I'm in an abusive relationship.



  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I love it!! I do it all the time..i'm changing my negativity about my body around. Thank you for this OP


    ...touche. ;)
  • pittdan77
    pittdan77 Posts: 98 Member
    Good for you. Move on! There's somebody out there who will love you for you.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    This happened too me as well, had to get out of there, ended up losing alot of weight because he basically never offered me food and i stayed at his all the time and told me i was ugly/fat :/

    add me for support <3 so proud of you for getting out of there! you are so pretty as well
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Good post, and love the Audrey Hepburn quote.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member

    I was not able to stick to my workouts or better eating habits until I quit the crazy, negative self-talk. It is quite difficult to take care of yourself when you are hateful to yourself. It's great you were able to recognize how you were holding yourself back and then make positive changes.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Kick that B to the curb and treat yourself right! Great post! Now stick to your guns and make it happen! Be happy!
  • annalicous
    annalicous Posts: 55 Member
    I'm glad that you decided to share your life story with all of us. You may not realise it but you are very inspiring. The fact that you have realised that things are not the way that they are supposed to be in your relationship is the first step. The fact that you want to leave is the second and the third is when your finally leave. Nobody should have to suffer at the hands of somebody that is supposed to love them. Whether its physical abuse, verbal abuse or any other kind of abuse. You are worth it and i am glad that you know this. You deserve so much better, you deserve to have a partner that loves you no matter what size you are. Somebody that loves you whether you are a size 8 or a size 28. Someone who is willing to workout with you, walk with you, motivate you and inspire you. Leaving a relationship is always hard especially when you have been with someone for so long. As much as you may love your partner you need to be your own priority and put yourself first. You are beautiful, and every time you need a reminder all you need to do my love is look in the mirror. You may not be where you are right now but you are making positive changes to get you to where you need to be. x
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    You wrote a wonderful post and I love the analogy!

    Too bad so many people decided to comment without fully reading it, because it was beautifully written.
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    This was such an awesome OP, and people not reading it or worse completely lacking comprehension and then not reading other comments is an eye opener. If you are going to take part in a forum (a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.) Please at least read the ideas....many people would have gained by reading the OP and coming into a post and not even caring enough to read the original post is just inconsiderate.

    Those that just misunderstood it at first, not you guys......we all scan too quickly while working or what not.....but not reading it at all is just rude.

    +1 :)
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    What a beautifully and creatively written post. It gave me some thinking to do about myself.

    I absolutely loved the Audrey Hepburn quote and saved it to read to my daughter.

    Thanks OP.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    This thread reminds me of 'the idiot test....'

    You have only three minutes to answer these questions.

    1. Read everything before doing anything.
    2. Put your name on the upper right hand corner of this paper.
    3. Circle the word "name" in sentence two.
    4. Draw five small squares in the upper left-hand corner of this paper.
    5. Put an "x" In each square.
    6. Put a circle around each square.
    7. Sign your name under the title.
    8. After the title write "yes, yes, yes".
    9. Put a circle around each word In sentence no. 7.
    10. Put an "x" in the lower left hand corner of this paper.
    11. Draw a triangle around the "x" you just put down.
    12. On the reverse side of this paper multiply 703 by 9805.
    13. Draw a rectangle around the word "paper" in sentence number 4.
    14. Call out your first name when you get to this point in your paper.
    15. If you think you have followed directions up to this point In the test, call out "I have".
    16. On the reverse side of the paper add 8950 and 9850.
    17. Put a circle around your answer.
    18. Count out loud In normal speaking voice backwards from ten to one.
    19. Now that you have finished reading, do only steps one and two
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I cannot believe how many people comment without fully reading/comprehending, or immediately jump to trying to compare this to their own situation (which - if one is in an abusive relationship with another person, I do not mean to diminish what you have gone through or may be currently going through).

    I guess I should not be surprised. Every day when I peruse the threads on MFP and see how people misinterpret what others are saying, apply hasty generalizations and broad sweeping statements I shake my head... I just thought this title would maybe yield different results, more careful consideration before hitting reply, but I guess not...

    OP - way to go. I hope you continue to keep that negative attitude at bay. It is a persistent, persuasive voice....
  • adw0418
    adw0418 Posts: 2
    :smile: good for you!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    SMH, not at the original post, which I thought was awesome and very inspiring, but at many of the following posts. Most insightful.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    :smile: good for you!

    nice job editing!!
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    OP, thank you, this is fantastic!
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    I'm glad that you decided to share your life story with all of us. You may not realise it but you are very inspiring. The fact that you have realised that things are not the way that they are supposed to be in your relationship is the first step. The fact that you want to leave is the second and the third is when your finally leave. Nobody should have to suffer at the hands of somebody that is supposed to love them. Whether its physical abuse, verbal abuse or any other kind of abuse. You are worth it and i am glad that you know this. You deserve so much better, you deserve to have a partner that loves you no matter what size you are. Somebody that loves you whether you are a size 8 or a size 28. Someone who is willing to workout with you, walk with you, motivate you and inspire you. Leaving a relationship is always hard especially when you have been with someone for so long. As much as you may love your partner you need to be your own priority and put yourself first. You are beautiful, and every time you need a reminder all you need to do my love is look in the mirror. You may not be where you are right now but you are making positive changes to get you to where you need to be. x

    Just want to be sure youre clear. Her SO is supporrtive. She is talking about herself (the person in the mirror).

    Your generalizations are definitely correct, and im not grading your paper. I just wanted to be sure you understood the literary device she used.....

  • lolliopopsnrainbows
    lolliopopsnrainbows Posts: 101 Member
    Amazing post. I'm just as guilty of dishing out this self-abuse as the next person and I've noticed that I've started doing it more and more over the past several month. But it's a ridiculous, self-defeating complete of waste of my energy that has to stop - and I think you've just given me the kick up the backside I've been needing :-) Thank you!

    “Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success.”
    ― Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life
  • lolliopopsnrainbows
    lolliopopsnrainbows Posts: 101 Member

    I was not able to stick to my workouts or better eating habits until I quit the crazy, negative self-talk. It is quite difficult to take care of yourself when you are hateful to yourself. It's great you were able to recognize how you were holding yourself back and then make positive changes.

    I love this!! Sooooo true!
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Great post. Slack-jawed at the outbreak of stupid. As a literary nerd, I weep a little for these people who can't take the time to read a few paragraphs. Has the culture of immediacy so stupefied us? If it's more than 140 characters, is it too long to read before you chime in? Not to minimize 'real' abusive relationships, but even if you missed it in the narrative, have you not read any comments by the 80% of people who seem to have gotten it?