Getting Ready to start the 17 Day diet!



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Please let us know your miraculous results 17 days from now.

    After staying the same for 4 months now...
    i lost weight already :flowerforyou:

    just sayin..
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member

    You aren't supposed to track calories. It focus on carbs and sugars first and teaching you the difference between healthy and not healthy foods. By the time you are done with the cycles you shouldn't even crave the junk anymore. And you should have a good idea how to eat properly.

    How can you learn how to eat properly if you don't know how many calories it takes to run your body?

    If you go from eating crappy to this meal plan. you will learn. If you eat the foods it tells you to you'd have to eat an awful lot to over eat. diet is a really bad word for this plan/ It's a plan to teach you what foods are good and healthy to eat and which ones to avoid. I would count calories anyway, but the focus of the meal plan is not on calories. Diets don't work. But learning to make healthy food choices will. If you continue it. I don't want to count calories forever, so i'm hoping this will help me get away from it. if i find myself getting derailed again i'd count until i get back on track. It's life.

    I guess everyone's entitled to execute their plan how they see fit. I'd rather count calories than worry about a diet(noun) where less than nutritious indulgences are off limits. I can't see myself eating from a list for life anymore than you see yourself counting calories for life :flowerforyou:

    I see you really have no idea what the 17 day diet really is, so you're just going off assumed knowledge.

    It's not "banned for life" Just "banned "for 17/34/51 days. so less then 2 months. Then I can eat donuts if I want to, with the theory being, i won't want to. Honestly I already don't want to. It's not a detox program, it's an eat these healthy food and your body will naturally detox. It's not a forever diet, it's a do this for a short period of time to teach yourself healthy eating and what nutritious foods are. It's not telling you to starve, the book actually says if you're hungry eat more. It's not a low carb lifestyle, although the first 17 days are. It talks about drinking adequate water and getting enough sleep. And teaches you why you need toe at all the available array of colorful veggies. According to my son's guidance counselor; It takes 3 weeks to make a change habit. I'd say 17 days is pretty close.

    I am personally struggling with eating enough. I am so full and I am way under what I need to eat. So i'd say it's working. Other then me needing to increase my consumption. Of course I always do this.

    Admittedly, I don't know much about the 17 Day Diet but the last stage sounds very reasonable to me. So you coujnt calories, include everything and just stay at a reasonable deficit? That sounds like a sustainable plan to me *shrugs* A
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    You aren't supposed to track calories. It focus on carbs and sugars first and teaching you the difference between healthy and not healthy foods. By the time you are done with the cycles you shouldn't even crave the junk anymore. And you should have a good idea how to eat properly.

    How can you learn how to eat properly if you don't know how many calories it takes to run your body?

    If you go from eating crappy to this meal plan. you will learn. If you eat the foods it tells you to you'd have to eat an awful lot to over eat. diet is a really bad word for this plan/ It's a plan to teach you what foods are good and healthy to eat and which ones to avoid. I would count calories anyway, but the focus of the meal plan is not on calories. Diets don't work. But learning to make healthy food choices will. If you continue it. I don't want to count calories forever, so i'm hoping this will help me get away from it. if i find myself getting derailed again i'd count until i get back on track. It's life.

    I guess everyone's entitled to execute their plan how they see fit. I'd rather count calories than worry about a diet(noun) where less than nutritious indulgences are off limits. I can't see myself eating from a list for life anymore than you see yourself counting calories for life :flowerforyou:

    I see you really have no idea what the 17 day diet really is, so you're just going off assumed knowledge.

    It's not "banned for life" Just "banned "for 17/34/51 days. so less then 2 months. Then I can eat donuts if I want to, with the theory being, i won't want to. Honestly I already don't want to. It's not a detox program, it's an eat these healthy food and your body will naturally detox. It's not a forever diet, it's a do this for a short period of time to teach yourself healthy eating and what nutritious foods are. It's not telling you to starve, the book actually says if you're hungry eat more. It's not a low carb lifestyle, although the first 17 days are. It talks about drinking adequate water and getting enough sleep. And teaches you why you need toe at all the available array of colorful veggies. According to my son's guidance counselor; It takes 3 weeks to make a change habit. I'd say 17 days is pretty close.

    I am personally struggling with eating enough. I am so full and I am way under what I need to eat. So i'd say it's working. Other then me needing to increase my consumption. Of course I always do this.

