The 4-Hour Body / Slow-Carb Diet



  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
  • cheerbabe080790
    cheerbabe080790 Posts: 86 Member
    I haven't really read all the posts. but its my third day on the diet and i've lost 2 lbs and thts with adding dairy the first day. Its kind of amazing b/c before i was binging on pizza and pure crap and never feeling satisfied. Now i sit down to a slow carb meal and im completely satisfied! On the first day I didn't have enough legumes for caloric load, and i got a headache as a result but i've adjusted that and now i'm doing great, I do wonder about some things though...does anyone know if you can eat hummus? i love it with carrots and on salad, but im not sure. I didnt recall seeing it in the book.. Also, for the women, do you follow the exercise plan?
  • alla24
    alla24 Posts: 6

    It sounds very similar to the Diet Solution programme that's out there too. Same kind of principles etc. Has anyone tried it?
  • Odd. I usually come in at around 1,200 calories each day, and that's with some pretty good portions. I've noticed if I have a diet soda or something with my lunch that I get the munchies later in the day. I've read that artificial sweeteners can cause hunger in many people.

    My meals usually consist of the following, and I've lost 11 lbs so far doing it:

    Breakfast - 3 hardboiled egg whites, 2 slices turkey bacon, 1 cup lentils.

    Lunch - Grilled steak (on the trusty Foreman Grill), 1 cup lentils, Asian stir fry mix.

    Dinner - Grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli, carrots, and sprouts covered with 1 Tbsp Asian Wing Sauce.

    I sometimes substitute scrambled for boiled eggs in the mornings, and switch the dishes around a bit or use Tilapia in place of a protein, but this is my usual diet and it has done great so far. I don't get hungry in between much, and if I do then I keep cups of sugar-free Jello in my fridge. My calories were mostly consumed through drinking, so I gave up soda save for a can of diet every now and then, and started drinking Crystal Light and straight water.
  • Hummus is allowed, but it's a domino food according to Ferriss. Eat it in moderation and not all the time.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    My "cheat day" bloat should have been gone by today....but, I was up a bit today! I am down 1 lb. since my 3 lbs. increase after cheat day..., so I'm up 2.2 lbs. since last Saturday morning's weigh in.

    It's frustrating....but I'm thinking that with only 10 lbs. to lose, maybe a cheat meal or a few extra snacks one day might be enough for me.

    Any thoughts?
  • cheerbabe080790
    cheerbabe080790 Posts: 86 Member
    Im scared for my first cheat day> i dont want to gain a ton of weight and be totally shocked and then stop the diet lol. I have considered trying just a cheat meal, or perhaps two. But im not sure, In the book hes saying he eats ice cream and pizza and all tht crazy stuff
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    I hear ya, Cheerbabe! My cheat day was awesome (not horrible food wise) until I stepped on the scale the morning! That was last Saturday (today is Thursday). I gained 3 lbs. from the cheat, and today, I'm only down a total of 1.2 lbs.! Ferriss recommends giving yourself a few days for the bloat to subside, and that day for me was yesterday!

    Now, I am going to stick with a cheat meal. I will eat one "normal" meal, (although this diet now seems quite normal to me and not that difficult to maintain), and the other two meals that day will be 4HB/Slow Carb meals.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Keep us all posted!
  • That's what I did last week. I ate a slow-carb breakfast, then followed the rules in "Damage Control" for lunch to dinner. I didn't eat after 8 pm (I go to bed at 11) and things worked out great. I didn't go way overboard like he does in the book, but eating the things you used to in moderation shouldn't be too big a deal, scale-wise.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    My cheat day was Sunday. Frankly, I don't even recall what I ate, but it was way too much. I know I finished the evening with 2 slices of ice cream cake and some pretzel rods. I was uncomfortable when I went to bed. I was up 6 lbs on Monday morning. However, today is Thursday. According to Ferris, if you cheat on Saturday, you shouldn't worry about the scale until Wednesday, so by that reasoning, today is my day, and guess what - I'm down 1/2 lb from my pre-cheat day weight (meaning, the 6 lbs I gained in water that day are gone plus another half pound).

    Given the up-and-down nature of this diet caused by the cheat day, the only thing I REALLY care about is my Sunday morning weight. However, I'm encouraged that my weight is down this week with 3 days to go. I have hopes of losing a full pound by then, and I'd be thrilled if I could maintain a 1 lb per week weight loss.

    I do think I'm going to try to follow some of the damage control stuff this Sunday, and stop eating well before bedtime, but I'm not going to worry too much about regulating my cheat day so long as I'm having decent results. Frankly, for me, the ability to do pretty much whatever I want on that day, guilt free, is one of the keys to this diet for me. I can very easily stay true to the program and just think about what I might want to eat that day throughout the week. I'd rather exercise more during the week to compensate for the extra calories than worry too much about what I'm eating that day. The cheat day, for me, is not just beneficial because it allows me to eat things that aren't on the diet - it's also good, because it allows me to not think about things at all - just do what I feel like.
  • jmclaren1
    jmclaren1 Posts: 2 Member
    marchenland - Avacados or guacamole would help with calories without adding protein.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    My cheat day was Sunday. Frankly, I don't even recall what I ate, but it was way too much. I know I finished the evening with 2 slices of ice cream cake and some pretzel rods. I was uncomfortable when I went to bed. I was up 6 lbs on Monday morning. However, today is Thursday. According to Ferris, if you cheat on Saturday, you shouldn't worry about the scale until Wednesday, so by that reasoning, today is my day, and guess what - I'm down 1/2 lb from my pre-cheat day weight (meaning, the 6 lbs I gained in water that day are gone plus another half pound).

