31 days of July accountability thread



  • Kbelicious
    Kbelicious Posts: 10 Member
    This is perfect for me! I only just found out about this site and joined a few days ago. I have an event Aug. 2nd that I'm trying to get a bit trimmer for. I left my job of 10 years and have gotten into a bit of depression making it hard to be motivated to workout and eat healthy.
  • I'm in too! I have been battling my weight loss for years constantly giving up because the confidence just wasn't there. But now I'm serious & highly motivated! My short term goal for this month is 10lbs. Im really far from my overall goal of getting down to 160 (80lbs to go) but I vowed to myself to only be moving forward. Please feel free to add me the more the better. I log on daily and help motivate my friends :-) Let's get to work ladies!
  • laura0770
    laura0770 Posts: 161 Member
    Sure I am in :drinker:
  • sullrico18
    sullrico18 Posts: 261 Member
    Great thread, Rubina! I'm in too. :-)
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    I am in. Going on our annual Alaska fishing trip Aug. 6 and I am really wanting to be comfortable in size 14 jeans. Am pretty much a 16P (at least am out of the Ws!) and can wear one size 14 I have although it is tight. At my age weight loss is a slow go and seeing the 180s would be awesome. That would be 6.4 lbs by Aug. 6. Today I am midway through Jillian's 30DS. When I finish I still have 21 days til we leave so I may start over with a little higher weights, kick it up a notch and do a 21 DS with 7 days on each level.
  • GreenNight18
    GreenNight18 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I'm just starting PiYo so July will be the first half of it. Hoping to stick with eating good everyday. Anyone can add me, I need any motivation I can get!
  • ampherz
    ampherz Posts: 55 Member
    I want in! I've been struggling to get back on the wagon all year, and I finally decided I've just got to get up at 6 a.m. every weekday and work out, no excuses. I'm also going to log calories, which I've never made myself do. I have to lose weight!
  • tweetiejovi
    tweetiejovi Posts: 62 Member
    ok im a day early but feel I had a good day lets hope it continues
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    I need this. I am wayy too over weight and unaccountable for way too much. Tomorrow is a new month, and my new life :). I definitely need to stay under my calorie goal for the day and exercise more. Friend me if you'd like (any one) so we can be motivated together! I am having a good calorie day so far ^-^
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    What are y'alls "routines" when it comes to making sure you track?

    While I'm eating breakfast, I am cooking my lunch for work, and as I cook it, or add ingredients, I enter my breakfast, lunch, and snacks into MFP so that way it is already there, and I don't have to take the time to stop during my busy day to enter it in. And if anything is added during the day, I'll enter it as I go. My work has far too many potlucks of unhealthy foods (at least twice a week and we work in a clinic prevalent with diabetics!), but I find that if I drink my water all day, and I make sure I have enough snacks (fruits, string cheese, yogurt, nuts, etc.) then I don't have to give in to the unhealthy foods. Once I get home from work and picking up kids from daycare, I then work on dinner. This part I struggle with because I don't have any clue as to what I'll be eating for dinner and can sometimes slip up because it's not planned. I've definitely realized that I am a planner, so I really need to work on planning what I will be having for dinner as well.

    Side note: And this is only because I am proud of myself.........Yesterday my mom, kiddos, and I went to eat at Chili's for lunch. I usually order a Dr. Pepper and spinach and artichoke appetizer (my daughter could eat this ALL day!) right away. I can easily down 3-4 Dr. Pepper's during one meal. This time, I ordered a Dr. Pepper, a lemon water, and a house salad without dressing, which I shared with my kiddos. And believe it or not, I hardly drank any of my Dr. Pepper. I did refill on my water three times. My plan, next time, is to not order the Dr. Pepper at all, and to encourage my kids to make healthier choices with their meals, such as orange slices or salad for themselves instead of fries. This may not seem like a big deal to any of you guys, but it's something I struggle with, and I find that any change (such as drinking water instead of soda at a restaurant) should be recognized.


    I know how big this is to control your urge. Giving in is so easy but remembering why we are doing it is hard.
    My routine is that I usually pre plan all my meals the night before and always keep a healthy food item at hand. Like almonds or apples. Helps me prevent straying off. :P
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    Its 1st July here in India. And we begin... :)
    I'll post about my day at the end. Hope you lovelies rock it too. :)
  • jkostlevy
    jkostlevy Posts: 3 Member
    Looking forward to getting to know all of you and supporting each other in our goals!

