Water, Water, Water

What are some tricks you have learned to get your water in for the day? I am trying to drink 12 glasses a day. I know it is important for weight loss, but I find it hard to get that many in and I get so tired of running to the bathroom every 5 minutes.


  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Your bladder will adjust with time. I bring my water in one big jug for the day and know I have to finish it by 5 p.m. when I leave work (or whatever arbitrary time I set for myself.)

    If it's 4:55 and I'm not finished, I chug. More often than not I'm able to drink it all throughout the day.
  • rosy_08
    rosy_08 Posts: 51 Member
    I bought a huge water bottle from Walmart. It was inexpensive and holds a lot (I can't quite remember how many cups). I just make sure to sip on it throughout the day.
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Bere is mostly water, so I just drink lots and lots of beer.

    Yeah, that's probably not very helpful.
  • R1ss4n1
    R1ss4n1 Posts: 35 Member
    While some people are proponents of drinking 8 oz before you eat, I like to take a sip every two or three bites. I can usually drink a 16.9 oz water bottle by the end of a meal without much of a problem. So eat six small meals a day and you'll be good! ;)

    (This might not work for you of course)
  • NikiaSue
    NikiaSue Posts: 259 Member
    Coworkers and I hold each other accountable. If one goes to refill their water bottle, they take everyone's. So if they offer to go refill and you have water left in your bottle, you gotta chug it down. Works for us.
  • jsilky
    jsilky Posts: 21 Member
    I bought a BIG bottle from the Dollar store that holds 74oz for $3... It keeps me from drinking diet coke (which I love)
    Most days I get 1 1/2 bottles. :drinker:
    Not sure if you like the flavor packs for water but that may help you get through a coupld bottles of water a day.
  • bestmeicanbe1
    bestmeicanbe1 Posts: 160 Member
    I use a 28 oz cup.
    I drink a full cup before each meal and snack and when exercising.
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    I bought a 32oz Rubbermaid bottle. I drink 2-3 of these a day (typically 3). At first, I felt like I was in the bathroom all the time but your body adjusts. I also keep it easily accessible and in my line of vision almost all day so I don't forget.
  • MississippiMama87
    MississippiMama87 Posts: 204 Member
    Sip, don't chug, and sip constantly. I drink 12-14 8oz glasses of ice cold water daily. My goal is to drink around 8 of the glasses by lunch and another 4-6 glasses from lunch to 5:00 p.m.

    I've found that using a straw makes it much easier to drink throughout the day. Every 3-5 minutes or so I just take a quick sip or 2 or 3 of water.

    I still pee all the time, but it doesn't bother me as much as it used too.
  • fatbegone85
    Oddly enough, I actually like water. I pack three 16.9 oz bottles for work. Then I go home and have several more. It's all I drink----aside from tea.

    ETA: I will say, I find drinking chilled water a lot easier than warm/room temperature water. Tastes better.
  • NinjaJinja
    NinjaJinja Posts: 147 Member
    I have a very hard time forcing myself to drink water. Forget getting me to drink it throughout the day. I tend to get thirsty in the evenings, and depending on how thirsty, I can down 1-3 bottles pretty easily. The worst thing ever, though, is if I eat too much and i"m full and then I get super crazy thirsty too, but I'm so full I literally cannot fit anything else in. That's happened a few times. And it sucks because I'm still thirsty. ;_;
  • smithcarola
    smithcarola Posts: 51 Member
    I have 4- 24 ounce water bottles on my desk that I fill up first thing in the morning. That way I have them ready to go as soon as I finish my coffee. If I don't fill them first thing, I will not fill them through out the day or I lose count of how many I have finished. And, as previously mentioned, your bladder will adjust after a few days. :drinker:
  • redmagpie91
    redmagpie91 Posts: 77 Member
    Your bladder will adjust with time. I bring my water in one big jug for the day and know I have to finish it by 5 p.m. when I leave work (or whatever arbitrary time I set for myself.)

    If it's 4:55 and I'm not finished, I chug. More often than not I'm able to drink it all throughout the day.

    I dunno about this. I drink a water bottle every hour or two and I go to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes! I am only 22 and haven't had any kids and yet I have the bladder of a 50 year old mother of five. Everyone is different, but you get used to it because the water is so good for you!
  • redmagpie91
    redmagpie91 Posts: 77 Member
    Coworkers and I hold each other accountable. If one goes to refill their water bottle, they take everyone's. So if they offer to go refill and you have water left in your bottle, you gotta chug it down. Works for us.

    This is an awesome idea! I wish I had a coworker to do this with
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Your bladder will adjust with time. I bring my water in one big jug for the day and know I have to finish it by 5 p.m. when I leave work (or whatever arbitrary time I set for myself.)

    If it's 4:55 and I'm not finished, I chug. More often than not I'm able to drink it all throughout the day.

    I dunno about this. I drink a water bottle every hour or two and I go to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes! I am only 22 and haven't had any kids and yet I have the bladder of a 50 year old mother of five. Everyone is different, but you get used to it because the water is so good for you!

    Actually that's a good point, some people just have teeny bladders, but I know for sure mine adjusts. And then if I'm slack and go several days not drinking enough, when I pick back up I notice I'm peeing more than usual.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    I have a bottle of 17oz with me all the time.
    I drink one as soon as I wake up, and one just before going to bed.
    During the day, every time I think of eating I drink water. If the need for feed calms, winner :drinker: and that way I drank more water.
    Every time it's empty I automatically fill it.

    PS: Usually I can drink 100oz/day :bigsmile:
  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    I bought a 32oz Rubbermaid bottle. I drink 2-3 of these a day (typically 3).

    I did the same, BPA free rubbermaid and I bring it everywhere, the gym, in my car when I go for groceries, right now at my desk as I type this post.. ;) Sipping all day, easy to get your 8 a day.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    I find it intimidating to have a huge jug of water in front of me... idk mind-tricks

    I make infused water at night (for the next day) and take it with me to work BUT I pour it into a CUP and drink out of the cup... the water stays cold b/c it's in the fridge and I don't get discouraged.

    Some people say you drink more if you use a straw... I just... no. I don't like straws that much.

    Good luck!
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    I have struggled with water drinking, but now have a routine. I always drink water in the gym and then top up on way out and make myself drink on drive home in car, same with every journey I make, I always fill my water bottle for the drive (live in a village so always a good drive to go anywhere)
    I always take a bottle to work and take to every meeting with the same must drink rule. The rest of the time I default to tea...
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    I use Mio. Fill a large bottle with water, and use just barely enough to give the water a little bit of flavor. I can't drink plain water normally so the hint of flavor really helps, and now I am drinking probably too much. :laugh: