Foods you can eat a lot of for 100 calories or less?

soidade Posts: 116 Member
So I've been looking at 100 calorie snack suggestions, but "1/4 cup raisins" doesn't cut it for me; I'm just hungry 10 minutes later. I'm looking for volume – things that I can eat a CUP or more for 100 calories or less. I know broccoli, grapes, kettlecorn, blueberries... Any other suggestions? Not doing low-carb or low-sodium, so things like pretzels are fine.


  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Strawberries, cherry tomatoes, mange tout, bean sprouts, cucumber, lettuce celery, pepers.

    Rice cakes
    Cottage cheese, Quark, yoghurt
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    You could probably get a couple of lettuce in as a snack for 100cals.

    I guess for that amount you want something substantial. A small amount of pretzels or raisens wouldn't really cut it for me.

    Try fat free yoghurt. For 100cals you can have a pot of 0% Fage Total Greek Yoghurt which is full of protein and will make you feel like you've eaten something. Add another 20cals to that and you have honey on the top too. :)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Most veggies. For example, I bought a can of yellow squash and onions. If I eat the entire can, it's only 88 calories.

    A whole can of cooked baby carrots is 123 cals.

    An entire bag of steamed garlic cauliflower is 140 cals.

    I use raw sugar snap peas as vehicles for dips, instead of chips. They're 88 cals for a 7.5 oz. bag. Add some salsa or hummus, and you've got a HUGE tasty snack for relatively few calories.
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    i'm a sucker for Skinny pop popcorn. It tastes salty as well as buttery and at 39 calories a cup,you can have 3 cups without feeling guilty.
  • KittyLizz
    KittyLizz Posts: 11
    lite aeroplane jelly, so many different flavours and it's 7 calories for one serving!
  • WishUponAStarx
    WishUponAStarx Posts: 41 Member
  • awak3ned
    awak3ned Posts: 64
    For something sweet as a snack.. sugar free jello...10 calories.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Why is 100 or less the magic number?
  • Optimistic2012
    Optimistic2012 Posts: 4 Member
    Roasted Carrot "Fries", cucumber & onion salad, rice pudding cup, Fiber One Lemon Bar, and bananas are my current go-to snacks. Lots of good suggestions on this thread!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Most fruit. Spinach.

    There really isn't much you're going to find that's filling for so few calories, especially if you want an entire cup of it.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    -Salads w/ chopped veggies topped w/ packet of tuna and spritzed with lemon juice. It's probably around 150-200 calories, but good volume.
    -Egg whites with chopped veggies and salsa
    -veggies and homemade hummus
    -lettuce cups w/ 2 oz shredded chicken seasoned up taco style
    -cottage cheese or string cheese and a piece of fruit
  • SamanthaKayShaver
    SamanthaKayShaver Posts: 43 Member
    3 tbsp of Egg Beater Southwestern Eggs- 20 cal
    Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Patty - 50 Cal
    1 tbsp salsa -5 cal

    Total=75 cal. Very high in protein and is more of a mini meal than a snack for me

    Fiber one Brownies, 90 calories each and perfect sweet tooth killer

    Laughing Cow cheese and cucumber slices. 35 calories per wedge and its like 20 calories for a whole freaking cucumber

    My local walmart has mini snack packets with apples/yogurt dip, celery/peanut butter, apple/cheese. They is the fresh veggie section. I always grab a few (since they're only $1 each!!!) and toss them in the bottom of the fridge as a to go snack

    A banana!

    A kroger brand cinnamon waffle plain. I don't know if anyone else like them plain, but I think they're delicious and 110 cal.

    1 cup of Apple Jacks is 110 calories. I eat these as a chip replacement.

    Miso Soup is only around 50 calories (but beware of sodium!)

    Low Fat String Cheese and a few slices of Turkey Breast

    100 Calories Healthy Pop kettle corn

    Kroger brand fruit and cream oatmeal is only 130 cal a bag

    There is a brand of veggie burgers that is only 80 calories. Wrapped in lettece with tomato and honey mustard. Yum! (I'm sure there has a to be a turkey burger that taste even better but I haven't had to go diet food shopping in awhile.)

    Chicken. Just plain chicken. I like to shred some, put some salsa on it and eat it like string cheese. I'm weird.

    I'm a snacker if you can't tell. :-)
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    The steamable bag of veggies (broccoli with seasoning, carrots etc) -- it has 2 or 3 servings per bag, but the ENTIRE bag is under 100 usually (depending on sauces). Thats a LOT of volume of food.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Broccoli, raw or steamed.
    Popcornopolis popcorn.
    seasoned nori.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Unsweetened apple sauce
    Miso soup
    Mini rice cakes
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    3 tbsp of Egg Beater Southwestern Eggs- 20 cal
    Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Patty - 50 Cal
    1 tbsp salsa -5 cal

    Total=75 cal. Very high in protein and is more of a mini meal than a snack for me

    Fiber one Brownies, 90 calories each and perfect sweet tooth killer

    Laughing Cow cheese and cucumber slices. 35 calories per wedge and its like 20 calories for a whole freaking cucumber

    My local walmart has mini snack packets with apples/yogurt dip, celery/peanut butter, apple/cheese. They is the fresh veggie section. I always grab a few (since they're only $1 each!!!) and toss them in the bottom of the fridge as a to go snack

    A banana!

    A kroger brand cinnamon waffle plain. I don't know if anyone else like them plain, but I think they're delicious and 110 cal.

    1 cup of Apple Jacks is 110 calories. I eat these as a chip replacement.

    Miso Soup is only around 50 calories (but beware of sodium!)

    Low Fat String Cheese and a few slices of Turkey Breast

    100 Calories Healthy Pop kettle corn

    Kroger brand fruit and cream oatmeal is only 130 cal a bag

    There is a brand of veggie burgers that is only 80 calories. Wrapped in lettece with tomato and honey mustard. Yum! (I'm sure there has a to be a turkey burger that taste even better but I haven't had to go diet food shopping in awhile.)

    Chicken. Just plain chicken. I like to shred some, put some salsa on it and eat it like string cheese. I'm weird.

    I'm a snacker if you can't tell. :-)

    I am going out to buy almost everything on this list! Great ideas!!
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    broccoli with parmesan!
  • danfeldman494
    danfeldman494 Posts: 18 Member
    Strawberries are VERY low in cup of strawberries has about 50 calories. That one cup also contains 3 grams of fiber, which will really help fill you up, plus tons of vitamins and minerals.

    Also, unsweetened almond cup only has thirty calories. Often I'll put some berries in almond milk and add some stevia or another no-calorie sweetener, really delicious!
  • bluefitness123
    bluefitness123 Posts: 1 Member
    Real Deal Pea Crisps - really taste good - 120 calories but the serving size is huge at 100 chips so just knock it down to 3/4 of the serving.
  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    This is about 225 calories, but I find it really satisfying:
    1 cup of plain cheerios
    1/2 serving (just under half a cup) of plain non fat greek yogurt
    25 raisins (I know....counting raisins is embarrassing and sticky)
    1 tsp of sugar

    SUPER YUM --- going to have it for dinner, I think!