I want to want to run!

So I have been stalled for a long time now on my weight loss, and I think if I stepped up my exercise I would see more results. I see people on here all the time that love to run, and I really want that, but to be honest I just don't. I love to walk, but run... not so much.

So my question is to those who hated to run before, and now love it. How and when did you start to like running? Any pointers are welcome! Thanks!!


  • ameybusiness
    ameybusiness Posts: 1 Member
    Start by adding some running to your walks. Start slow maybe walk 10 minutes run 1 minute then continue to build up the amount you run. Remember running puts a lot more stress on your joints so make sure so build up your running mileage over time.

    Best of luck.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Just have a go. Seriously, just go.
    Don't be mad if you can't go far, just be pleased you are trying. Don't overdo it and think you will run a bazillion miles, throw up midway and never go again. When i started, and i am by no means a marathon runner now, i used to think 'i'll run to that lamppost at the end of the street' and if i felt like going further i did. If i needed a break, i took one.

    I don't always love to run, i don't think i am fit enough to 'love' it but i like it. The first few minutes feel rubbish for me But try to ride them out and i never ever come home thinking it was a waste of time.

    You will be surprised at what you can achieve if not today, but tomorrow.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I started off running to get into shape for soccer and was surprised that I learned to love running for the sake of running (I'd hated running when I was a kid - playing a sport was ok but running just to run.....but I suspect that had something to do with coaches using running as punishment)

    If you're not sure about running my suggestion would be to start slow and easy, keep the runs short and try to think of them as grown up play time rather than a workout. Try to find places to run that are enjoyable (I'm lucky - we have trails that run along the Ottawa river just a few hundred metres from my front door) and don't worry about your pace or compare yourself to other runners.

    Give it an honest try and if you don't really enjoy it move on to something that you do enjoy, there are lots of different ways to improve your health and fitness and have fun at the same time.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I never liked to run in the past, but then discovered C25K. I really enjoyed building up to running longer time periods. I had to repeat some weeks, but that didn't bother me at all. Maybe try it and see what you think.

    A fun C25K app might help. I've heard zombie run is fun.
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    Finishing an event, the feeling, the t-shirt, the medal, the other people.

    I think it has a lot to do with when you train, you are typically alone. Then you show up at an event, you realize you were never alone, it's a whole thing!

    The first time I ever did a 5K, way back in the 80's, I knew I would always want to run.

    Register for a 5K that's a few months out, and get after it.

    It's amazing how much difference a $25 registration can make.

    good luck
  • Edie05
    Edie05 Posts: 10 Member
    I hated running at first (really hated exercise period) so I just walked fast. Then I started to run a little then walk, then run, etc. Pretty soon I was wanting to run more than walk. I now run 2-3 miles a day and love it. I didn't want to run this morning , just tired from the weekend but did anyway. Once I was out there it felt good. I was really glad I made myself do it. I also have a playlist on my phone of very upbeat songs that motivates me. My body changed and I lost a lot of belly fat that I contribute to running as well as counting calories. Oh, and buying fun workout clothes also motivated me to get out there.
  • Fitnin6280
    Fitnin6280 Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks everyone! You are all awesome! I really appreciate the comments and advice. I am going to give it a shot!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I hated H-A-T-E-D running until I was able to run 3 miles comfortably. After I got to that level of running fitness then running transformed from just a workout to my de-stress fun time and I became addicted (former gym rat only who scoffed at runners.)

    The first mile still sucks to this day but after that my body decides to let and go and enjoy itself when it settles into a pace.

    My biggest piece of advice is to get to that 3 mile mark with something entertaining. I used zombies, run! (full addition, not the trainer versions) so when I went out I wasn't just going for a run, I was actively engaging myself in a story. I wanted to go run to just find out what happened in the story line (the stories last about 30-40 minutes with the option to extend them to an hour) and that netted me better running fitness and before I knew it, holy crap, I actually liked to run and the story lines from zombies, run! was just a bonus. I never expected to be a runner at all but since then I've run a full marathon and am currently training for my second.

    -previous gym rat converted to runner
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member

    Run different routes.
    Run with a friend.
    Run with a dog.
    Run with music.
    Run without music.
    Join a running club.
    Find your nearest parkrun.
    Use an app on your phone (I like MapMyRun, but others are available)
    Enter a race.
    Remind yourself it's your "me" time, when you can switch off from the outside world.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    So my question is to those who hated to run before, and now love it. How and when did you start to like running?

    In the past I've always been prone to injury when running. About 16 month or so ago I started using the Couch to 5K plan to get up to 30 minutes of continuous running. At some point in there it turned into something that I was enjoying, and aftr I finished I was choosing to go out and run.

    I have a feeling that it was the progressive nature of the plan got me over my usual injury barrier, and as the runs started getting longer I was getting some secondary effects; headspace, relaxation.

