(My Story) From 190 to 170 to Plateau to Quitting



  • cahf
    cahf Posts: 137 Member
    THANK YOU! It is great that you posted this, I feel like every time I lose 5 pounds it has taken so much effort that by the time I lose it I've given up and gain it back again. This time I'm trying to make whole life changes - even though I've tracked every bite and exercised hard about 6 hours/week for an average net of 1500 cal/day for the last 2 1/2 weeks I haven't lost an ounce. But I'm trying to have faith that if I just keep it up, eventually it will work. Stupid metabolism!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    This is meaningful ya'll because I think lord knows everyone on this site and their mom has got to know I've been stuck in the 180's for SIX MONTHS!

    Psssh... But I haven't really given up.

    Just started going slightly insane, but in that traditional definition where you repeat the same thing over and over again (diet, exercise) and expect different results.
  • lasombrs
    lasombrs Posts: 30
    I am just coming off a 2 month plateau. I wanted to give up so badly. i was pissed nothing was working. But i had already quite in the past and determined to keep trying. I did get past it and am back to losing. You just gotta keep at it!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I spent a month gaining and losing the same 3 lbs. I get it... Just got back to that lowest weight (that I only held for one day) and have been on it for a few. Hoping to move below it soon too. So and steady like the tortoise. That is kinda how I run too. :)
  • Bloomer723
    Bloomer723 Posts: 4 Member
    This is my first reply on MFP and I wanted to reply because I was reading the boards for motivation just for this reason. I started in May and lost 17 pounds almost effortlessly. For the month of June I will be lucky to be down 2 or 3 pounds. I feel like I am working out at a higher intensity and have adjusted my diet accordingly, this in theory should equal continued loss. Right?! . I know what a plateau is, but hearing it from someone else was really helpful. Thank you!
  • JonnyQwest
    JonnyQwest Posts: 174 Member
    IMHO the real reason you quit is you weren't practicing a sustainable way of life that would have kept the weight off over the long term......you used the plateau as an excuse to quit.....keep that in mind as you move forward. If you aren't enjoying the journey you will never stick it out long enough to see the end zone. I say this from my own experience ;-)
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    Thank you soooooo much! I just changed my weight lost profile, I've been between 172-193 for the last 2-3 years, I came from 267 to 185 in no time but the last 2 years have been so difficult. I thank you for this post. I will reach my goal of 160 and when I get there I will stay there healthy and ( Comfortably):flowerforyou:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Thank you soooooo much! I just changed my weight lost profile, I've been between 172-193 for the last 2-3 years, I came from 267 to 185 in no time but the last 2 years have been so difficult. I thank you for this post. I will reach my goal of 160 and when I get there I will stay there healthy and ( Comfortably):flowerforyou:

    Please don't tell me you've been stuck in the 180's for two years.

    We might be weightloss story twins!

    I'm so, so stuck in the 180's~!
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Please don't give up if you've hit a plateau! Make sure that you're not underestimating your food intake and/or overestimating your exercise. Get a check-up at your MD if you're worried. And remember, when the scale goes on strike, look in the mirror. You may be pleasantly surprised at how your body is starting to shape up! It's important to be in a good place mentally. What seems to work for me is the "notes" section on the daily food log page on MFP. I use it to leave myself "orders". I tell myself (in bold print): "DO NOT GIVE UP! STAY FOCUSED! THIS MEANS YOU! YOU CAN DO THIS. NO EXCUSES!" I have no choice. I have told myself what to do, and I won't give up. Find a way to be your own cheerleader. (Of course, I did make sure that my scale wasn't broken...)
  • Amazing story and great work!!!!!
  • Yea! I am also stuck at my current weight for a long time. Eating quite healthily but the weight keeps going up and down those 2 pounds. Anyone here knows how long will this last and what should i do to overcome? Thanks
  • I really needed to hear this! I have tried so many times to lose, and I don't know if I have it in me again...but I'm going to do it. Add me as a friend, because I would love to follow your SUCCESS story. It's going to happen! :smile:
  • medlaura
    medlaura Posts: 282 Member
    IMHO the real reason you quit is you weren't practicing a sustainable way of life that would have kept the weight off over the long term......you used the plateau as an excuse to quit.....keep that in mind as you move forward. If you aren't enjoying the journey you will never stick it out long enough to see the end zone. I say this from my own experience ;-)

    At that time, it was natural for me to go out and eat within my calorie range. It wasn't hard for me to stay active and be healthy because it had turned into a habit, and knowing that losing weight was an out come from it just made it even easier for me. But when the weight stopped coming off, even when i was doing everything 100% right, the motivation just went away. I was too focused on the numbers in the scale. But im glad this has happened to me. This time around i will focus less on the numbers and more on the way i feel about myself. I am glad i am not alone and if i helped someone in anyway.:smooched:
  • medlaura
    medlaura Posts: 282 Member
    This is meaningful ya'll because I think lord knows everyone on this site and their mom has got to know I've been stuck in the 180's for SIX MONTHS!

