Go see a Doctor - Just a thought



  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    The issue is, the ER doesn't always diagnose what's wrong. If I had gone to the ER (because they "can't turn me away") for my ankle pain, they would have stabilized it, probably given me some crutches, and told me to make an appointment with an orthopedic. Then what should I do? What if I can't afford that orthopedic trip? The x-rays, the MRIs, etc. That stuff adds up in a hurry. Heck, we had to pay almost $500 out of pocket for me to get a cortisone shot in my knee. And you know what I did before getting that shot? I talked to other runners here, described the pain, and they said "sound like IT band syndrome. Foam roll, ice, rest." You know what the doctor said when I finally went? It's IT band syndrome, keep resting, foam rolling, and icing, and here's a cortisone shot to help it along.

    For me, my bewilderment with those who come online to get medical advice has mostly to do with obvious emergency situations. But I think that not going to the doctor can make things worse in some cases, and people end up spending more money and have more downtime. It's not to say, either, that internet advice is always wrong. As you describe, that's not so. I didn't have health insurance for years, and it was supremely difficult. But there are certain situations where putting off professional care because someone on the internet gives you possibly wrong advice is not a great idea.
  • fayetinii
    fayetinii Posts: 17 Member
    If I went to the Dr as many times as I google any health problems I might have, he would have me locked me up! lol Google issue> Accept I'm about to die> Get better within a couple of day > Repeat cycle next time I have sometime random like a tingly toe
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Oh I agree on emergencies. I'm just talking about joint pain, muscle pain, etc. A lot of time other athletes (notice "athletes"...in other words pay attention to who you get advice from on here) will have experienced the same thing. I think that's especially true for runners, where the general treatment is stretch, rest, and ice. If I fall down the stairs and have a bone sticking out of my leg, of course I'm going to the doctor.
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    My criteria is simple - Do I value the body part in question more than the money it would cost to have it diagnosed by a medical professional?

    I still have seven toes, and an Xbox360. Win/win.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    If you have what could be a medical problem how about going to see the appropriate medical professional. Would you ask a random stranger in the street for medical advice? So why do people ask that of people on the Internet? Doctors spend a lot of time training so let them use all those years of training. Just a thought

    Because people need reassurance.
    Nothing wrong with that :wink:
    A basic human need to reach out to someone, something when there might be something worrisome going on.
    It's a thing :laugh:
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Because our health care system is completely messed up and going to the doctor costs a lot of money even if you have health insurance. And you go to the doctor and they are going to order x-rays, lab tests all kinds of other tests that can think of "as a precaution" only to find out nothing is wrong. Then they will push some kind of meds that you don't need or physical therapy that won't do a thing either.

    So if I can come here and explain what's going on with me in the hopes that someone else has gone through it too and find out it's minor and save myself a trip to the doc, I will. But I will only come here after I have consulted Dr. Google first.
  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    I've said it before I'll say it again... I'm not a urologist/gynecologist but I'm willing to take a look... I SERIOUSLY want that shirt!! LOL
    If your doctor is hot you don't want him to know your medical issues... JUST IN CASE he decides his wife isn't the woman for him..........
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    My criteria is simple - Do I value the body part in question more than the money it would cost to have it diagnosed by a medical professional?

    I still have seven toes, and an Xbox360. Win/win.

    Solid words to live by. Will you be my medical professional?