Considering the 10 Day Advocare Cleanse



  • dnmoehring
    dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
    I think it's interesting that people feel the need to be rude on an MFP forum to a complete stranger, lol. Says way more about you than me, seeing as you felt the need to waste your time commenting on something you claim to not find interest in. Luckily my skin isn't paper thin, and you know, I'm an adult, so I don't need to be coddled by supporters to make big girl decisions.

    I put those bullet points because I knew I was going to get comments (and y'all surely didn't disappoint, did you!!) and I wouldn't waste my time reading those comments. With that said, I was interested in hearing what experiences people have had with Advocare. If you haven't tried it, then you surely don't have any credibility in that area, do you? My body is at a set-point, which I guess is the better thing to say. Because my workouts and eating are only helping me maintain currently.

    I work out plenty, and I do lift. I eat fine, but not perfect and I could improve. And I've been at it for years because I don't believe losing 60 pounds in a month is healthy. So I took the healthy route and took my time. I'm trying to help a friend out, and I could use something to drop some pounds. The end.

    Just because you have an MFP app doesn't make you a professional, or give you the right to put people down. So put me down all you want, but to other commenters who felt like it helped them, that is their business and not yours to make seem unimportant. But maybe you need to be reminded that this is a "Getting Started" MFP forum, and to get a grip.

    And really, thank you to those who congratulated me. I appreciate it. If you want some non-judgmental support, feel free to friend me. If you'd like to continue to be negative, go ahead. I quite literally am not bothered!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I think it's interesting that people feel the need to be rude on an MFP forum to a complete stranger, lol. Says way more about you than me, seeing as you felt the need to waste your time commenting on something you claim to not find interest in. Luckily my skin isn't paper thin, and you know, I'm an adult, so I don't need to be coddled by supporters to make big girl decisions.

    I put those bullet points because I knew I was going to get comments (and y'all surely didn't disappoint, did you!!) and I wouldn't waste my time reading those comments. With that said, I was interested in hearing what experiences people have had with Advocare. If you haven't tried it, then you surely don't have any credibility in that area, do you? My body is at a set-point, which I guess is the better thing to say. Because my workouts and eating are only helping me maintain currently.

    I work out plenty, and I do lift. I eat fine, but not perfect and I could improve. And I've been at it for years because I don't believe losing 60 pounds in a month is healthy. So I took the healthy route and took my time. I'm trying to help a friend out, and I could use something to drop some pounds. The end.

    Just because you have an MFP app doesn't make you a professional, or give you the right to put people down. So put me down all you want, but to other commenters who felt like it helped them, that is their business and not yours to make seem unimportant. But maybe you need to be reminded that this is a "Getting Started" MFP forum, and to get a grip.

    And really, thank you to those who congratulated me. I appreciate it. If you want some non-judgmental support, feel free to friend me. If you'd like to continue to be negative, go ahead. I quite literally am not bothered!

    Cue the third-person butthurt white knight! You're a few hours late though.

    *Edited to add an oops!

    But anyway, first-person butthurt, yeah, still kinda silly. Nobody was attacking you. But this is a silly idea.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    If you truly want opinions on Advocare and not our snarky BS, let me suggest one of my favorite researches: Google.

    Search queries could include:

    Advocare Forum
    Advocare Reviews
    Advocare Experiences
    Advocare Support Group

    How easy is that?
  • dnmoehring
    dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
    Well, seeing as it's my forum topic and I have a job, I think it's fine to answer when I want :)
  • dnmoehring
    dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
    It is easy, yes. But I can use MFP, it's cool. You don't have to answer anymore! Thanks for the help!
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    It is easy, yes. But I can use MFP, it's cool. You don't have to answer anymore! Thanks for the help!

    It's more fun to get a rise out of people than the answer you're looking for, right?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Well, seeing as it's my forum topic and I have a job, I think it's fine to answer when I want :)

    I have a job too, but if you wanna send me your Advocare money, I'd at least give you a worthwhile weight loss strategy :)
  • dnmoehring
    dnmoehring Posts: 64 Member
    Well, seeing as it's my forum topic and I have a job, I think it's fine to answer when I want :)

    I have a job too, but if you wanna send me your Advocare money, I'd at least give you a worthwhile weight loss strategy :)

    Not intended as an insult, just a reason why it took me a few hours to respond.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Well, seeing as it's my forum topic and I have a job, I think it's fine to answer when I want :)

    I have a job too, but if you wanna send me your Advocare money, I'd at least give you a worthwhile weight loss strategy :)

    Not intended as an insult, just a reason why it took me a few hours to respond.

