Breakfast or no?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    1.) Do you eat breakfast? Yes, breakfast is my biggest meal.
    2.) How much weight have you lost? 44 pounds.
    3.) Personally, do you think breakfast helps w/ metabolism or no? Why? No. Metabolism is increased by exercise and gaining muscle. Exercise is easy, but muscle is hard to obtain.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Always eat breakfast. Would be eating my planner at work if I didn't. Always hungrier in the morning. Weekdays, I max out breakfast at 400-ish calories. Weekends, I tend to eat more of a brunch.

    Lost 22 pounds.

    I don't buy into the "breakfast kick starts your metabolism" stuff, I eat breakfast because I'm hungry in the morning.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    1) don't eat breakfast (IF here)
    2) maintaining
    3) no, meal timing doesn't matter, only calories/macros
  • TeriaShae
    TeriaShae Posts: 144 Member
    Your questions are meaningless. Those are matters that differ from person to person.

    What stays the same is, the deficit is all that matters.

    Meaningless? It's a poll and I'm curious of ALL opinions. I'm not dissing one over the other. Everyone is different.
    *face to palm*
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Just a curious poll.
    1.) Do you eat breakfast?
    2.) How much weight have you lost?
    3.) Personally, do you think breakfast helps w/ metabolism or no? Why?

    1. Yes
    2. 49 pounds
    3. No, I don't think it helps metabolism, but I really don't know it for a fact.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    1. Nope don't eat it except for the once a month Sunday breakfast hubby and I go out for
    2. 113 pounds
    3. No it does not jumpstart your metabolism, it's all about calorie deficit and is personal preference on when you like to consume your calories
  • Kotuliak
    Kotuliak Posts: 259 Member
    Meaningless? It's a poll and I'm curious of ALL opinions. I'm not dissing one over the other. Everyone is different.
    Sorry, I totally misunderstood.

    1. Yes.
    2. 25 lbs.
    3. No, because whether I eat breakfast or not has no impact on my weight loss. (I tried not eating breakfast for about 2 months with no effect.)
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    1. Yes, every day
    2. 60lbs, maintaining for a year
    3. No, increasing activity and fitness improves metabolism.
  • Clarehc
    Clarehc Posts: 15 Member
    1 - Rarely, I've never been able to eat in the mornings even as a kid however if I wake up hungry, I will eat a piece of toast. Most days though, breakfast is around 10.30 -11 am.

    2 - 43lb or thereabouts.

    3 - Everyone's metabolism is different so it's subjective however overall, I don't think it matters a great deal. Use your calories in whatever way works best for you.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    1. I only eat breakfast on non-training days, but it is still and hour or two after I wake up.
    2. I lose, gain and maintain at different points.
    3. No. I feel that being up out of bed after being fasted for 6+ hours your primarily running on stored bodyfat. I don't feel I should eat right away and take advantage of it.
  • squirrelmom102
    squirrelmom102 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes I do, I if I don't I feel off the whole day.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,212 MFP Moderator
    1 - Nope. Unless coffee counts.
    2 - have lost 60 pounds.
    3 - No, I don't think lack of breakfast affects metabolism.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I do because I rarely eat after 6pm so I'm starving by 8am.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    1.) Yes
    2.) 40lbs
    3.) I do as most people say the more meals you can have in a day the more your metabolism is being made to work.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Just a curious poll.
    1.) Do you eat breakfast?
    2.) How much weight have you lost?
    3.) Personally, do you think breakfast helps w/ metabolism or no? Why?
    Who cares what other people do. Do what works for you. I'm stunned about how many different threads there's been about this in a week
  • susieqtx123
    susieqtx123 Posts: 29 Member
    Breakfast for me yes. I often find that if I don't I eat breakfast, I often snack more & eat more calories throughout the day. I don't know about the science stuff about burning metabolism, but I do feel it starts my day off right if I eat breakfast. I also get less headaches & feel I have more energy!

    I think if not having breakfast works for you, then go for it . But breakfast for me is a great start to the day.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I eat breakfast every day.
    75 pounds lost
    I am hungry in the morning so I eat breakfast. Breakfast is the first fuel of the day.

    Do what is best for you is the best advice. Experiment. Get happy with it.

    This morning I am making an egg-white (70 cal), bacon (35 cal), low-fat sausage (140 cal), low-fat cheese (provolone - 50 cal) omelette, and veggies to suit (maybe 10 cal). About 300 calories total. The whole family tears this up! It tastes great. Saves well in the fridge and reheats like a champ. Slap a little salsa or hot sauce on this for added zip. Bon appetite!
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    1) the first meal you eat on any given day is breakfast (breakfast means literally "break fast")
    2) 25 lbs
    3) your metabolism is unique to you and is not affected by what time you choose to eat.
  • Pinkgoldturquoise
    Pinkgoldturquoise Posts: 24 Member
    Ive lost 18 lbs so far...eating breakfast....10lbs to go :)
  • ClinicalTrial
    ClinicalTrial Posts: 55 Member
    3.) Personally, do you think breakfast helps w/ metabolism or no? Why?

    How is this a personal question? It's unequivocally a scientific one, to which the answer is that no such evidence has been found in favour of breakfast augmenting metabolism more or less than a meal more spaced.

    If you wanted to ask a personal question about breakfast, it would be, "Do you find that breakfast personally helps you with appetite?"

    And to that end, yes, it helps me keep my appetite in check.