    WOW! Congratulations! I am still not down my weight from "cheat day"! VERY frustrating! But, I'm really too stubborn to just give up! So, I'm getting tougher! I bought a HRM today to better track my exercise calories (even though Ferriss says I don't need to work out so much!)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I am going to start this diet because i was trying low carb and found myself unable to hit my calories and weak after my strength training and cardio. Hopefully the beans will help. I'm also glad to chuck dairy because I noticed it really bloats me. i had a dinner of steak, veggies, and black beans that was very satisfying.

    sporty, maybe you have a food intolerance to something you ate. i have one to gluten, which leads to weight gain, acne, fatigue digestive issues, etc, and the bloat takes weeks to go away once I'm exposed. if you have a similar issue, it will take a long time to recover. If i were you, i'd watch whether certain foods make you gain - there is no reason you should gain on 1200 or so calories
  • marchenland
    marchenland Posts: 16 Member
    Does anyone have any ideas for what to eat when you go out to eat? TF says "Mexican is great; just don't get the rice or tortillas," but I had a friend in town this week and we went to a Mexican restaurant and I felt flummoxed. I ended up getting a chicken verde mole. The beans were amazing - AFTER I scraped off the cheese (I wanted to cry over that). But I'm not really convinced I made the best choice.

    So, has anyone come up with general things, expecially in ethnic cuisines, that work on the diet? (I'd prefer not chain stores ideas, but general dishes -- "beef fajitas" rather than "Mexichuck's Fabita Bowl" -- so people can apply them even if they don't have a Mexichuck, you know?) Also, any code words that may help, like "remember to ask them to hold the cheese".

    I love Thai. Ferriss says Thai is great but don't eat curry as it's hard on your stomach without the rice. This makes me wonder what he's eating, because most of the thai lunch places I've been to have severly limited "lunch" menus with nothing BUT curries and Pad Thai which has noodles in it, so I know he doesn't mean that. So, does anyone have any clues what he means? And thai food doesn't really involve beans, so... what do you do about that?

    ALSO, does anyone have any recipes to cheer up beans? I am fine with them, but my BF is getting tired of beans, and we're only on week one.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    WOW! Congratulations! I am still not down my weight from "cheat day"! VERY frustrating! But, I'm really too stubborn to just give up! So, I'm getting tougher! I bought a HRM today to better track my exercise calories (even though Ferriss says I don't need to work out so much!)

    I'm with you on the exercise thing. I've built up too much endurance, and I enjoy it too much to let it go. I spent my whole life hating exercise, and I found it a chore to do until about 3 years ago - after the birth of my 3rd son, I found that I needed a few moments of solitude here and there, and that's when I developed a love for running. I never stopped, and I don't want to stop now, for fear of falling back into my own, slothful habits. I don't really care if helps me lose weight or not anymore - I love doing it, and I'd no sooner quit running due to it's lack of effect on weight loss than would I quit playing the guitar. And I think that's Ferris' point - you should consider any exercise above the minimum effective dose recreation. So, if you're doing more, and you enjoy it - awesome.
    So, has anyone come up with general things, expecially in ethnic cuisines, that work on the diet? (I'd prefer not chain stores ideas, but general dishes -- "beef fajitas" rather than "Mexichuck's Fabita Bowl" -- so people can apply them even if they don't have a Mexichuck, you know?) Also, any code words that may help, like "remember to ask them to hold the cheese".

    I've found that the biggest issue with eating out at non-Mexican restaurants is that legumes are not readily available at a lot of them. Of course, you can get lentils if you go for Indian food, but a lot of Indian food is loaded with fat in the way of ghee (clarified butter) and cream. However, I've found a pretty satisfying Indian meal consisting of a salad, tandoori chicken and either Moong Daal Soup, or some other lentil-based side. As far as other Asian food goes, many varieties of Asian restaurants serve soy beans - so, if you combine those with a dish consisting primarily of meat and vegetables, you should be good to go.
    ALSO, does anyone have any recipes to cheer up beans?