  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Most people get constipated on Advocare from too much fiber which kind of defeats the purpose of cleansing. I've had a number of friends who have done it and were extremely disappointed by how little they lost compared to how much they spent on it. All advocare is is healthy eating with a bunch of other crap you don't need. If you want to detox eat clean. That's the easiest way to detox. You don't need to suck down juices or take in too much fiber, you need to get rid of all the **** in your diet and not for just a week but for at least a month.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member

    It's a sticky on the top of the general forums.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
  • karlacarman
    karlacarman Posts: 6 Member
    Right before I started using Advocare, I was rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure was through the roof & my sugar levels where outrageous. I knew I had to lose weight and so I decided to contact a personal trainer to guide me through my journey. I was introduced to Advocare through my coach and since then I have been off of the blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, thyroid meds. Not making any medical claims. However, the proper use of supplements along with the proper nutrition and exercise have given me my life back. Ten months ago I was told I would die of a heart attack before I turned 41 if I didn't change. I ran a 5K for my 41st birthday in under 35 minutes!

    And even though I didn't feel the NEED to respond, I owe it to myself to stay true to what's worked for me. Just like the choice all of you made on your journey to better health and fitness. I made a choice to use Advocare products... I'm not trying to "push" Advocare on anyone... again it's a choice I made, and I merely responded to someone's question on if the products work.

    I wish everyone continued success! :flowerforyou:
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Right before I started using Advocare, I was rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure was through the roof & my sugar levels where outrageous. I knew I had to lose weight and so I decided to contact a personal trainer to guide me through my journey. I was introduced to Advocare through my coach and since then I have been off of the blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, thyroid meds. Not making any medical claims. However, the proper use of supplements along with the proper nutrition and exercise have given me my life back. Ten months ago I was told I would die of a heart attack before I turned 41 if I didn't change. I ran a 5K for my 41st birthday in under 35 minutes!

    And even though I didn't feel the NEED to respond, I owe it to myself to stay true to what's worked for me. Just like the choice all of you made on your journey to better health and fitness. I made a choice to use Advocare products... I'm not trying to "push" Advocare on anyone... again it's a choice I made, and I merely responded to someone's question on if the products work.

    I wish everyone continued success! :flowerforyou:

    All of that is great, and I am really glad for your success. The thing is though, all of that could have happened with everything you did without the Advocare. Now, since you used it and made some great health improvements, that makes you think that Advocare had something to do with it, when in reality, it didn't. I would love your story so much more if you got to the point you are now and could give credit to yourself, rather than some product.
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Now, before the comments roll in:

    * I've been at this weight loss thing for a few years. I realize that most of these "fad quick loss diets" only produce a fast weight drop, and then it's easily gained right back if I fall into poor eating habits afterward.

    * I realize that if I workout and eat right (which I do, most of the time on the eating end) I will lose the weight that I want without the help of Advocare or any other plan.

    * "Bodies don't need a detox blah blah". I've heard this and I semi-agree, but not entirely.

    So! I was considering doing this plan just to hopefully "reset". Like I said above, I've been doing this weight loss thing for awhile, and I will for the rest of my life. I have a healthy appetite and a poor metabolism, but I've always enjoyed being active and frankly I have to be, because I can put on 30 pounds in no time flat. I'm living that fact currently after a near 60 pound loss.

    And what I do know about my body is that I plateau, and that is where I'm located now. Right on top of that flat plateau, and I need something that can just change my weight and hopefully work down from there. If there is any advice, or recipes, or anything that can be offered I would appreciate it.

    I don't have any experience with the 10 day Advocare Cleanse so can't comment on that specifically. I have a couple of friends that swear by cleanses. I take a lot (currently 11, some twice daily) of dietary supplements daily all very carefully researched. I do know that dietary supplements can have negative side effects and drug interactions. Most cleanses have herbs as ingredients that can also cause negative side effects and drug interactions AND they can cause severe dehydration. I don't believe the claims of cleanses but if I saw a benefit I would do a lot of research before ever using one. My rule of thumb is if my bowels need a bit of help, I take 3 - 4 prunes for a couple of days. Problem solved.

    I can relate to a reset. Since you are on a plateau you aren't in a calorie deficit which is a good time to make a few changes. One thing that worked for me when I was losing weight was to reduce my carbs from 50% to 40%. I also reduced cardio and increased strength training. Those two changes had be steadily losing again. We were on vacation for the month of May which meant guestimating portion sizes, eating out, and no daily weighing but I did keep my activity level up. The result was losing 2 lb. Perhaps a mini vacation from trying to lose weight would help you reset?
  • jennewren
    jennewren Posts: 7 Member
    Like someone else said, it's your choice. I've done the Advocare cleanse. I felt like it worked for me, cleaned out the junk and got my system moving again. But it's not a miracle fix. Like others have said, evaluate what you're doing, change things up a bit, maybe you need to eat more or less, more water. I know water is HUGE for me. Without it weight loss stalls and I feel yucky and un motivated. Good luck to you whatever you decide. You're obviously doing something right if you were able to take off 60pounds. Don't give up!

    what junk did it clean?

    what do you mean it got your system moving again?


    edited to ask:
    Congratulations on your 60 pound weight loss!! That's a huge accomplishment! Advocare has saved my life... so unlike others who have talked negatively about it, I am here to counter that and say that it has worked wonders for me. To date I have lost 85 pounds in the last 10 months...but like someone else mentioned, its not a miracle fix. You still need proper nutrition and exercise. Good luck with whatever you decide to do!! You are on the right track!!! Keep up the good work!!!

    how did it save your life?

