What do you think about when you Run?



  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Finishing. I am a new runner, so I am still working on hitting "my stride" and have never zoned out. I spend most of the run telling myself it's not that bad, that I can just go a little further, that the sun isn't that bad, there's shade ahead, that if I just go a few more minutes I'll feel better and it will get easier. It never does.....but seriously, all I think of is the run being over!!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    When I'm cycling I'm looking out for every other idiot out to walk in front of me or drive over me, best line on the road, potholes, blind bends etc, so it is a relief to go for a run where I can put on an MP3 player, fill my head with music and switch off my brain for a bit - off road that is and not running out in front of cyclists!

    I also swim in the sea, in lakes and rivers and even there I seem to think about whether the water is cold or just comfortable, aware of swimming through areas of different temperatures, fish swimming under me, the terrain of the sea bed or the yawning darkness of the lake - so much stimulus coming in that I don't have time to start thinking of other things.

    I think I prefer the swimming, then running, then cycling in that order for the ability to just switch off and listen in on myself for a change.