"? Could it be that you will swing back to old habits? Could this be why you've been doing this weight loss thing for a while and will have to the rest of your life?

    I know you said you expect these comments. Expectations are one thing, listening is another.

    You will never, ever conquer your eating habits if you yo-yo all the time, using quick fad diets to "reset."

    ETA: Try lifting.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    The advice is what you already put in here:
    * I've been at this weight loss thing for a few years. I realize that most of these "fad quick loss diets" only produce a fast weight drop, and then it's easily gained right back if I fall into poor eating habits afterward.

    * I realize that if I workout and eat right (which I do, most of the time on the eating end) I will lose the weight that I want without the help of Advocare or any other plan.

    * "Bodies don't need a detox blah blah". I've heard this and I semi-agree, but not entirely.

    What are you cleansing? If you are at a plateau check your logging, make a slight adjustment in your intake, up your activity or intensity.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Now, before the comments roll in:

    * I've been at this weight loss thing for a few years. I realize that most of these "fad quick loss diets" only produce a fast weight drop, and then it's easily gained right back if I fall into poor eating habits afterward.

    * I realize that if I workout and eat right (which I do, most of the time on the eating end) I will lose the weight that I want without the help of Advocare or any other plan.

    * "Bodies don't need a detox blah blah". I've heard this and I semi-agree, but not entirely.

    So! I was considering doing this plan just to hopefully "reset". Like I said above, I've been doing this weight loss thing for awhile, and I will for the rest of my life. I have a healthy appetite and a poor metabolism, but I've always enjoyed being active and frankly I have to be, because I can put on 30 pounds in no time flat. I'm living that fact currently after a near 60 pound loss.

    And what I do know about my body is that I plateau, and that is where I'm located now. Right on top of that flat plateau, and I need something that can just change my weight and hopefully work down from there. If there is any advice, or recipes, or anything that can be offered I would appreciate it.

    60 pounds gone is awesome! Congrats. :flowerforyou:

    When you plateaued before, did you do a 10 day cleanse? How did you start losing again? Your 1st three points are all you need. But, as an adult, you have the ability to make your own decisions. Best of luck.

    ETA: I might have read your loss wrong. If you've gained 30 pounds back, then you were eating more than you needed to lose. Go back to logging/measuring/weighing everything - wasn't that working for you before?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Can you just send me your money instead?

    I am not sure what your point is in posting. Do you want support? I am sure there is a group that might provide it. A pass from everyone? Like people who usually rail against cleanses to say "You should totally do it, you're situation is unique (I don't think it is, BTW)". Here in the main forums you know what you are gonna get -- people telling you like it is. If you've thought about and want to do and have the money to waste, fine do it. Report back and tell us how it worked.

    If you want a "restart" restart. Reset your ticker, try some new exercises, try new recipes. Weigh/measure/log.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Honestly I think you look great.

    Have you thought about picking up a barbell?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You aren't a Nintendo. You don't have a reset.
  • fishingaddict1969
    fishingaddict1969 Posts: 30 Member
    I did that advcare 10 day cleanse, it was so many pills and drink mixes and stuff, I lost some weight but it was miserable and I gained no extra energy or benefits from it. Maybe it was just me but I figured it was like all those other money making scams that people want you to sign up for and start selling. Best of luck either way. I mean if Drew Breese promotes it, it has to be good LOL
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    You said it, you don't need a cleanse. And you do look fantastic. Like others have said, try some weight training. No need to spend money on somethign you already know doesn't really work.
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    been there done that - not worth the money and the pills were outrageous to take! My advice - follow the diet plan that goes with it (you can find recipes online) - my husband and i follow those recipes a lot! :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I'd probably just start counting those liquid calories at this point. See how that goes for two weeks and then try a detox if you want. The problem with detoxes is that many require you to not eat for a long period of time. So when you see the weight going down on the scale it's meaningless since it's not sustainable. But it might be what you need motivationally to continue. Give it a try, but be willing to give up the detox if you feel poorly while doing it.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    What are we cleansing, and how much does it cost? My bet is the answers are non-specific, and something, respectively, which should tell you something.