    Admittedly, I don't know much about the 17 Day Diet but the last stage sounds very reasonable to me. So you count calories, include everything and just stay at a reasonable deficit? That sounds like a sustainable plan to me *shrugs* A

    The plan doesn't count calories. The theory is you will know what is good healthy foods to eat, and will eat those, stop when full and continue to lose without counting. I would love for that to be true. But for now. I count anyway. I do that in addition to keep myself in check. Mostly because I tend to under eat, rather than overeat.
  • MeganMcBane
    MeganMcBane Posts: 54 Member
    I personally did not worry about how many calories I was consuming while doing the diet because I wanted to focus on listening to my body and how it reacted to different foods and focus on portion control. Not everyone has the time to count calories everyday. Don't get me wrong, I go through phases of counting calories and not counting but in my opinion I think its silly to worry about a number instead of listening to your body. Once I get to phase 4 I usually count calories just because you are allowed to have treats on the weekends and it keeps me balanced.
  • the 18 day diet is better ;) There is no quick fix, I didn't gain the weight overnite, so I don't expect to loose it overnite either
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I personally did not worry about how many calories I was consuming while doing the diet because I wanted to focus on listening to my body and how it reacted to different foods and focus on portion control. Not everyone has the time to count calories everyday. Don't get me wrong, I go through phases of counting calories and not counting but in my opinion I think its silly to worry about a number instead of listening to your body. Once I get to phase 4 I usually count calories just because you are allowed to have treats on the weekends and it keeps me balanced.

    My body tells me to eat entire bags of Doritos and peanut butter *shrugs*
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    I personally did not worry about how many calories I was consuming while doing the diet because I wanted to focus on listening to my body and how it reacted to different foods and focus on portion control. Not everyone has the time to count calories everyday. Don't get me wrong, I go through phases of counting calories and not counting but in my opinion I think its silly to worry about a number instead of listening to your body. Once I get to phase 4 I usually count calories just because you are allowed to have treats on the weekends and it keeps me balanced.

    My body tells me to eat entire bags of Doritos and peanut butter *shrugs*

    Yeah, that's why it's a good idea for some to keep on logging those calories.

    I started to use this site towards the end of my weight loss "journey."
    Over the last few years, I'd gained about 40 lbs., and one day I decided to lose it. Initially, I only started limiting portion sizes (along with regular exercise). Tending to be a bit OCD, I then decided I would log everything I ate. I'm currently at my goal (give or take).

    The irony is that I'm now eating more of the types of foods that I'd always avoided in the past (not because they were "bad," but due to the fact that I didn't focus my dietary pleasure around them). Last night, I ate over a third of a bag of Cheetos, peanut butter cookies before that, a Chinese buffet virtually every weekend, etc.

    I may stop logging at some point, but I doubt it's currently necessary (although I like the freedom of having an extra "junk" allowance each day).
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I have the book and would like to try it - why not -- going into the holidays may not be a bad idea to have a plan outlined. Is there a group for this plan? And people -- its not just 17 days of dieting -- its a way of eating healthier over a longer period of time and then taking you into a maintenance plan. Not much different then WW really.
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member
  • DianaGabriela2013
    DianaGabriela2013 Posts: 108 Member
    It teaches you to eat healthy in cycles of 17 days (3 cycles) My co-worker did it, lost 30 pounds and has kept them off for a year so far. He eats dougnuts once in a while, basically treats himself a few times a week but has learned to eat healty about 90% of the time.. something like that.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Please let us know your miraculous results 17 days from now.

    After staying the same for 4 months now...
    i lost weight already :flowerforyou:

    just sayin..

    PS.. the weight is still off.. and I've lost inches too..

    After Thanksgiving i'm going to do 1 round of either C1 or C2 again just to get back on track here..

    I didn't lose all the weight I wanted to.. but man I look so much better then I did that it doesn't really bother me. I'll get there. It's a marathon, not a sprint. :~)
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    wow more than 300 lbs lost. thanks for the inspiration.
  • I'm loving this new lifestyle from the 17 day diet book! I have lost 9 pounds in 8 days. I have 16 pounds left until my target! hooray!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I lost my first 30lbs using the 17day diet...followed it from January 2013 until May then joined MFP.

    Just keep in my if you are going to exercise 20mins max for the first 2 well count calories when you get to the final phase to ensure you don't gain it back...

    I used it as a yo yo tool for 3 years....but I will say it is a good jump start.
  • CampbellTony
    CampbellTony Posts: 38 Member
    If someone used this to get an intial weightloss and then changed to eating a calorie deficit, would there be a problem? Personally, I can't think of one. Then again, I'm no armchair expert. Cutting carbs and eating lean meat and vegetables doesn't sound too bad to me. I like bread etc, but I am also blessed with willpower, which is all any form of 'food watch' , requires. I want cakes and other goodies, but I just don't touch them. As for it actually being a 17 day thing, it clearly isn't, so why so many comments saying " and what happens on day 18"? I fail to understand those at all. Unless of course, those people haven't bothered to read the whole thread. Flame me if you like........but read what I've typed first and don't misquote me or twist my words.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I need to do this again.. I am being really bad with my food choices.

    Stress always unravels my eating..
  • I've lost a lot on that diet & it's nice to motivate or get off the last 10 pounds.
    It's just very strict & you have SO few options on what you can eat.
    You have to follow it rigorously & don't forget that 17 min of excercise.
    I love it but it's brutal & takes a lot of self-control.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    17 days.. no thanks.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    dead thread
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    How the eff this isn't full of meme's yet is beyond me!