    I now really enjoy my longer runs; 90-120 minutes, and find my shorter runs really useful wihtin my diary to relax and process things.
  • Kidsonic
    Kidsonic Posts: 18 Member
    I have tried running many times before and never liked it, but this time around I am really enjoying it. One thing that has helped for me is to accept that I will have good and bad runs. There are some runs where I am just not into it, can't concentrate, my socks are annoying me, whatever. I used to take a day like that and say "See, I knew I didn't like running." Now I understand that I just had a bad day and the next day will be better.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    So I have been stalled for a long time now on my weight loss, and I think if I stepped up my exercise I would see more results. I see people on here all the time that love to run, and I really want that, but to be honest I just don't. I love to walk, but run... not so much.

    So my question is to those who hated to run before, and now love it. How and when did you start to like running? Any pointers are welcome! Thanks!!
    You just have to do it and one day it clicks and you realise you like running. It's not instant it will take time and effort but at some point it will. Like anything good it's not easy and takes work and commitment. February 2013 I couldn't walk up a hill without stopping I started running in May that year. I now average 45 miles a week and on Saturday I ran 15 miles because I love to run. I did not love it to start with for the first few months it was hard and at points I hated it but I persisted and I am now at the stage it's a thing I can not see myself not doing
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    So I have been stalled for a long time now on my weight loss, and I think if I stepped up my exercise I would see more results. I see people on here all the time that love to run, and I really want that, but to be honest I just don't. I love to walk, but run... not so much.

    So my question is to those who hated to run before, and now love it. How and when did you start to like running? Any pointers are welcome! Thanks!!

    Do HIIT workouts instead. Don't run. Steady state cardio won't help you step up your weight loss. It will train you to have more endurance. Just do Tabata or HIIT workouts.
  • mooday
    mooday Posts: 3 Member

    Run different routes.
    Run with a friend.
    Run with a dog.
    Run with music.
    Run without music.
    Join a running club.
    Find your nearest parkrun.
    Use an app on your phone (I like MapMyRun, but others are available)
    Enter a race.
    Remind yourself it's your "me" time, when you can switch off from the outside world.

    ^^ This. Variety is what keeps me looking forward to running
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    Running is something I do early Saturday mornings and then in the afternoons after a frustrating day at work. Tonight it's going to be a long run, I think. I restarted by using the free C25K app which let me listen to my music while some lady was telling me when to walk and when to run. It's a really great and easy way to get started. Once I'd had enough of that app, I downloaded Zombies, Run! and I love it. Each run is a new mission, and I'm part of the story. It's awesomely relaxing and fun. I run to destress. I run for endorphins. I run for the 'zone-out' that comes with running (for me).

    I recommend:
    1. C25K app - it's free - take it slow, and repeat weeks or sessions as needed.
    2. Zombies, Run! - it's not free, but totally worth it, IMHO
    3. Register for a 5K that's a few months out - you'll have a blast, and it'll give you a reason to keep at it for at least a few months. Without that 5K hanging over my head, I wouldn't have stuck with it long enough to figure out how much I love the endorphins and destressing that comes with challenging my body to run. :)
    And last but NOT least - make sure you have a dedicated pair of running shoes - one that you use for running ONLY. If you decide to stick with running, visit a shoe store and get fitted for running shoes. It's expensive, but totally worth it.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    ^^^ All of the above! And you know what I do when I don't feel like running? I get on one of these threads and read about how other runners love to run and how good it feels to run and how good you feel when you've finished and how good it feels to run a 5K/10K/Half/Marathon, and I can't wait to get out there and give it my best! Good luck to you!!!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Steady state cardio won't help you step up your weight loss.

    Except insamuch as it can drive a more significant calorie defecit if required.

    In any case the question applied to how to enjoy running, whilst not running is one approach, it doesn't really address the point.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    Try the couch to 5k plan. I hate running but was doing great with the plan. If you have a smartphone, there is an app that will do an audible queue when it's time to start/stop running. It starts off slow and you can always repeat a day/week.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I have tried many time to run, I started C25K a couple times, I joined a running prep class at my gym, I tried to use the tread at the gym on my own, I got a dog and tried running with him...NOTHING!!!! I got nothing but serious hip pains and runners splints (I think they called it that). I talked to my trainer and he said that not everyone is a runner, even though MY MIND wants to. I wish I could offer more advice on it other than to just keep trying...but if you don't succeed, don't beat yourself up over it, just switch to another mode of exercise or walk farther than your norm.
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    Like some of the posts on here, it takes time. At first I hated running, sometimes I still do, but the more I do it the more I enjoy it. Usually I head to the gym for some alone and relaxation time with the weights and cardio, but something about being outside, even in the humidity and heat here in Houston, make me feel 10 times better than going to the gym. I guess it was because I could do my thinking without the feet pounding sounds next to me or the clanking of the weights down stairs....I could hear my music and take different routes if I wanted to. I don't tell myself how much I am going to run, I just listen to my legs and feet, I think for me setting a goal of how long to run gives me reason to quit sooner....last week I amazed myself with 2.9 miles...I never run that much.

    Give it time, don't plan it out just go with what your body feels is good! Good Luck.