    Psssh... But I haven't really given up.

    Just started going slightly insane, but in that traditional definition where you repeat the same thing over and over again (diet, exercise) and expect different results.

    Things will get better :flowerforyou:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Thank you so much MedLaura!

    I am aware that a portion of it is my fault because I have been lifting, which causes weight gain, and have been experiencing clear body re-comp...

    But OH MY GOODNESS I want to see that scale say 179 for my sanity!
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    Congrats for coming back..... One of the reasons I plateaued when I came to MFP originally was after I'd been eating the typical 1200 cal diet for a while. I lost 7 lbs pretty quickly and then NOTHING for weeks! Like you, I was frustrated, starving and angry!

    I personally have been up and down with my weight, in fantastic shape, out of shape, and everywhere in between. I gained close to 100 lbs when I got pregnant due to quitting smoking and being lazy, eating crap, etc.

    Anyhoo....after being on a ridiculous plateau I educated myself on my BMR and TDEE and UPPED my calories to a NET of 1500 per day....PLUS eating back each and every exercise calorie. I felt better immediately and due to my body "de-stressing", I dropped 2 lbs that week!

    By doing this I was losing a steady 0.5-1 lb per week without depriving myself of anything. I kept my protein high and let everything else fall where it may. It didn't matter what time of day I ate either. I was close to getting under 20% bodyfat and then I quit smoking again last year and filled my days with sugar, and wasn't exercising as much as I normally did. The weight gain was totally my fault, and was totally avoidable, but I didn't do the things I knew I was supposed to.

    Fast forward to now....I was focusing on building as much muscle as I could since I wasn't willing to eat at a deficit apparently. lol I am currently easing into a cut of 15% from my TDEE which is around 2300 cals per day. This puts me at an intake of just under 2000 cals per day GROSS. I do not eat any exercise calories back.

    This gives me a steady loss of 1-2 lbs per week when I stay consistent. Since you were only losing approx 1 lb per week anyway, wouldn't you rather do it without giving up foods you love, and without feeling deprived and starving all the time? :)

    Here are a couple of links that are definitely worth the read! They've changed my life, have broken me from the old school diet mentality, and I no longer feel like I need to suffer to be healthy!


  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    Back in 2012 I got down to 230 lbs from 420 lbs. I got stuck in the dreaded plateau for 6 MONTHS. I was running 4 to 5 miles 5 days a week plus eating very clean, low carb, high protein. The scale would NOT move. I, like you, gave up. I just quit. From September 2012 to February 2014 I gained back 107 lbs of the 190 lbs I had lost! From 230 to 337 in 17 months! I am still VERY disappointed in myself, but I have learned a lot during those 17 months and I have gotten back on the wagon and lost 20 lbs since February of this year. It's been a SLOW pace but I know that I have to do this. I am taking things slow this time and not going crazy exercising 5 days a week when I know that is something I cannot do for the rest of my life.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for this. I kept losing the same 5 or 6 pounds (195-200) and started to give up. I would spend a few days not caring and then realize I didn't want to hit 200 again and try to be good for a few days. I wanted to stay in Wonderland. Ultimately, I didn't...and today I am at 202, but I have found some renewed spirit and hope to never give up. I am not back at the beginning yet and that means I am still successful.
    Keep going. I am going to keep going. Everyone keep going...LOL!
  • renee6515
    renee6515 Posts: 42 Member
    Good timing for me to see this post. I lost 10# then an addtl 30# last year but hit a major plateu and at the same time my dad got sick and passed away so I did the same-gave up. Gained back 15#!! So now Ive started again. Im doing really good so far, its only been a couple weeks but I think the first couple are the hardest. I was driving to work today and worrying about "the plateu" hitting again. I so needed to hear that it will get better and to just keep going! Thanks for this post!!!!
  • Thanks for this post
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