Shorties Unite!!! 5'3" and under!!



  • Xenus
    Xenus Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya everyone.
    I'm 5'1.5" (and yes the .05 is legit!) and 100 lbs. My goal is to slim down(or tone, at least) my huge, HUGE, short legs. XD
    Raise the flag, shorties!
    I need friends, btw. ;) Running motivation.
  • Hello, hello!

    Whopping 5'2

    CW 140ish
    GW 105

    Let's do it
  • Xenus
    Xenus Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 54, diabetic, perimenopausal with hypothyroism. I'm now 5' 1 3/4". I USED to be 5' 3". I SHRANK!!! I almost cried when they measured me at the Drs. office. I hadn't been measured in a long time. I was upset because it meant I had to lose EVEN MORE weight than I thought. I'm still bitter :sad: :laugh: I've been on MFP for a long time and have lost some weight, but have 200 more to lose. My weight loss is so painfully slow. I wear a Fitbit and exercise 3 - 4 times a week with Daily Burn Beginners. I do eat all of my exercise calories, (because I like to eat) but have set my calorie goal at 1450 cals a day to counteract that. I can go 3 - 4 weeks without showing a weight loss on the scale. People at work have been telling me, wow you've lost a lot of weight. I just look at them with a blank stare because it's not showing on the scale. I'm frustrated but can't and won't quit simply because I can't. I will gain weight quickly if I do.

    You go girrl! I know you can do it. You might not be showing because your body might be tightening up and building muscles first. Just you wait and you'll be shedding the weight like autumn leaves. :)
  • Kelbelle87
    Kelbelle87 Posts: 6
    4'11 here!!!! How about not being able to eat as much as everyone else? That is my biggest problem!!!!
  • 4'11 here!!!! How about not being able to eat as much as everyone else? That is my biggest problem!!!!

  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    5' 2"
    SW: 161
    CW: 155
    GW: 125

    I'm 28, I've always seemed to have a crappy metabolism and a frame where weight loss and gain can seem drastic even if its 5 lbs. Anyone else in the vertically challenged boat feel free to add me.
  • LaurenAJ91
    LaurenAJ91 Posts: 10 Member
    4'11'' (and a half!)
    CW: 105
    GW: 98

    I have fluctuated from between 112 and 84 lbs over the last seven years, this time I'm determined to do things healthily :)
    A few pounds lost or gained is really noticeable on us shorties, which is great if you're losing!

    Being accountable to friends has helped me so much, feel free to add me for two-way motivation and support!
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • Well im 5'3" and 153lbs
  • veeter
    veeter Posts: 3 Member
    Wow!!! That is a huge accomplishment.You are an inspiration. I wish you continued success.
  • veeter
    veeter Posts: 3 Member
    im 5'3'', 23 years old. I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 229 lbs!!! I currently weigh 191.8! i am feeling great!!! my goal is 160. We are trying to get pregnant so losing weight is a big deal for me to achieve this!!! ive lost 37 lbs in 70 days!! And im still trucking :)