Need to drop weight quick, health problems serious!



  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Along with the other healthy behaviors, I have used an otc product called cholest-off to get my cholesterol down to an acceptable level. garlic pills are good for you also.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You will however, need to find a way to gain control over what you are eating each day. I use coupons and discounts to get cheaper produce, frozen vegetables, etc, and chicken is a cheap and healthier meat. You'll need to measure your portions to know how many calories you are getting. I'm pretty broke too. By not wasting your money on packaging and processing, you can get healthier foods for cheaper. Whoever is doing the cooking will need to get on board with this and if they care about your health I hope they will start paying attention to what they are putting on the table.
  • heyjude345
    heyjude345 Posts: 66 Member
    Loving the feedback, I appreciate it SO much.

    I guess the main problem, honestly, is that I'm not in charge of the shopping. I come home to whatever dinner is cooked for me. Sometimes I buy myself a premade salad and so far I have been able to pick not-so-terrible snacks but I do look at calories alone and not really what it's made of.

    I also don't have as much support as I think I need. My husband who is also having health problems and weight issues does not have any good shoes to go for walks in and we have to wait a couple of months to afford them. Our budget is very tight so I guess the real core is that I have lazy cooks at home!

    That's where it would help for you to eat breakfast and lunch before you go to work and dinner on your "lunch" break. That way, when you come home you can still sit w/ the family and have a small salad or snack, but you wouldn't be dependent on eating whatever meal is prepared. This will take extra work on your part to prepare and pack your meals, but I think will be so helpful in the long run.