Mainly for women in the gym



  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I don't really have a set routine. My husband does. So if it's a day when I am not called in for my second job...I will just ask what his workout of the day is.

    But as a rule, I workout 3-4 times a week. I always do 30 minutes on the ARC trainer, train legs 2x a week, and just rotate other weight training. I do what weight I can handle and work my way up.
  • magdavarillas
    I lift 4X a week, HIIT sprinting 2X, 1 day yoga. I wonder for all of you that exercise very heavy, how much do you eat? I just can't reduce my body fat % no matter if my diet is super clean and I cheat once in a month or less.

    I've been told that I should probably eat more, currently i am eating no more than 1800 calories and probably once a week i will go over 2500 but still clean food not junk at all.

    What about you girls? how much do you eat to keep losing inches?
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Awesome ideas guys! For those who lift, is this with dumbells and the like? In my gym, we only have the machines (shoulder press, lateral pulldown, etc)

    The machines are better than nothing, and if that's what you have, just use them for now. You could always invest in some dumbbells (if you're short on space) or a barbell and bench (if you have more space) and do them at home. The advantage of lifting free weights is that you work many more muscles with each lift, as you're using muscles to stabilize the rest of your body as you lift. It's much more efficient.

    This. And I'd like to note that a squat rack and barbell don't require as much space as a lot of people think.

    Mine's set up in a room that has about 6 feet by 9 feet of usable floor space and a slightly less than 7 foot ceiling. For those keeping track, that leaves about a foot on the ends of my 7ft Olympic barbell, about a foot in front of and behind my rack. It's a bit of a tight fit, but it works well and I can do most of the usual lifts (snatches and clean & jerks are the only questionable ones, but I don't do those right now, anyway).

    Regarding some of the other questions, particularly about how much I lift -- the Olympic barbell is 45lb. Due to a back injury that put me out for about 8 months and some ongoing hip pain, I'm back down to that for squats, but I'll be working on increasing that. My bench press is at about 85lb for a 5x5 routine. I haven't deadlifted in a while, but last time I did, I was up to 200lb. I'd venture to guess that that'll be down to 135lb or so when I do it again.

    My routine lately, while I dealt with the back injury, has been at least 2 days of boxing/kickboxing, which consists of a 15 minute cardio/calisthenics warmup (jogging/sprinting, high knees, butt kickers, side-shuffles, etc), 30 minutes bag time (generally split into 3-5 minute "fight" round cycles with 1-3 minute "active rest" periods consisting of things like burpees, squats, or pushups), and 15 minute cooldown/core work.

    I've started adding back in a day of weight lifting, now that my back is doing better. Right now, it's just squats and bench presses (arguably my favorite lifts), but I'll probably add in deadlifts occasionally, as well as rows, good mornings, and overhead presses. Once I get the logistics worked out for decent recovery periods, I'd like to add in at least one more day of lifting (because lifting is awesome).
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I lift 4X a week, HIIT sprinting 2X, 1 day yoga. I wonder for all of you that exercise very heavy, how much do you eat? I just can't reduce my body fat % no matter if my diet is super clean and I cheat once in a month or less.

    I've been told that I should probably eat more, currently i am eating no more than 1800 calories and probably once a week i will go over 2500 but still clean food not junk at all.

    What about you girls? how much do you eat to keep losing inches?

    Without actually seeing what you're eating, it's kind of hard telling, but you are very likely not eating enough. You need to be able to fuel what you're doing. Some girls here can lose weight eating nearly 3000 calories, because of how much they're doing. Also, make sure you're getting sufficient protein to maintain lean mass (about 1g/lb of lean body mass) and sufficient fat to maintain proper hormone functioning and nutrient absorption (at least .35g/lb of total bodyweight). From there, fill in with carbs and fat as you see fit, but don't be afraid to play around with how much of either, as some do best on lower amounts of one or the other.

    Additionally, make sure you're getting rest days. CrossFit uses the guideline of "3 on, 1 off," which I think is a good rule of thumb. Rest days are just as important as work days, because it's on the rest days that your body is actually making progress.

    Also, check this out for some more info --
  • soccerkon26
    soccerkon26 Posts: 596 Member
    I try to work out 4 days a week...every day I involve cardio (3 miles on the treadmill, or 2 miles on treadmill and 2 miles on a stationary bike). I then do an ab workout after on 2 of those days, a butt workout on another day, and a leg workout on another day. Boring, but I love cardio. (Well I don't love it, but I'm loving my results from it) :D
  • AlliSteff
    AlliSteff Posts: 211 Member
    I use dumbells and the Olympic bar with plates
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi- I CrossFit Monday/Wed/Friday
    I HIIT Tuesday & Thursday
    I speed walk the dog 2 miles every other day
    Friend me if you like
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Currently I do HiiT 2.5 miles on the stationary bike, HiiT 1.5-2 miles on the elliptical, 75 shoulder presses with 30 lbs each, a 30 mins ab workout, and 50 reps on the hip abduction machine at 70 lbs. I think those are pretty good for me..I just started back up this week so I don't have many results. I hope I see some soon!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Currently I do HiiT 2.5 miles on the stationary bike, HiiT 1.5-2 miles on the elliptical, 75 shoulder presses with 30 lbs each, a 30 mins ab workout, and 50 reps on the hip abduction machine at 70 lbs. I think those are pretty good for me..I just started back up this week so I don't have many results. I hope I see some soon!

    wait. you do 75 reps with 30 pounds- and that's just shoulder presses?
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Currently I do HiiT 2.5 miles on the stationary bike, HiiT 1.5-2 miles on the elliptical, 75 shoulder presses with 30 lbs each, a 30 mins ab workout, and 50 reps on the hip abduction machine at 70 lbs. I think those are pretty good for me..I just started back up this week so I don't have many results. I hope I see some soon!

    wait. you do 75 reps with 30 pounds- and that's just shoulder presses?

    Right? Call me a wimp but I stick to 5 sets of 5. I wouldn't be able to move for days.
  • magdavarillas
    Thank you, I am checking that website right now
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    How much do you lift? The only weights I've been doing (I don't even know if these count) are the shoulder press machines (30 lbs) and the hip abduction (60/70 lbs)

    Stop using machines. Start using the free weights.