Gift when you hit goal weight?



  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!

    Wings? Get a Leafs jersey!!!

    OMG no don't get a Leaf's jersey hahaha:laugh: I shouldn't laugh to hard, my oiler's are 29th in the league...god I wish they'd get their poop in a group!

    Hahahaha!! Why would I get a Leaf's jersey!?!?! LOL. I am from Detroit! Wings rule all!!! =) I live in Denver now though, and while I do have one awesome Wings shirt, it is not a jersey, so I'm going to save up for it. Have to represent at Avs games, ya know?
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    I'm going to Disney World!! :bigsmile:

    No seriously. My gift to myself when I hit ALL my goals, running time & weight, is 4 days at Disney & registration in the Disney Marathon. I'm hoping to run it January 2012 and finish with a time of 4:48:00 or less (11:00 average).

    And I fully intend to run "dressed" as Cinderella.

    That is an awesome goal! I love it :heart:
  • I've thought about some kind of gift, but really I want my weight loss to be about improving my health for the sake of improving my health, not because I'm working to earn a special gift... my gift will be my healthy, fit body! My gift will be the ability to engage in physical activity without feeling out of shape and overwhelmed, and the feeling of pride that I will have in knowing that I'm treating myself with the respect that I deserve, and knowing that I really am working to be the best me possible.

    I'm not saying it's bad to motivate yourself with some kind of goal-reward if that's what you need, but I've decided that's not how I want to approach my weight loss.

    I don't see it as working to earn a gift at all, more that you've put in all this work to make yourself healthier and now it's time to enjoy yourself a bit :)
  • I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!

    Wings? Get a Leafs jersey!!!

    OMG no don't get a Leaf's jersey hahaha:laugh: I shouldn't laugh to hard, my oiler's are 29th in the league...god I wish they'd get their poop in a group!

    Hahahaha!! Why would I get a Leaf's jersey!?!?! LOL. I am from Detroit! Wings rule all!!! =) I live in Denver now though, and while I do have one awesome Wings shirt, it is not a jersey, so I'm going to save up for it. Have to represent at Avs games, ya know?

    The amount of Leafs stuff I have is ridiculous lol, my car is even painted blue because of the Leafs!!!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    i guess my gift would be shopping at one of those clothes stores that never had my size
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    My husband and I will have our 20th wedding anniversary this summer....We're riding our bikes to Bike Week in NH and I'd like to get married again at Bike Week! I have 10 lbs. to lose by Bike Week in mid-June....and then I want to maintain at that weight.
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    An expensive pair of pants I've had my eyes on for awhile. WAY more $ then I would ever spend on pants. But I think when I'm my new and improved size I'll get them.
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    I want tattoos,a full back piece or one over my ribs/hips
    I have 5 tattoo's planed but i cant have them till i have lost the weight, if i have them done now & lost weight they would look really bad. i forgot all about them.
  • beth_is_ready
    All of the clothes that i've been looking at and wishing would look good on me.. Because they will!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I was going to get myself a new motorcycle in March after I got my bonus to reward myself for all the hard work I've put in this year (and for going 3 years without a speeding ticket :D ) but I think I shall make myself wait until I've reached my goal weight too, just as a little added extra motivation.

    Although, I have a feeling when I hit my goal weight I'm going to decide I need to lose more. I'll still get the bike :) BMW S1000RR here I come!
  • jenwall1973
    I want a tattoo too! I know I'll never be a bikini model after having 2 kids, but I would like to like myself in a one-piece with a pair of short shorts and flip flops with a cute little tattoo on my ankle. Of a butterfly.
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    If I lose 10 pounds by the 22nd, I'm buying myself a new shell for my Miche bag.

    If I get down to my goal, I want to have a spa day. Never done it, but I think it would be a blast and so relaxing.

    I'm not girly at all, but for some reason, my choices are girly! :laugh:
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!

    Wings? Get a Leafs jersey!!!

    OMG no don't get a Leaf's jersey hahaha:laugh: I shouldn't laugh to hard, my oiler's are 29th in the league...god I wish they'd get their poop in a group!

    Hahahaha!! Why would I get a Leaf's jersey!?!?! LOL. I am from Detroit! Wings rule all!!! =) I live in Denver now though, and while I do have one awesome Wings shirt, it is not a jersey, so I'm going to save up for it. Have to represent at Avs games, ya know?

    The amount of Leafs stuff I have is ridiculous lol, my car is even painted blue because of the Leafs!!!

    Leaf's are OK I guess, I'm a Detroit hater though, boo! Go Ducks!
  • bowserette
    bowserette Posts: 36 Member
    I haven't really thought about gifts. I'm just excited to be back down to my favorite weight again. I'll start thinking and planning, though! :)
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    *fingers crossed for Hawaii!!*
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!

    Wings? Get a Leafs jersey!!!

    OMG no don't get a Leaf's jersey hahaha:laugh: I shouldn't laugh to hard, my oiler's are 29th in the league...god I wish they'd get their poop in a group!

    Hahahaha!! Why would I get a Leaf's jersey!?!?! LOL. I am from Detroit! Wings rule all!!! =) I live in Denver now though, and while I do have one awesome Wings shirt, it is not a jersey, so I'm going to save up for it. Have to represent at Avs games, ya know?

    The amount of Leafs stuff I have is ridiculous lol, my car is even painted blue because of the Leafs!!!

    Leaf's are OK I guess, I'm a Detroit hater though, boo! Go Ducks!

    BOO to all of you- except Chuck! ahahaha! GO DUCKS! :)
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I now have two things that I am debating between - I might just do both, haha.

    One is a tattoo that I have been planning for years and years. The other I just decided last night... that I want a Red Wings jersey. I have awhile to decide what player I want though!

    Wings? Get a Leafs jersey!!!

    OMG no don't get a Leaf's jersey hahaha:laugh: I shouldn't laugh to hard, my oiler's are 29th in the league...god I wish they'd get their poop in a group!

    Hahahaha!! Why would I get a Leaf's jersey!?!?! LOL. I am from Detroit! Wings rule all!!! =) I live in Denver now though, and while I do have one awesome Wings shirt, it is not a jersey, so I'm going to save up for it. Have to represent at Avs games, ya know?

    The amount of Leafs stuff I have is ridiculous lol, my car is even painted blue because of the Leafs!!!

    Leaf's are OK I guess, I'm a Detroit hater though, boo! Go Ducks!

    BOO to all of you- except Chuck! ahahaha! GO DUCKS! :)

    Awe yeah! I was at game 5 in '07 when we won the cup! :)

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I don't know what to get. I haven't decided on a goal weight yet, just going to wing it and see where I feel good. I figure I have at least 80 more pounds to go. Plenty of time to think of something good. My priorities may change by then.
  • bryanbolick
    bryanbolick Posts: 11 Member
    I've seen this idea on a few signatures and I really like it. Now the good question for me is what do I want and how often do I want to make these goals. I'm thinking like every 10-15lbs maybe gradually reward myself with something "better" as I go along. I truly feel though the ultimate "gift" for everyone is their progress with how they've done ya know? I need to put thought into it, looks like I've found something to do at work tommorrow :)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    When I've maintained my goal for 6 months I'm going to get the Tattoo I've been planning for the last few years.