    For me it's all about routine. Just need to replace my bad habits with good ones...
  • frozentrace
    frozentrace Posts: 60 Member
    Its 1st July here in India. And we begin... :)
    I'll post about my day at the end. Hope you lovelies rock it too. :)

    you can do it.. I did lose 33lbs from jan 1 till today. :D I'm so happy about it. I'm down two dress sizes. and I'm keen to lose another 30lbs by december as well! Now i have a solid routine of hitting the gym every morning before work for 80mins nonstop on the treadmill.next I'm trying to do tone my muscles with weights. and I log everything I eat. I open my MFP iphone app more often than my texting app :) Considering that every month there will be some event that you will go out and "enjoy", always remember to control. NEVER GIVE IN and if you do, work doubly hard the next week and remember how much more effort you needed to spend to lose the weight you regained, and it will help you deter all these temptations at family or public events.

    I'm taking another trip to thailand next week, and I'm gonna try not to gain any more weight, last month when I was there, I gained 2 kg for the 2 days I was there :( Not the best for me. But it was a very enjoyable trip, when I came back. I realized my mistakes and I'm not gonna make the same mistakes this time round.

    KEEP GOING :) 6 months will pass so quickly and before you know it, you will be 30lbs down :D
  • tweetiejovi
    tweetiejovi Posts: 62 Member
    ^^^^^^^^ way to go^^^^^^^^^

    my story starts in march 2012 when I decided to lose weight since then done alsorts become a runner (at least once a week 5k) and a gym member (this varies but try about 3 times a week) I had a goal for my wedding but now I got married amonth ago I want to lose my final stone and maintain which I think will be mega hard so far to date I have lost 6st 2 from my original weight and though im proud its very hard to maintain and keep up sometimes id say. but heres to new me and if I can do what I have done so far, then anyone can :)
  • joeyrebecca
    joeyrebecca Posts: 11 Member
    So today is Day 1? I am in! :smile:
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    ^^^^^^^^ way to go^^^^^^^^^

    my story starts in march 2012 when I decided to lose weight since then done alsorts become a runner (at least once a week 5k) and a gym member (this varies but try about 3 times a week) I had a goal for my wedding but now I got married amonth ago I want to lose my final stone and maintain which I think will be mega hard so far to date I have lost 6st 2 from my original weight and though im proud its very hard to maintain and keep up sometimes id say. but heres to new me and if I can do what I have done so far, then anyone can :)

    Proud of you girl!
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    So today is Day 1? I am in! :smile:

    Welcome. :)
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    Its 1st July here in India. And we begin... :)
    I'll post about my day at the end. Hope you lovelies rock it too. :)

    you can do it.. I did lose 33lbs from jan 1 till today. :D I'm so happy about it. I'm down two dress sizes. and I'm keen to lose another 30lbs by december as well! Now i have a solid routine of hitting the gym every morning before work for 80mins nonstop on the treadmill.next I'm trying to do tone my muscles with weights. and I log everything I eat. I open my MFP iphone app more often than my texting app :) Considering that every month there will be some event that you will go out and "enjoy", always remember to control. NEVER GIVE IN and if you do, work doubly hard the next week and remember how much more effort you needed to spend to lose the weight you regained, and it will help you deter all these temptations at family or public events.

    I'm taking another trip to thailand next week, and I'm gonna try not to gain any more weight, last month when I was there, I gained 2 kg for the 2 days I was there :( Not the best for me. But it was a very enjoyable trip, when I came back. I realized my mistakes and I'm not gonna make the same mistakes this time round.

    KEEP GOING :) 6 months will pass so quickly and before you know it, you will be 30lbs down :D

    Amazing progress so far! Welcome here. :)
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    Looking forward to getting to know all of you and supporting each other in our goals!

    For me it's all about routine. Just need to replace my bad habits with good ones...

    Knowing the fault is half of correction! You can do it. Welcome here. :)
  • Wow how cool is this. I've been gone for a few months and gained back about 12lbs. I decided to start again and I set July 1st as a new beginning. So very happy that I found this thread. I'm all in and I hope some of you will friend me. I need the Motivation and Support too.