Am I doing something wrong with my butt exercises..?



  • lakepowelllady1
    You can't do anything about genetics it is either there or it's not. Surgery is the only thing that's going to give you something Mother Nature doesn't ouch. Just try to love yourself the way you are, thats a big lesson for a lot of people.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    You can't do anything about genetics it is either there or it's not. Surgery is the only thing that's going to give you something Mother Nature doesn't ouch. Just try to love yourself the way you are, thats a big lesson for a lot of people.

    Say wha???
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I forgot to ask if there were any particular foods that could aid in a bigger butt!
    Any food that gives you a calorie surplus.

    Best butt exercise I know.. Squats with a barbell. Lift heavy. Worked great for me.

  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Glute bridge
    Weighted glute bridge

    you WILL feel it in your butt
    that's a promise

    This. If anything will target the *kitten* it's that one.

    Also when seated...squeeze those cheeks, but kinda not together... just squeeze them. Like just tense all the muscles. That works for any part of the body actually.
  • lakepowelllady1
    I don't want to be party pooper ( no pun intended) lol but you either have a butt or you don't, there isn't much you can do short of surgery ouch. Cookies always helped my *kitten* grow, so I avoid them.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I don't have a butt either and I run and do yoga. I suggest this is just your natural shape. And remember a lot of women would kill for our problem. If you ever figure it out, let me know. LOL. :)
  • elizabethmcneill1
    Did you manage to grow your glutes any? I know I'm a bit behind the times writing on this post haha, but I believe it is possible- I used to have a non existent bum. For me, I focused on shaping my hamstrings to achieve a bigger bum. Things like stuff legged deadlifts, kickbacks with cables, normal deadlifts, and obviously normal squats were incorporated in there too. My favourite exercise for glutes are Bulgarian split squats (using the smyth machine enables you to lift very heavy)... I could swear by them. I would put the back leg up on a bench, and the front leg should be bending, but not going over the ankle. Try to not push on the back leg at all, and just squeeze those glutes:). Took me a good half a year of training to get my glutes bigger, but it was all a trial and error process, was a bit clueless at the beginning concerning diet etc, but basically, eat very clean, and lots:). Take complex carbs immediately after training, and then your protein. For any other meals, eat your protein first so that it is absorbed first:).
    Hope you got your big butt that you wanted:)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I forgot to ask if there were any particular foods that could aid in a bigger butt!
    Any food that gives you a calorie surplus.

    Best butt exercise I know.. Squats with a barbell. Lift heavy. Worked great for me.

    Did you do anything to ensure that you didn't hurt your back or your knees with the barbell? And how low did you go?
    Google stronglifts 5x5.