Wish I had his weight problem

My husband is 51 years old. He's 6'2" and 143 lbs. He has ADHD, and an injured spine. The man can eat sweets like there's no tomorrow and not gain an ounce. He's been pretty sedentary for the last 2 years because of his injuries, yet still doesn't gain weight. I'm really worried about him. He's a very picky eater, too. Pizza, chicken, burgers, pork chops, potatoes, peas, corn, salad, and sweets are his main diet. What on earth can I find to fatten him up? I occasionally tell him that I could floss my teeth with his legs. He also has a floating bone shard in his back, that if dislodged, could cause permanent paralysis. The doctors wouldn't touch him for surgery until he quits smoking, so that's out. I've told him that one catastrophic illness would wipe him out In no time because he has absolutely no fat reserve whatsoever. Any helpful ideas would greatly be appreciated.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Other than tying him up and force feeding him through a tube or cooking everything in coconut and olive oil- if he doesn't want to eat more- you can't change a man who doesn't want to change.
    I occasionally tell him that I could floss my teeth with his legs.
    I'm sure you're going to appreciate it one day when he says honey you're so big I could use you for a blanket. - body shaming is never acceptable.
  • MozzarellaSheep
    MozzarellaSheep Posts: 100 Member
    Ouch.. with the body shaming.

    Regardless, I recommend foods high in omega-g's
    Will he eat avocado on his hamburgers?
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Gaining weight is just as frustrating as losing weight sometimes. Eating beyond the point of being full can be nauseating and painful.

    If he likes pork chops, I would try some fattier cuts like pork shoulder. Pulled pork made with "country ribs" or "pork butt" or "pork shoulder" are all pretty calorie dense, and super delicious.

    I would also sneak cream into the potatoes, and try and find a protein powder he finds palatable.

    It's all about calorie dense foods, so that you can consume more without feeling uncomfortably stuffed.

    EDIT: here's how I make my pork shoulder. Carnitas are pretty hard to turn away: http://happygoodtime.com/2011/11/08/mexican-style-tacos-de-carnitas-crispy-pulled-pork-tacos/
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    I'm sure you're going to appreciate it one day when he says honey you're so big I could use you for a blanket. - body shaming is never acceptable.
    ^^ This. I understand your concern for his health, but it's no different than me telling my 260lb aunt that she's gotta lay off the McDonalds because she's too fat.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    . He also has a floating bone shard in his back, that if dislodged, could cause permanent paralysis. The doctors wouldn't touch him for surgery until he quits smoking, so that's out.

    Wait, what? He has a walking time bomb in his body and all he has to do is quit smoking to get it corrected... but, phsiht, that's not an option. *slams head on desk* The pills, the patches, the gums... I mean, hello!?!?!?!?....
  • HPrHP14
    HPrHP14 Posts: 6
    You should try getting him a weight gain formula from GNC. It is like a protein shake but for men that want to gain weight for muscle.
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    Other than tying him up and force feeding him through a tube or cooking everything in coconut and olive oil- if he doesn't want to eat more- you can't change a man who doesn't want to change.

    Agree with this. If he would rather risk paralysis instead of quit smoking, this is a guy who is happy how he is.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I occasionally tell him that I could floss my teeth with his legs.

    Yeah, that'll motivate him to eat more... :grumble::noway:
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    What effect does low body fat have on making an illness fatal that an otherwise fat person would survive? Serious question as I'm 12% body fat and don't want to die.

    It sounds like his food choices are decent, and that he doesn't have a disorder, so leave him alone. Nobody likes a nag.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I only like them for the Christmas play- if you ride in on a magnificent steed no one believes you're poor.

    so nags are a must.

    but only for Christmas plays.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I only like them for the Christmas play- if you ride in on a magnificent steed no one believes you're poor.

    so nags are a must.

    but only for Christmas plays.