    Intereste to see the answers to these questions.....

    dont hold your breath.
    the question is always asked, but never answered.
  • jennewren
    jennewren Posts: 7 Member
    _Heartsonfire here's your reply.. why are you being so negative?
    If you must know.. When I said it got my system going again.. I had issues with constipation and bloating. After doing the cleanse I didn't have those issues. During the cleanse I also passed a significant amount of bowel. I don't mean I was running to the bathroom, I mean the volume of bowel I was removing was significantly more.

    What junk did it clean?? All the processed food and garbage I was eating, that's what junk.

    Guess you have no junk in your system, good for you. Stop attacking people who are just sharing their experience.
    We're all here for 1 purpose to do better, why not support each other instead of criticizing each other?
  • karlacarman
    karlacarman Posts: 6 Member
    Right before I started using Advocare, I was rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure was through the roof & my sugar levels where outrageous. I knew I had to lose weight and so I decided to contact a personal trainer to guide me through my journey. I was introduced to Advocare through my coach and since then I have been off of the blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, thyroid meds. Not making any medical claims. However, the proper use of supplements along with the proper nutrition and exercise have given me my life back. Ten months ago I was told I would die of a heart attack before I turned 41 if I didn't change. I ran a 5K for my 41st birthday in under 35 minutes!

    And even though I didn't feel the NEED to respond, I owe it to myself to stay true to what's worked for me. Just like the choice all of you made on your journey to better health and fitness. I made a choice to use Advocare products... I'm not trying to "push" Advocare on anyone... again it's a choice I made, and I merely responded to someone's question on if the products work.

    I wish everyone continued success! :flowerforyou:

    All of that is great, and I am really glad for your success. The thing is though, all of that could have happened with everything you did without the Advocare. Now, since you used it and made some great health improvements, that makes you think that Advocare had something to do with it, when in reality, it didn't. I would love your story so much more if you got to the point you are now and could give credit to yourself, rather than some product.

    I'm sorry you feel the need to belittle someone's success based on your opinion and not on facts. I was closely monitored, and continue to be monitored by medical staff. This is my life, not a story and I do give myself the credit to getting thus far on my journey. However, I am an Advocare product user and will never feel as though my "story" is any less meaningful because I chose to take a different brand of vitamins than those others use.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Right before I started using Advocare, I was rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure was through the roof & my sugar levels where outrageous. I knew I had to lose weight and so I decided to contact a personal trainer to guide me through my journey. I was introduced to Advocare through my coach and since then I have been off of the blood pressure meds, diabetes meds, thyroid meds. Not making any medical claims. However, the proper use of supplements along with the proper nutrition and exercise have given me my life back. Ten months ago I was told I would die of a heart attack before I turned 41 if I didn't change. I ran a 5K for my 41st birthday in under 35 minutes!

    And even though I didn't feel the NEED to respond, I owe it to myself to stay true to what's worked for me. Just like the choice all of you made on your journey to better health and fitness. I made a choice to use Advocare products... I'm not trying to "push" Advocare on anyone... again it's a choice I made, and I merely responded to someone's question on if the products work.

    I wish everyone continued success! :flowerforyou:

    All of that is great, and I am really glad for your success. The thing is though, all of that could have happened with everything you did without the Advocare. Now, since you used it and made some great health improvements, that makes you think that Advocare had something to do with it, when in reality, it didn't. I would love your story so much more if you got to the point you are now and could give credit to yourself, rather than some product.

    I'm sorry you feel the need to belittle someone's success based on your opinion and not on facts. I was closely monitored, and continue to be monitored by medical staff. This is my life, not a story and I do give myself the credit to getting thus far on my journey. However, I am an Advocare product user and will never feel as though my "story" is any less meaningful because I chose to take a different brand of vitamins than those others use.

    I didn't belittle you at all. Sorry you felt that way. I feel like I did the opposite by saying that you should give credit to yourself rather than some product that was unnecessary.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    _Heartsonfire here's your reply.. why are you being so negative?
    If you must know.. When I said it got my system going again.. I had issues with constipation and bloating. After doing the cleanse I didn't have those issues. During the cleanse I also passed a significant amount of bowel. I don't mean I was running to the bathroom, I mean the volume of bowel I was removing was significantly more.

    What junk did it clean?? All the processed food and garbage I was eating, that's what junk.

    Guess you have no junk in your system, good for you. Stop attacking people who are just sharing their experience.
    We're all here for 1 purpose to do better, why not support each other instead of criticizing each other?

    You think the food we eat stays in our system for a lengthy period of time? And an OTC product such as this eliminates it from the body in a way that the body doesn't do on its own?

    TL;DR - if you have significant waste accumulating in your bowels, you don't need an OTC product. You need a doctor.