Do you track gum?



  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I chew gum all day long, probably up to 30 pieces a day. I don't log it. I probably SHOULD, but I am usually at enough of a deficit that it isn't going to make a difference. Mine is also 5 calorie a piece.

    I thought a lot of gum could give you a laxating effect?
  • aevonvett
    aevonvett Posts: 36 Member
    I log everything, gum, Advil, Diet Coke, EVERYTHING.


    Advil has caloric content ?!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I chew gum all day long, probably up to 30 pieces a day. I don't log it. I probably SHOULD, but I am usually at enough of a deficit that it isn't going to make a difference. Mine is also 5 calorie a piece.

    I thought a lot of gum could give you a laxating effect?

    I've heard the same thing, but so far, all things quiet on the Western front.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Yes. On the bottom of my shoe.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I chew gum all day long, probably up to 30 pieces a day. I don't log it. I probably SHOULD, but I am usually at enough of a deficit that it isn't going to make a difference. Mine is also 5 calorie a piece.
    is this sugarless gum? I would be hesitant to eat that much of anything
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    I chew gum all day long, probably up to 30 pieces a day. I don't log it. I probably SHOULD, but I am usually at enough of a deficit that it isn't going to make a difference. Mine is also 5 calorie a piece.

    150 calories is a lot for just gum I'd 100% log that. I rarely have gum and the calories range from 3-5 so no I don't log it.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Only if I swallow it.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    30 pieces? and you don't count them at 5 calories each? that's like 150 calories... which is more than 10% of some people's daily total... Hmm okay... o with your regular programming :noway:

    this and the picture next too it were simply priceless- perfect. I totally read that like you had just popped your head into the screen to make an announcement.

    totally needed a laugh. thank you.

    ME TOO! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I log everything, gum, Advil, Diet Coke, EVERYTHING.


    Advil has caloric content ?!

    No, and neither does diet coke.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I log everything, gum, Advil, Diet Coke, EVERYTHING.


    Advil has caloric content ?!

    No, but I still log it.

  • susieqtx123
    susieqtx123 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm sure that chewing a lot of gum can cause...Ahhem...flatulence and because you're swallowing air, burping as well. I would avoid chewing gum in large quantities, especially if it does this!
  • vha2
    vha2 Posts: 64 Member
    Fun fact: The FDA or whoever is cool with a product that contains 10 or fewer calories and allowing the company to say it contains 0 calories. Think splenda, diet coke, whatever.

    Then you go on to a fun healthy site that gives you a recipe to make low-cal or sugar free dessert. Then, to make that recipe, you open 30 packets of that zero calorie sugar substitute and wind up with 300 calories unaccounted for.

    It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world.

    I know people who have just joined Weight Watchers and they said that diet soft drinks are 0 points (as are fruit and veg) so they drink heaps of the stuff!! Veg I understand, but fruit is full of sugar even if it is natural, and diet soft drinks contain god knows what! If you're going to do something, do it properly - that's my motto. If I want a soft drink I'll work it in to my calorie allowance and have the real thing. There's no way diet soft drinks would contain 0 calories, same with fruit.
  • vha2
    vha2 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm sure that chewing a lot of gum can cause...Ahhem...flatulence and because you're swallowing air, burping as well. I would avoid chewing gum in large quantities, especially if it does this!

    Yup - most packs of gum say "excessive consumption may have laxative effect" !
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm a rebel. I don't track it. :laugh:

    Remember, if you have a regular intake of anything then as long as you are consistent with the tracking (or not) then you can still have reliable data. But if you aren't losing weight when you think you should be (based off you cal intake) then you may have to reassess your logging to ensure everything is tracked.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I do. I chew quite a bit of it during the day whilst at work.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Usually I'm all for tracking everything, but I'll admit that I haven't tracked gum.

    Especially when I was quitting smoking. It's not that big of a deal tracking gum, but when I was quitting smoking it would have just been one more thing to possibly stress me out (in regards to calorie goal, etc) and I might have given in to lighting up.

    I don't really chew it anymore but I might now that I've gotten over the initial quitting phase. (20 months smoke free :bigsmile:).