  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Healthy but calorie dense snacks,nuts,guacomole dip, bannanas with peanut butter hell beer if he can have it with his meds. If he could quit smoking hed gain weight but that will only happen when hes ready.
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    My husband is 51 years old. He's 6'2" and 143 lbs. He has ADHD, and an injured spine. The man can eat sweets like there's no tomorrow and not gain an ounce. He's been pretty sedentary for the last 2 years because of his injuries, yet still doesn't gain weight. I'm really worried about him. He's a very picky eater, too. Pizza, chicken, burgers, pork chops, potatoes, peas, corn, salad, and sweets are his main diet. What on earth can I find to fatten him up? I occasionally tell him that I could floss my teeth with his legs. He also has a floating bone shard in his back, that if dislodged, could cause permanent paralysis. The doctors wouldn't touch him for surgery until he quits smoking, so that's out. I've told him that one catastrophic illness would wipe him out In no time because he has absolutely no fat reserve whatsoever. Any helpful ideas would greatly be appreciated.

    Jealous much?
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I bet if he quit smoking he'd have a better appetite. I know mine increased exponentially when I quit.

    Also, if quitting smoking is the thing that keeps him out of a wheelchair for the rest of his life I'd worry about that more than getting him to gain weight. My partner is a paraplegic, and while he is happy and well-adjusted to his new life, I don't wish that kind of daily struggle on anyone. Quit smoking guy.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    At 6'2" and 143 lbs, he's just barely in the underweight category according to the BMI chart (he's at 18.4 and underweight is anything below 18.5).

    If there's no underlying medical condition, he just has to eat more than he burns. Either get him to eat more of what he likes, or find a way to increase the calorie count of what he's already eating. It might look to you like he just sits around, eats and never gains, but it's probably just the case that he eats less than he burns. Eating more in order to gain weight is really difficult for a lot of people, and you're going to have a really hard time dragging him through that if he doesn't want to.

    Also, not to jump on the bandwagon, but there's a similar stigma surrounding skinny men as there is around fat women. If you wouldn't make jokes about a woman being too fat, you shouldn't make jokes about a man being too skinny.

    EDIT: Has he been checked for diabetes?
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Sounds like the bigger issue is getting him to quit smoking so he can have a much needed surgery. Focus on that, first, then worry about eating more.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Other than tying him up and force feeding him through a tube or cooking everything in coconut and olive oil- if he doesn't want to eat more- you can't change a man who doesn't want to change.
    I occasionally tell him that I could floss my teeth with his legs.
    I'm sure you're going to appreciate it one day when he says honey you're so big I could use you for a blanket. - body shaming is never acceptable.

    My husband has an excellent sense of humor, and laughs at me when I tell him that. He also teases me, and asks if I need him to carry me upstairs. We both know that's not possible, but we laugh just the same. We don't happen to be overly sensitive when it comes to the obvious. When we first got together, he told me he would never want to be in a relationship with a big woman. I was slim, and could wear his pants at the time. We're about to celebrate our 24th anniversary next month. I no longer weigh the 117 lbs. I did when I wore his pants. In fact, I'm 199 at the moment, yet that man still loves me all the same. Our sense of humor has kept us going through thick and thin.
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    No, I'm not jealous. Being underweight can be just as much of a problem as being overweight. Is it so hard for some people to understand a solid relationship in which partners can joke with each other? We are secure in our relationship and happen to understand each other's sense of humor. We tease each other good naturedly, not out of spite. Maybe a lot of you have had bad situations with mean and spiteful people, and for that, I'm sorry for you. You don't have to bother defending my husband from BIG, bad, me, because he doesn't have a problem with me. He DOES have a problem with gaining weight. If you have any CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions, he would really appreciate it.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I quit smoking on January 26, 2012 when I was in ICU with a blood clot in my heart and leg due in part to years of smoking. I quit cold turkey and have not looked back. I no longer smell like an ashtray and my granddaughter loves to hug me now. My car smells fresh and no one minds riding in it. My teeth are white again and I lost the grey color to my skin. I can walk further and with less effort than before. Best thing I ever did for myself!!!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I would worry more about that bone shard in his back. Get him to quit smoking. He'll gain weight and then can have that surgery. I have successfully quit smoking using Nicorette gum.