  • hzleyez81
    hzleyez81 Posts: 35 Member
    What exactly are you doing for eating and exercise?

    Do you log every single bite of food you put in your mouth?

    Do you log every single exercise/activity you do?

    If not, you should. This is how you'll see exactly what you consume, and burn, and you can figure out how to adjust what needs adjusting from there.

    If your consume/burn ratio is in check, and still nothing is happening, a cleanse could be the boost your body needs, or simply changing up your exercise routine could do the trick.

    The key is, you have to find what works for your body and your lifestyle. As you plateau, and you will, you have to find new ways to change things up.

    I hope this helps :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    So first question:

    Have you been CONSISTENT (be honest) daily with food and/or exercise for 6 weeks with NO weight movement at all?

    If there's been cheating and/or your weight has moved up/down a few pounds (most people yo-yo here), then you're NOT at a plateau. A plateau would be the above.
    If you're at a "stall" (less than 6 weeks of same or close to the same weight) it's usually because of inconsistency.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jennewren
    jennewren Posts: 7 Member
    Like someone else said, it's your choice. I've done the Advocare cleanse. I felt like it worked for me, cleaned out the junk and got my system moving again. But it's not a miracle fix. Like others have said, evaluate what you're doing, change things up a bit, maybe you need to eat more or less, more water. I know water is HUGE for me. Without it weight loss stalls and I feel yucky and un motivated. Good luck to you whatever you decide. You're obviously doing something right if you were able to take off 60pounds. Don't give up!
  • mg1123
    mg1123 Posts: 69 Member
    I've tried the that cleanse, it didn't really help me. Plus, I workout regularly, so it cuts me back too far.

    I had pneumonia in February, and it's a set-back, but in early May, I had to go to my doctor for an appointment, and I mentioned that I was having a really hard time with my weight - not only was I not losing, but I was gaining, no matter what I was doing. He did a metabolism test, and it was fine, so that wasn't it. I was really discouraged.

    Then shortly after that, I came across an article on food sensitivities, and how inflammation can cause weight issues. I read several more articles and ended up deciding that I would try an elimination diet. That has to be the best thing I've ever done. Not only did I discover that I have an allergy-like sensitivity to dairy (which may have contributed to the sinus infection, leading to pneumonia), but it has kick started weight loss again. I'm down like 14 pounds since I started, and 9 pounds in the past month.

    I have kicked my diet soda habit, cut out sugars, and am eating way more healthier than I ever did. In part because you have to change your eating habits around. The great thing is that I haven't been going nuts with cravings. It may be because I do better with something more structured.

    I still have a couple more weeks to go on the re-introduction challenges, still having to test out MSG, sulfites, bromates, and yellow dye. However, doing this has allowed me to kick a lot of bad habits and develop some new ones.

    Before going for a cleanse, I'd look into an elimination diet - even if you aren't worried about sensitivities, I consider it almost like a cleanse, because you're eliminating the 8 major food allergens, and forcing yourself to focus on healthy foods. I can send you a link to the book I used (bought off Amazon) to guide me through this, if you'd like.
  • karlacarman
    karlacarman Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Like someone else said, it's your choice. I've done the Advocare cleanse. I felt like it worked for me, cleaned out the junk and got my system moving again. But it's not a miracle fix. Like others have said, evaluate what you're doing, change things up a bit, maybe you need to eat more or less, more water. I know water is HUGE for me. Without it weight loss stalls and I feel yucky and un motivated. Good luck to you whatever you decide. You're obviously doing something right if you were able to take off 60pounds. Don't give up!

    what junk did it clean?

    what do you mean it got your system moving again?


    edited to ask:
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    how did it save your life?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    Congrats on your weight loss!

    Could it be the proper nutrition and exercise?
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    The fact that you state you've "been at this weightloss thing for a few years" speaks volumes. It's not working for you.

    No more diets, cleanses, detoxes. Learn to eat at a balance that is sustainable for the rest of your life.