    One of my favorite ways to get my beans and veggies together is as follows:

    Slice a bunch of Brussels sprouts in half, and put them in a single layer in a pan. Drizzle them with olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper (I use a fair bit of both). Then, roast them in a 400 degree oven until they're done. I wanna say about 20 minutes, but basically when some of the looser, outer leaves are just starting to show signs of brownness. You can cook longer if you prefer them softer. Then you take those, and mix them white beans, drained and rinsed. You can use whatever ratio you like - I think I use about 1 lb Brussels sprouts per can of beans. The dish seems simple and bland, but the flavors really go together well. You can eat this hot, room temp or cold. I think it's best when it's first made - just above room temp (hot sprouts + room temp beans). I make a big container full and just spoon out with whatever meal I'm eating.
    I am going to start this diet because i was trying low carb and found myself unable to hit my calories and weak after my strength training and cardio. Hopefully the beans will help.

    That's one of the reasons I chose this as well, and I think the beans do help...some. The thing is that a serving of beans only has ~20g of carbs, 8 of which are dietary fiber. That's not really all that much considering that 1 slice of the wheat bread in my fridge has 18g. Still - it's better than no carbs. I've tried working out while doing low-carb, and it was torture. Also, what I do is I do my longest/most strenuous workouts on my cheat day and the day after. On the cheat day, I do one about an hour after my first indulgence, and I try to make it the type of thing that would fuel a good workout. After the cheat day - first thing in the morning. My workouts the day after my cheat day are always my best (my glycogen stores are fully replenished?), and the ones on my cheat day are better then the others. I do SOMETHING 6 days per week - so that really only leaves 4 more days to muddle through - and they're not that bad. I'm also thinking doing more exercise on and immediately after the cheat day will help mitigate against those indulgences as well.
  • My cheat day is coming to a close after dinner in 10 minutes. I've had a large cinnamon roll and mousse pie that I bought yesterday at pastry school, orange chicken with lo mein noodles, a Mountain Dew, and now about to enjoy lasagna with french garlic bread. I honestly can't wait to get back to slow-carb tomorrow.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    My cheat day is coming to a close after dinner in 10 minutes. I've had a large cinnamon roll and mousse pie that I bought yesterday at pastry school, orange chicken with lo mein noodles, a Mountain Dew, and now about to enjoy lasagna with french garlic bread. I honestly can't wait to get back to slow-carb tomorrow.

    Exactly! And that's the point. Enjoy! I've got 2 more days, and I've got my eyes on a number of things, but I think I'm going to wait until noon to get thing really rolling...lots going on in the morning, so, I figure it's an easy way to delay the damage.
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    He does talk about yogurt. It raises blood sugar, thats why he says to cut dairy out. He is only showing people the data from his experiments and the results of the regimen. If you dont like it because you can't eat a favorite food, it doesn't mean the results he achieved aren't factual.
  • cheerbabe080790
    cheerbabe080790 Posts: 86 Member
    i had my first cheat day today. I don't think I went as crazy as i was supposed to. I ate 1500 cals when i usually eat 1200. and my biggest thing was eating a cannoli. Any thoughts. should i have gone crazier? I don't really feel like eating anymore today though.
  • mcferg
    mcferg Posts: 142 Member
    He does talk about yogurt. It raises blood sugar, thats why he says to cut dairy out. He is only showing people the data from his experiments and the results of the regimen.

    Can you tell me where he specifically says to stay away from yogurt? I know he said to avoid dairy, but doesn't specifically mention yogurt (in those passages)
    If you dont like it because you can't eat a favorite food, it doesn't mean the results he achieved aren't factual.

    I agree with this. I also personally get in trouble when I try to justify foods. Personally, I'm staying away from yogurt, because he says to avoid dairy. That's not a big deal for me, as I don't eat a lot of yogurt anyway, but I don't think I'd eat it even if I did. That's not to say that there aren't things that I justify. One is soy protein. Ferris contradicts himself regarding soy, and, while I've cut back a lot on the amount that I eat, I still eat it, and I justify it based on the fact that his reasons for not eating soy are not mentioned in the diet chapter. However - he doesn't say that you CAN eat it either. The other thing is - twice this week, I found myself starving with no time for a meal and I ate a "pure protein" bar. It has 180 cals, 19g of Protein and only 2g of sugar. However - these types of foods (the bars), I think are "domino" foods for me. I'm trying to stay away from them.

    I think that the issue with this diet in particular is that there's a lot of very specific, detailed reasoning Ferris gives for a lot why this could be that making even slight deviations from the plan could have a greater affect on your results than you might think.
    i had my first cheat day today. I don't think I went as crazy as i was supposed to. I ate 1500 cals when i usually eat 1200. and my biggest thing was eating a cannoli. Any thoughts. should i have gone crazier? I don't really feel like eating anymore today though.

    1500 doesn't seem like much for a cheat day, but I'm not sure I'd eat if I didn't feel like eating either. One of the reasons for the cheat day is for something of a "metabolic reset", but based on the examples Ferris gives of athletes alternating "high calorie" days with "low calorie" days, the deviation is only a few hundred calories, so, maybe that will do it. For me, though - I do really like to indulge more than that - it helps me stave off cravings as the week progresses. That being said, I probably consumed about 4,000 calories on my 1 cheat day, and was a little difficult dealing the scale on subsequent days (even though I know I should expect that). I'm hoping, though, that that will help in the long run.
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