Girl Scout Cookie Season...



  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    My 3-year-old got into the box and ate the whole thing. Problem solved!
  • My daughter just got her order form UGHHH! I have to buuy some just to help her right? So anyway, if anybody wants some, just friend me and I will ... NO! I will not sell them to anyone here. Good luck and stay away from those tables they set up at grocery stores!
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Thin mints straight from the freezer = YUM, has to be one of god's gifts to man. I also like tagalongs... but thin mints are my favorite.. and keeping them in the freezer will not help lol. The teachers (husband/wife) for one of my classes this semester already made an announcement about their daughter selling them.
  • mhowe86
    mhowe86 Posts: 37
    My daughter just got her order form UGHHH! I have to buuy some just to help her right? So anyway, if anybody wants some, just friend me and I will ... NO! I will not sell them to anyone here. Good luck and stay away from those tables they set up at grocery stores!

    Hahaha! Way to keep us on track!
  • luvmy3kidz
    This is my first year as a Brownie mom. I so didn't even think of the temptation. Oh the horror!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    2 boxes of thin mints ordered.
    Can't wait!
    Yummmmm :)
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    samoas are my favorite next to the peanut butter chocolate ones and lastly the thin mints--I will buy some boxes to suppor the girl scouts, and plan calorie wise to fit them in as needed...I will also make it dificult to get to them--deep in the back of my freezer so that I have to move everything in order to get the cookie...
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Try having a daughter that sells them! Those Samoas are the evil spawn of Satan! You can't just eat one or two.

    Try being your daughters GIRL SCOUT LEADER!!!! I have to pick up all those boxes and dole them out to the parents...if my troop meets their goal of 1000 boxes with orders and booth sales...that's somewhere over 12,000 cookies that I will personally handle...Fortunately our troop is going to use to send some to troops overseas so maybe they won't be in the house too long...I hope!
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I buy them I actually just placed my order for two boxes of peanut butter sandwiches. Which I plan to eat in a period of two months or so and will feel no guilt about them!
  • ssaemblog
    Fortunately, I don't like those cookies so I don't have to worry about it. :D
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    hoenstly b/c I have no self control, as in I know I will set down and eat the entire box in one sitting....I'm going to have to avoid girl scouts lol till cookie season is over
  • mandybelle
    mandybelle Posts: 6 Member
    The 100 calorie bag of cookie portions is a great idea. That is probably the only way I can stop myself from eating an enire sleeve of frozen Thin Mints!
  • nonchalantaka
    nonchalantaka Posts: 25 Member
    My daughter is a Brownie and selling cookies...of course I need to be the supportive mom and buy some cookies but I know I do not have the will power not to eat them. I need to make some executive and give away or buy and keep?:explode:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I can eat an entire box of Thin Mints in one sitting. I've found a solution to this problem. Same with the Boy Scouts and the popcorn. Buy a few boxes...but donate them to the Troops. GSA and BSA will ship your donated boxes of cookies/popcorn to troops stationed overseas. It's a win-win situation. I'm not eating the cookies...and the brave men and women fighting overseas get to have a taste of home.
  • mrogus
    mrogus Posts: 94
    I too love samoas...BUT I have found that the new Fiber Plus bar caramel coconut fudge is a dead ringer for a samoa!!! Imagine the joy I had at first bite!!! It was super de duper yummy!!!!:love: Give those suckers a try I can honestly say I am officially hooked on them now!!:blushing:

    I found these last night at the grocery store. They are to die for and only 120 calories! Thanks for the tip!!!!!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Okay, so I was Girl Scout Cookie mom for the past two years, meaning I picked them up by the carload, stored them in my dining room and distributed them to our troop. Can you say temptation? Anyway, if you are looking for a way to support GS, but don't want the temptation, I can suggest a couple options:

    You can "donate a box" - there is a column for that on the order form (which helps the troop and the organization to which they donate).

    You can order a box and donate them to a local nursing home or food pantry.

    You can request that your spouse order a box you don't like or take his box to work for a snack there - out of reach.

    You can order a box you love and bring them to work to share - don't open the box until you arrive - promise everyone the box(es) before you bring them so you aren't tempted to help yourself.

    I ate so many thin mints while pregnant I thought I would give birth to a full fledged Girl Scout!
  • denise309
    My daughter gets her order forms next I understand. My plan is to buy a few boxes (she's my kid...I have too lol) and then use ziploc snack bags to seperate them into 100 calorie/one serving bags. Then I can have a baggie of them and not completely blow my day :smile:

    I LOVE this idea, if I can have them everyday LOL and only cost me 100 calories, thats what I will do, you are BRILLANT!!!
  • 750legpress
    750legpress Posts: 32 Member
    I used to be a girls scout I feel the need to support the next generation. The cookies freeze really well. Just buy 1 or 2 boxes and eat them 1 or 2 at a time. freeze the second box for a treat down the road.

    I was going to suggest's what we've done every year...luckily (or unluckily, actually), I'm an empty nester so I don't have to buy any this year! Woooo temptation
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    The 100 calorie bag of cookie portions is a great idea. That is probably the only way I can stop myself from eating an enire sleeve of frozen Thin Mints!

    Too funny! I thought I was the only one who did that. Heard freezing them slowed you down . . . not so much in my case! If you put them in 100 calorie baggies you may have a baggie with one cookie in it! :sad: