Breakfast Poll!



  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I just started eating breakfast a lil more now. Normally do not. When I do I like to have....

    Bowl of cereal and some fruit
    Greek yogurt with protein powder and fruit
    Eggs with pancakes, turkey bacon and strawberry toast (weeked breakfast)
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Full fat Greek yogurt with dried coconut every day for the last ten days!

    Sometimes I have puffed wheat cereal with coconut-based dairy free milk instead.
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    Ham, cheese and eggs, whole eggs.
  • spatty_harris
    spatty_harris Posts: 17 Member
    70g oats with skim milk, 2 teaspoons of peanut butter and a scoop of protein powder
  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    2 eggs
    2 turkey sausage
    30g nutricleanse now that i have it.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Every morning I have strawberry and banana smoothies.

    The recipe I use is 1/2 frozen banana, 3-4 large frozen strawberries, 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1/2 cup rolled oats and 1 cup of almond milk.

    I have a hard time eating all of these ingredients on their own (e.g. fruit, oats, yogurt), but blended together it's delicious. Kind of like how the ingredients for cake are gross on their own, but put them together and it's magic.

    I like spinach on it's own, I have no trouble eating spinach. I tried putting some spinach in a smoothie once and I will never do that ever again, that and the green bitter foam it produced was super gross. x[
  • Kelly_May88
    Kelly_May88 Posts: 9 Member
    Spices - Cinnamon, ground
    the Chia Co - Australia Grown Chia Seeds
    Woolworths Home Brand - Rolled Oats
    Coles - Full Cream Milk
    Pacari - Raw Cacao Powder
    Power Super Foods - Maca Powder

    I have the above made as 'overnight oats' during the week as I can take them to work.

    On the weekend its bacon and eggs or pancakes (made of 3 egg whites and 1 banana, or 2 whole eggs and one banana) and bacon.
  • my breakfast is an apple with pnb
    or apple with cinn. softened in micro with 1/2 c cottage cheese
    or eggs with veggies
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    My husband eats breakfast at work and has been taking oatmeal, which gets boring after awhile. Over the weekend I made him some sausage and egg muffins. Eggs, egg whites, milk, sausage, high protein bread, and cheddar cheese, baked into muffin cups. Just reheat in the microwave.
  • Kaye_Marie
    Kaye_Marie Posts: 15
    I, along with many others, do not eat breakfast

    You will find recent threads on this

    Breakfast is not essential, you will not die

    She didn't ask if breakfast was essential.
    She's looking for suggestions on what to eat! Gawwwwd.

    I usually eat boiled eggs with hot sauce, or oatmeal with peanut butter and banana.
    When I'm not lazy I'll make an omelette with peppers, mushrooms, onion and cheese. Mmmmmm, so good!

    Edit: Oh! Also! Sometimes I put a banana in the freezer the night before. In the morning I blend it up with peanut butter or something and it's like ice cream for breakfast. :)
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member
    I, along with many others, do not eat breakfast

    You will find recent threads on this

    Breakfast is not essential, you will not die

    She didn't ask if breakfast was essential.
    She's looking for suggestions on what to eat! Gawwwwd.

    I usually eat boiled eggs with hot sauce, or oatmeal with peanut butter and banana.
    When I'm not lazy I'll make an omelette with peppers, mushrooms, onion and cheese. Mmmmmm, so good!

    Edit: Oh! Also! Sometimes I put a banana in the freezer the night before. In the morning I blend it up with peanut butter or something and it's like ice cream for breakfast. :)

    Omg OMG, frozen banana and peanut butter, this sounds so good I'm crying lol. Jk but really!!!
  • eternalsepicsanctuary
    eternalsepicsanctuary Posts: 12 Member
    What I eat for breakfast is .. Usually cereal, skim milk and one bans cut up. I eat fiber one original or special k multigrain or oats and honey, ( with oats and honey I don't have the banana in it. May eat fruit separate. I like to finish it off with a boiled egg. Sometimes I have Quaker oats bana and skim milk, or I have two dropped eggs or scrambled egg, with a ( which I love suggest to everyone.... Pepperidge farm 7 grain 45 cl a slice bread. I have one or two of those with Olivia and sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on top. I'm very happy with my breakfast. I find it the easiest for a diet :) supper I think is hardest. ...... If I'm exercising though.. I really like to have a serving of fruit before I work out followed by after exercise 1/2 hour after breakfast. Since I started to go above a half n hour daily 45-1 hr. exercise I need to have something in my stomache. Important to note for muscle and bulk lifting weights your soped to eat immediately with protein after working out for cardio and lean bodies your so posed to wait a little bit and what you eat is different. Most people don't knw ths! Important!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,537 Member
    Pretty much every day I eat a slice of ezekial bread (toasted) with almond butter before I hit the gym. Then I come home and eat a cup of egg whites scrambled (sometimes a a whole egg) and two -three pieces of turkey bacon. On golf days, I eat either bacon or turkey sausage and an egg then a clif bar midway thru the round. My breakfast is groundhogs day.
  • sculli123
    sculli123 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Protein shake and hydroxycut has been my breakfast everyday this week.
  • eternalsepicsanctuary
    eternalsepicsanctuary Posts: 12 Member
    Waking up within 15 minutes have two glasses of water give about ten minutes if exercising Fortean bodies on serving of fruit exercise then breakfast. In breakfast I aim for 350-400 cal. Including 15 -20 grams of protein. Important in breakfast, cereal has it, milk, peanut butter, oatmeal, eggs. Those god options besides incomplete proteins. Next I try to add in whole fiber. As next big then fruit and possibly little dairy. Breakfast important is get in your protein. Then keep low cal with mixed nutrients. A bit of this r that. Most nutrients you can get in at low cal the best also spices are great. And fruit hels with energy for the day. One banana is higher in cal but tastes great in most cereals has tons of benefits but most of great source of energy! Skim milk is important. Try to stay away from juice and incorporate fruits instead.
  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    On work days, a big bowl of oatmeal and coffee with cream. Simple, quick, filling - and boring - but on workdays I don't really care. It's easy to log because I just copy from the day before.

    Weekends I change it up. Sundays are often a "fry up" of an egg or two, a small potato diced, and whatever veggies I need to use up. The egg is actually optional, but I do try to put some sort of protein into it. Ground turkey works well.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    I have a Medifast chocolate chip pancake, sugar free syrup and an egg. Along with a small cup of coffee and tbs of half/half. Helped me lose the last stubborn 10 lbs.
  • Nikkisfitblog
    Nikkisfitblog Posts: 149 Member
    I eat what I feel like. Then log it.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    my favorite breakfasts... hmmm... here's some i really like.

    either 1/3 cup of oats or 1/4 cup of oat bran with either half a protein drink mixed in or 2/3 of a cup of non-fat milk, stevia and a tablespoon of light sour cream.

    my favorite is 3 servings of egg beaters poured over 1 serving (only 60 calories) or trader joe's frozen hash browns already cooked, then i cook it more with the eggs and topped with 1 ounce of red bell pepper and a slice of sharp reduced fat cheddar. yummy!

    erewhon corn flakes or brown rice cereal - or sometimes half and half - with either non-fat milk or chocolate unsweetened soy milk with stevia, and topped with a couple teaspoons of xylitol. i might chase the cereal with half a cup of lightly steamed broccoli.
  • blue696
    blue696 Posts: 94 Member
    My new favorite breakfast is greek yogurt (I like blueberry or strawberry best) with granola! Its very filling and delicious!